I was born under the Cancer sun sign, and have always felt a strong connection with the moon. I wrote the song “Goddess Moon” for a lovely outdoor ritual in a Crow sister’s back yard. We planned to use it to sing up the full moon!

Goddess Moon, when are you coming?
Goddess Moon, where do you rest?
Little Goddess, you can feel me as I glow within your breast
For a long time, it was the only song I had written for Crow Women, even though I had written others in my life as a singer songwriter. So, when we got ready to plan our second album, Crow Magic, the band suggested we record it. I hadn’t ever thought of the song in that way, but with advice from Charlie, our percussion master, we put it to a swingy rhythm and I loved the way it sounded!

Use this song when you want to connect to the moon. To the dreamtime. To your inner tides. To the guidance of the moon goddess.

Goddess Moon, where are you shining?
Goddess Moon, when are you full?
Little Goddess, you can feel me in your belly as I pull.
Check out this exhaustive list of moon goddesses and gods! I recently started working with Astarte who is connected with the moon and is called the Mother of Stars. I found Astarte during the Sex Goddess ritual described in a former post on this blog!
Goddess Moon, where are you hiding?
Goddess Moon, when will you bless?
Little Goddess, you can feel me as you roll in my caress.
Stories of the moon from around the world are fascinating to find. One story I love tells of the Sun, Moon and Wind having dinner with their cousins, Thunder and Lightning. Sun and Wind did not bring anything home for their mother, Star, but Moon saved a bite of all the dishes to share with mother Star. According to this tale from India, Wind and Sun were therefore cursed to cause pain (burning and biting) whereas Moon is still celebrated for her gentle, blessed light. Stories like this can be found in Llwellyn’s Witches’ Datebook.
Goddess Moon, when are you coming?
Goddess Moon, where do you hide?
Little Goddess you can feel me in your womb now, deep inside.
Have you ever seen the hare in the moon?

Many cultures around the world see the hare in the moon, rather than the man in the moon, including the Japanese and Chinese cultures. I have started working with Hare as a spirit animal and I am finding it connects with my lunacy very well.

I visited the Southern Ute Museum earlier this year and found some stories and art related to Hare. There is a tradition in India relating Hare to the moon god Chandra. According to Pure Spirit Animal Communications Hare can help people connect to lunar cycles and the tides in their own lives!

The moral of this story is connections abound! As soon as you begin working with the moon you will find your own wealth of spirit connection. Blessed be!
Goddess Moon is on our second album, Crow Magic, which you can purchase from us here.
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