Music for the Magic Within

In the height of the summer season, we can find ourselves overwhelmed with all the goals and demands that we expect ourselves to achieve: master plans of career moves, family improvement, inner psyche repair from a harsh winter.

When I have not been able to find the music that will bolster or focus my inner strength and magic, I will write it myself. 

I have found many times through the stresses of my life, that where I keep inner spirit residing will make all the difference in handling any crisis that comes my way.

Here, in this blog, I am happy to share finding that residence within you.

It starts with breathing. Close your eyes. Relax and go to that special place in your child’s mind where you feel safety, freedom and open curiosity.

Think of all the dreams you have as that child, all the things to do that bring you joy, pleasure, and inspiration. Only allow thoughts of promise and desire. What has happened to you in the past is just that, past. It, and the fear it brings, has no power here. Draw long, deep breaths as the music wraps around and around you. Whisper these words:  

I am Safe. I am Here. I am Perfect in how I feel towards Myself and what pleases Me.

click to hear “Close Your Eyes”; A Familiar Promise – Alexander James Adams

Now, feel the air around you. Feel the wind blowing on your face and through your hair. You are surrounded by a magical stone circle of old. The hills roll around, moving to encompass you in this one place of grass, stone and wild wind that pushes at your body, whispering in a high song of breeze playing across the strings of a fiddle with no bow held up for the kiss of the current. A barrier of power, older than you can guess wraps around you, protecting you from all that would seek to draw from you, or command your energy. Speak these words:

I am Safe. I am Here.  I am Protected.

click to listen to “Whispering Stones”; Merlin’s Descendants – Heather Alexander

Looking down at your feet, you see a beautiful egg nestled in the grass. 

It is yours. It is you. You are in it, and yet out of it, able to watch yourself emerge.

It is not easy. It takes time. You crack the shell with your feet. It breaks away, but now you are still stuck with your head inside the shell. You can’t see, but you can feel the ground with your feet. Rolling around, belly to back and then back to belly, you manage to get just enough leverage to catch the shell edge in the grass and sit back on your haunches, pulling your head out from the shell.

Light surrounds you and the Realm of the Whispering Stone Circle comes into focus. 

Announce to the wind:

I am Safe. I am Here.  I am Free!

Click to hear “Out of the Egg”; Dream Tunes & Dragon Tales – Alexander James Adams

Out of the Egg w music (

The wind gently picks up at your damp hair, drying your newly emerged face. You raise you eyes to see a flock of geese fly above you. Just outside the Stone Circle, you can see the trees moving in this breeze. Leaves rustle and tap at each other sounding like the most sparkling of windchimes.

The grass is soft and warm. The earth has a bounce to it that lifts your feet up as you step. You find that with each step, you are met by the earth and lifted again to begin to skip and dance in the grass.

Ever-so-often the earth will yield under your step, and you will sink just a little into the soft loamy soil. After a deep breath, you move again, up, and about while all around you the leaves chime in the gentle wind. You feel the support and strength from the earth rising up through your feet and filling your belly, then your chest and finally flowing up, out of the top of your head, and from your fingertips. You are the power of Antiquity: All that Was, All that Is, and All that Will Be. It fills you and then flows out towards whatever you focus you intention on. Proclaim to Earth:

I am Safe. I am Here.  I am Power–Full!

click to hear “Winter Windchimes”; Dream Tunes & Dragon Tales – Alexander James Adams

You move through the grass full of power. Many inner magical aspects within you come together to sound as one, echoing your desires and intentions. Springing off the earth you dance in an ever-widening circle from the center where your empty shell lies, out to the edge of the Great Stone Ring. Stand at that edge and call out:

I am Safe! I am Here!  I am Strong!

click to hear “Safe”; Dream Tunes & Dragon Tales – Alexander James Adams

Now look down and see your Shadow. You are both Light and Dark. Let your Light take the first steps in a dance around the inside of the Stone Circle. Then, allow your Shadow to take the lead. Remember: You are Here. You are Safe. All of you is needed to accomplish your desires. You cannot be only half engaged and expect to complete your desire in whole. Let both sides express themselves and watch the other do the same. Let them laugh, play, and express what they need to. Let that energy echo on the whispering wind and stone. In time, you will find that the one side picks up the energies and movements of the other as they trade off and compare. Then allow your Dark and Light to unite into a harmonious compliment of choreograpy.

As the dance swirls and cavorts, sing with the movement:

I am Safe! I am Here!  I am Whole!

“Contraridance”; Wanderlust – Heather Alexander

With your Light and Dark united, you can now start to dance out your intentions. 

You have recognized your dreams and desires. 


You are surrounded by your sacred inner circle. 


Your spirit is hatched anew, the shell off of your head and your vision clear. 


The earth under your feet supports you while embracing your weight, giving you the feeling of defying gravity. 


You control your Light and Dark. Your Self and Shadow move as one.




Dance for your desire. 

Dance for your Intent. 

Dance as is your Divine Right.

Let the dance take you from the center of the circle to the outer edge and then past it.

Your dance will carry you back to the place where you stopped doing what you chose to do and became overwhelmed, silent, still, and burnt out.

You can now surpass even that. You carry within you an unending amount of magic that can be wielded for as long as you wish. You just need to remember to breathe deep and say to yourself and to the world at large:




Blessings to you, my Dear Readers.

May Magic & Music Be Yours.

“Wild Seeds”; Insh ‘Allah – Heather Alexander

Cover photo of woman dancing with the moon by Javier Allegue Barros

For more information about Alexander James Adams, including his collected articles here on Pagan Song, his bio, and links to Alec’s sites on the web, check out Alexander James Adams’ page on Pagan Song.

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