rainforest scene

Last Tree Falling

Most of the inspiration for my songs comes from nature, things that impressed or distressed me deeply.

Of course, one such subject that has a great impact upon me, as it does with many of the pagan fraternities worldwide is the prolific deforestation and habitat destruction leading to biodiversity loss on a massive scale. This gross deforestation leads to the extinction of various animals and plants and also reduces the uptake of carbon sequestration from the atmosphere. This of course reduces the potential of our forests to assist with climate change mitigation. 

We are losing these glorious eco systems to plantations for coffee, palm oils, rubber, and a plethora of other various popular products. Livestock grazing and the never-ending logging industry, mining and rapid urbanization heralds the end for these magical and essential environments, often leading to soil erosion and desertification.

And yet we blindly pursue the wanton destruction of the world’s largest pharmacy aptly named, because of the fact we harvest one quarter of our natural medicines from these jewels of the Earth.

My song “Last Tree Falling” aka “The Greenman Song” has for many years struck a chord with many “Green Hearts” around the world.

Photo by Maksim Shutov

I was flattered and honoured to find out that the famous author and TV programme maker Graham Hancock declared he loved this song and provided me with an expansive audience by sharing it around social media for me, adding to my growing following.

Aside from all this “what, when and why’s” behind my song, this subject is huge in the hearts and minds of anybody connected to the universal divine “Green Spirit”. 

Our plight and shock concerning this ongoing travesty will, and always has fallen on deaf ears of greedy corporate giants who adopt a convenient amnesia, never learning or paying heed to history and who are obsessed with their growing bank of GMO variant patented ownership of anything it can acquire from mother nature, including precious metals, minerals, stones etc. despite the cost. Their ability to turn a blind eye to the true cost of all this plundering, while playing homage to carbon zero and green agendas.

Prolific lithium and cobalt mining for the worlds E.V. markets has yet to show, the cost is beyond us.

Where are the wise men? They’re no longer here! There is certainly none in the ranks of our globalist, stakeholder controlling leaders.

Living off the grid, being self sufficient is something we may aspire to but has a short shelf life, and not be tolerated for too long, if you research the plans and agendas of unelected overlords running the WEF (World Economic Forum) you’ll be aware of what is ahead for us.

Photo by Joshua Tsu on Unsplash

Although I am a professional artist with a fertile imagination, I struggle to find a vibrant enough palette to paint with concerning our global well-being. That said, we will always retain our inner sovereignty and in the light. Our belief systems, our rituals, prayers and good intentions combined with our deep and true connection to each other, will be our unbreakable umbilical cord. I feel totally that we are at war with what we have always trusted and believed in, in terms of governance and democratic rights and law.

Nothing resonates more with me than being in, and honouring nature, within all seasons, all weather, and all elements. She is like a warm, cathartic, therapeutic blanket essential for health and well-being.

Indigenous peoples of the Rainforest have a deep respect and reverence for the spirit beings that reside there.

Tribal elders and Shamans communicate with these spirit beings through Yage (Ayahuasca).

I had the pleasure a few years back conversing with shamanic leaders of the “Ceibo Alliance” who were brought over to special event gathering called Rivenstone, in the heart of Dartmoor, UK. Their only wish was to create awareness and consciousness around the planet about their plight. Their hope was to convey to world leaders and governments that the Amazon was not just a forest, and that there are many potent spirits within the trees, rivers, rocks and plants and that we all depend on the for life.

Indigenous Amazonian groups like the Yanomamo and Kayapo have lived there for thousands of years, accumulating deep knowledge of the Rainforest and Spirits through their ancient psychoactive beverage used in divination, healing and spiritual ceremonies, now known globally as Ayahuasca.

Photo by Deb Dowd on Unsplash

Just as with the Amazonian tribal rituals used to access the otherworld and the spirit realm, our own ancient indigenous peoples would also transcend their usual states of consciousness to connect with a higher power, and they would experience a detached sense of self, known as ego dissolution, often producing mystical experiences.

The use of psychedelics, such as Psilocybin-containing mushrooms and the potent fly Agaric (Amanita muscaria) would provide this vivid visual imagery and enhance states of consciousness or connection to Nature’s spirit realm.

So, globally we have always, and are still wishing to communicate with the Greenman and the Goddess and maintain that glorious, divine balance and reverence even though most of our rapacious species only seek to take, use, and exploit every part of Nature. Many of us seek to sustain and cherish our unique love and connection to Gaia.

I can only assume that the old Gods are still watching, as the new ones have their way.

The compulsion and desire to produce a tribute song in honour of this story, of which we are all a part, came easily.

It seemed essential within the lyrics to also deliver a sober reminder of the sad jeopardy facing these magnificent environments and wild spaces. My own cathartic contribution to this dilemma is not only to express my feelings through music, song and poetry, but the simple act/ritual of planting a tree and wishing to see it thrive and survive into the future years, and hopefully I will witness this progress. Hopefully we never have to witness a scenario depicting “The Last Tree Falling” and we can embrace a future generation that is imbued by a wisdom, understanding and compassion that most of our present generation ignores.

click to watch video of “Greenman (Last Tree Falling)”

Lead photo of rainforest by Phill Brown on Unsplash

For more information about George, including his collected articles here on Pagan Song, his bio, and links to George’s sites on the web, check out George’s page on Pagan Song.

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2 thoughts on “Last Tree Falling”

  1. Thank you for being a voice for the Earth and all of the plant beings. We all need to do this to drown out the “short sighted business man” to quote Joni Mitchell

  2. Pingback: Sacred Ashes - Pagan Song: Music for Your Magic

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