Earth Day is coming soon…but the Earth is our home, every day. How can we honor Her, and pay homage to The Green Man, in our search for a magickal life? One way is to reduce, re-use, and recycle…we’ve all heard that. How does it translate to your daily life as an artist and spiritual seeker? Here are some ways to make your studio a greener place…
One interesting way to make your studio a little bit greener is to create sacred art from natural materials. Gather a piece of found wood or bark, to use as a base for this project. You can create a collage to display in your studio or on your altar, using leaves, berries, nuts, and seeds to make the shape of a face. Hang it anywhere you need some of that vital earth energy to aid in your magickal workings. Soon, you’ll see The Green Man peeking out at you from the most unexpected places!
There are so many beautiful and lusty songs about The Green Man. On our next album, the Crow Women will be releasing one called Rising Sap. In the meantime, here’s a lovely song by Pagan Song blogger Ariana Lightningstorm of Kiva:
Can you see the Green Man, rising from his winter sleep?
from “The Green Man” recorded by Kiva on “Out of the Corner of the Eye”
Well, I can see the Green Man, awakening, awakening.
Green Man, bring the color back to the land.
Green Man, you’re the Green Man, the Green Man.
When you see the first blush of red on a ripening apple, or a flower struggling up through a sidewalk crack, it’s the work of The Green Man. That’s his way of saying hello, and you would do well to pay attention. Where do wild seeds flourish in your garden? Notice how hardy they are, how strong and stubborn- stubborn enough to push out through concrete and stone, to survive under the harshest conditions. Another way to honor The Green man with your work is to create sacred art in the fields and woods, in the groves and deserts. A recent desert retreat with my Crow Women sisters inspired me to take my muses outside to play. Come with us, down the wild trail…
Cast a circle out of doors. Gather stones, leaves, bark, flowers, leaves- anything that speaks to you. Create an altar outdoors and work your green magick there. On the earth, clear a small, smooth spot. Begin to arrange the items in a circle, creating the face of The Green Man right there. What is his message for you today? Listen to his whispers- he’s sure to inspire you.
He inspired me to create a poem, which you can find it in my previous post; The Green Man.

For more information about the Crow Women pagan choir, and access to all the blog posts by Molly and the other 9 crowsingers who have written for Pagan Song, you can visit the Crow Women author page here on Pagan Song.
You can find more posts about The Masculine Divine in His many forms, in the “Magic & Ritual How-to” section of our Book of Shadows
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