I wrote “Magic all around Us” in 2020 and recorded it in 2022. The story of the song is older than the song itself.
When I was in my thirties I rode the mountain trails around Coker Creek in the Cherokee National Forest frequently. It is a beautiful area to hike, ride, and/or camp. On this particular overnight ride I had a pack horse to carry caamping gear and a chainsaw with fuel. I was riding the mountain top trail between Tennessee and North Carolina. My intention was to cut a fallen tree that blocked the trail and made it dangerous to cross by horseback. After cutting the tree and clearing the debris, I rode on down to a flat gap to camp. It is a beautiful place, but particularly in the cold months… With the leaves gone the vista of North Carolina is breath taking. With the horses picketed and happily eating sweet feed, I pitched my lean to, and gathered firewood.

There is an old, old fire ring there. It has been there long enough that over the long years the stones have sunk into the ground, moss growing on their exterior. I cleaned the circle and built a small fire. There was a light cool breeze, enough for the fire to flicker and dance casting shadows as the Sun sat. I made some tea and ate my beans. Enjoying the darkness, I drug my saddle over to my spot and used it for a backrest. The Moon was rising almost full.
She was beautiful.
As I sat there, I was struck by all these elements together creating a mystical atmosphere. the smoke rising swirling, moving upwards, Eastward. The moon lighting the sky and the far mountains, the fire dancing. I could feel the magic… It was quiet, the horses were quiet and still. The only sound was the crackling fire. I dug in my saddlebag and found my spiral notebook and a pencil. I scribbled down the words, how it felt, the magic all around… I was surrounded. I didn’t write any more that night. I just breathed it in. Just being, in that place, that night, under the stars.

I finished writing the poem and years later it grew music and became a song.
Some say the veil is ripped and torn.
And the Tower Card’s laid down.
Ground yourself, Don’t be afraid…
Because there’s Magic in the air(Chorus) There’s Magic all around us.
The Magic it surrounds us.
There’s Magic all around us.
There’s Magic all around.Magic isn’t black or white
We’re all together here tonight
Feel the Power, Hold on tight…
Because there’s Magic in the air…There’s Magic all around us.
The Magic it surrounds us
There’s Magic all around us.
There’s Magic all around.Breathe it in, breathe it in, breathe it in
“Magic All Around Us” (c) 2020 by Louis Garou, available here on Bandcamp
Feel the power in the air.
Breathe it in, breathe it in, breathe it in.
Feel the Magic in the air.
The song is simple and direct, Magic is all around us. We are Magic. When I say Magic isn’t black or white. I am saying there is no absolute. Magic is not good or bad. Magic is not binary.
Magic is simply… Magic.
You can feel Magic.
You can see it all around you. Breathe deeply. You can breathe it in.
WE are all Magic…
I now have seven beautiful acres of mostly wooded land. It came with cabin and well. I have a couple of raised beds, a canoe, and a kayak. My days are spent mostly working on the cabins, and working on my music. My friend and musical co-conspirator Krista Chapman Green lives outside the same small town as me. We frequently travel and perform together.
I feel young again. I am blessed.
You can listen to, and purchase Magic All Around Us at louisgarou.bandcamp.com
This is an edited piece I wrote for “Pagan Song: Music for Your Magic”. Many of my musical friends have blog posts here. do yourself a favor and check it out. Thank you Alane Brown, the editor of Pagan Song, for inviting us to share our music.

For more information about Louis, including his collected articles here on Pagan Song, his bio, and links to Louis’ sites on the web, check out Louis’s author page here on Pagan Song.
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