“The Mills of the Gods grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine” – Sextus Empiricus, 3rd Century AD
Seasons move in a constant wheel of life. Birth of new energy, growth, production, harvest, decay, regeneration. All that happens creates all that will happen in an ongoing circle of magic. As Pagans, we get to enjoy and celebrate that wheel turning.
The wheel turns to harvest time
The Harvest Season has arrived. Now is the time of year where we take stock of all that we have planted and grown this year. Then, we gather it up and determine what gets kept and preserved for the coming winter and future planting, and what gets discarded.
It is a time for hard work and deep reflection. Looking at our strongest traits and greatest weaknesses.
As the Veil thins between the realms, sometimes, we can intermingle and find offerings from outside energies that empower us when our harvest is lacking. Energies are all around us and in us. They radiate from us and influence those around us, adding to the rationale we use to make the choices in our lives.
Dare to reflect on choices
Reflection on our year’s choices can be tough, if not painful, but if we can embrace ourselves in our entirety, we will profit from the knowledge. We are not Immortal. We have a limited time to make choices and learn from them. Knowing our truest selves early on can make all the difference when faced with choices that will change the future.
I have had the pleasure of writing songs for, and portraying an Immortal bard named Everon the XIII in a series of stories and the resulting short film written by Matthew R.R. Morrese. Everon has a moment where upon jumping down into a dry well to a secret passage, he reflects on all his predecessors, their choices, and their outcomes. (visit Matthew at: http://www.canticlesproductions.com/ )
Manifesting our desires
Many times, music has helped me reflect and examine my choices. It has also helped me to forecast the future. In that sense, music serves as a potential spell casting which presents the desired future as a current fact. I am constantly surprised when I write something that, at the time, was just a therapeutic wish, but then seems to manifest into an actual reality. I would like to think that this is proof of the magic of artistic creations. They come into existence, and they suggest a reality so strong in possibility that it becomes true.
We can all do this. We each can draw, sing, dance, and write our dreams and desires into reality. The more truth you instill in your art, the more chance it has of becoming real. You don’t need to be a professional or skilled at any of it. Your intent, focus and commitment to your dream serves to bring it about. That, and lots of little actions inspired daily by that work of art, can one day add up to the new reality you dreamed about. Just make sure you’re expecting that reality to have some extra details you might not have thought of.
“All magic has a price, Deary!” -Rumpelstiltskin, “Once Upon a Time”
The lessons in reaping what we’ve sown
The Harvest Season is something to be ready for, but not fearful of. Yes, there will be things that have come to fruition that you wish hadn’t, things that went wrong or didn’t grow at all, but that is a positive, natural function of Gaia.
We should look forward to reaping in all that we have done because it will teach us and empower us so that we can do better and make better choices next year. We can handle the harvest with joy, sharing the experience with others in the celebration of humans endeavoring to do their best, even if it does not yield what was hoped for.
Harvesting my dream: “Fae Hollow Magic”
I leave you with one last bit of musical magic. It is a piece that is from a past coupled with a future that had been only dreamed of. A musical concept recorded long ago, in my previous life as Heather Alexander, preserved, harvested, and then added to later by my magically transformed self as Alexander James Adams.
It is a celebration of a magical state of mind. A forest of enchantment where all flora and fauna play and co-exist in a playful peace, just being themselves, reveling in their life forces, singing and dancing as one. The planting of a desire that grew into reality for me and now stands tall and in full bloom, giving proof that music can make things happen and that magic is real.
I wish you all a happy, healthy harvest. May the fruits of your choices bring you power and peace.
May Magic and Music be Yours,
Alexander James Adams
RyuuAja Music & Productions LLC
For many more articles for the autumn season, check out Pagan Song’s Fall Equinox page.
For more information about Alexander James Adams, including his collected articles here on Pagan Song, his bio, and links to Alec’s sites on the web, check out Alexander James Adams’ page on Pagan Song.
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