Submito Silentium
This was not the post we thought to write. It is not the post we want to write. It is, however, the post we felt we needed to write. On February 11, 2022, Spiral Rhythm lost part of its soul when our beloved PJ Seale passed through the veil. She had been doing battle with cancer, and though her spirit was fierce and her sword mighty, against some dragons one cannot stand. We were shattered, our collective voice gone suddenly silent as we experienced the loss with her family, friends, and community.
While PJ is no longer able to sing with us, her song lives on. Here we remember her, for who is remembered, lives.

While she wasn’t a founder, PJ was one of the longest standing members of Spiral Rhythm. Before she performed with us, she was a friend, supporter, cheerleader, and occasional taskmistress.
Each of us has special memories of our PJ, individual and collective. Here we share a few.

…was often on the road with PJ, long hours driving to various shows and events all over the country. They shared vehicles and vending space, and filled their time on the road with conversation, art, and songs. Kerri would sit with her feet propped on the dashboard when PJ drove, doodling and listening as PJ wrote and refined songs.
Through one of her first songs one of Kerri’s original watercolors was inspired and then born, and now hangs on the wall of another band member (and dear friend), Kiki. The piece, She, is a visual expression of the beautifully simple expression of love and spirit that PJ composed when she wrote I Am the Goddess. The song itself became one of our standards, an interweaving of voices in harmony and spirits in union.

…felt a connection to the celebratory, gospel feel of much of PJ’s music like The Faith Inside, I Am Pagan, and Dance My Children Dance. He admired her motivational pieces, Rise Up and Green Warrior among them. She offered us the opportunity to harmonize, to create a unity of voice, and to share the deep connection of music with each other and with our fans.
He will miss her, but as we continue to sing her songs he will remember her fondly and is glad of the time he shared with her.

…also enjoyed the celebratory and gospel nature of much of PJ’s music. If pressed to choose a favorite, though, I Am Pagan tops the list. It fires up audience and band alike, creates a connection among those singing, listening, and dancing, and gives voice to people who wish to declare their spiritual path with joy and verve. He will miss making that connection with and through PJ.

…often found joy in singing and dancing to PJ’s songs. The storytelling, openness, and vulnerability in PJ’s lyrics are easy to interpret into dance, and PJ loved seeing her music brought to movement. The non-preaching, joyful nature of PJ’s gospel style pointed out a joyous way of living in harmony together, of sharing love and spirit, that made a powerful connection between voice, body, and spirit.
Bandmate, inspiration, and friend, PJ’s place in Kira’s heart went beyond words.

…knew PJ’s voice before he was born. She often held him as a baby, and she loved him as only Nana PJ could – as she loved all the band’s children. His memories of her are of more than music, as she was woven into the tapestry of his life. It was PJ who prompted his membership into Spiral Rhythm, first to help with setup and sound and then as a performing member.
He doesn’t have a favorite song or memory; for him, choosing one thing is like choosing one drop in the ocean. In his heart and mind she is music, laughter, games, time shared, and most of all? Love.

…first truly connected with PJ in music and death. When a long ago friend was making his journey through the veil, PJ and her family gave shelter and love freely to all who were there with him. She was there when they sang him through.
When PJ began writing and then singing with Spiral Rhythm, they connected as kindred souls in song. PJ and Kiki shared time on the road with each other and Kerri for several years, traipsing from event to event, trailing songs behind them as they went. They would often bounce ideas off each other and help each other work through awkward lyrics or transitions together.
Kiki spent many hours sewing with PJ, helping make wares for PJ’s booth and digging into harmony, philosophy, and spirit as they stitched. Their threads will forever be spun together.

For all of us, PJ was a staunch friend, ally, advocate, inspiration, mediator, co-conspirator, and kindred spirit; there is a PJ-shaped hole in our hearts. Spiral Rhythm is diminished by the loss of our friend, but we are sustained by her music and will continue to celebrate her spirit in song.

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Thank you for sharing this memorium. Listening now to “Rise Up” and being inspired by your beautiful song
Hail to the Traveler!!! Peace with you, you will be forever remembered in our hearts!!!
Thank you for sharing. I haven’t seen you perform since 2016 (new kiddo) but Pj holds a special place in my memories. Sending love to each of you.
Very beautiful,glad I got to meet & conversate with this amazing beautiful soul. May her legacy live on for eternity. 💞
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