The Drama of Fire! The heart of the Goddess! The excitement, danger, magic, mesmerizing enchantment- what’s your relationship with Fire? Your experiences with this most elemental force can shape your willingness to engage in Fire Magic and Flame Ritual- and perhaps, this relationship can evolve and elevate. Mine sure did!

My fire journey begins
It was 2009 when I finally worked up the courage to choose Fire and the South for my year dedication. I had already immersed myself in Air, Earth and Water- there was no putting it off; Fire would be my focus. It was Imbolc, when the Croughwomyn dedicate to Goddess Brid, and choose an element or spirit for special devotion and study during the upcoming year.
Other Kroz had worked with Fire in years past, and it seemed they encountered the very flames of chaos! Each one’s Fire Year had brought challenge and some amount of distress, so of course I was apprehensive. And also, I was afraid of fire! Always had that fascination/fear relationship with fire.
I decided this year would be an opportunity to overcome that fear, and create a relationship of respect with fire. Too late to become a firefighter- too messy to become a welder- what to do? And, was there a way to combine a fire experience with my background in dance and movement? To bring art to this Year of Fire?
Begin the Spin

Yes! Fire spinning! I had seen others work with fire using spinning balls, called Poi (a New Zealand term for ball on a string, or generally for a spinning ball performance). I could visualize myself holding cords with flaming balls at each end, and twirling and spinning them around me in trailing patterns- oh, this was appealing!
I bought and made regular, non-fire poi to learn the technique. Tennis balls in long, stretchy socks. Hard rubber balls on cords. I even acquired LED poi, that lit up with changing colors, very Disco! Therefore, I spent the summer of 2009 learning to manipulate poi. Fortunately, there was a group that met weekly in a park to spin and juggle, and everyone taught newcomers, like me.

There’s a learning curve for poi spinning, that involves getting hit by a hard rubber ball in the face and arms multiple times. The learning environment is strict! But finally, I learned to spin without bodily damage, and on my birthday in October, I spun fire for the first time.
Birthday gift of Fire

Although I’d seen many fire spinners up close and personal, I was enchanted by the sound of the flaming balls whizzing past my head and body! What a rush! And to see the dazzling flames as they circled around me was thrilling! The Coleman fuel only lasts a few minutes before it burns out, and as it fades to blue, there is a feeling of completion and satisfaction.
What I discovered is that I did not “control” fire, I did not “overcome” fire- instead, fire became a partner, an ally. During my fire year I spun fire often, each time feeling a kinship and collaboration with the element, and the energy it imparts- creativity, action, passion, direction. My relationship with fire was complete and has become an ongoing activity for me.

Blessings of Fire Gods and Goddesses

When I spin fire, I feel a connection with Fire Dieties- especially Pele, volcano Goddess who brings forth growth and abundance. Brigit and Hestia both nurture the fire of the hearth and the family circle.

The great God Ra brings the majestic radiance of the Sun to our hearts, and the Fire gift of Prometheus created the society within which we embed our spiritual and mundane life.

Many ways to bring Fire into your Magical life
Spinning fire poi is not the only way to work with fire, although I don’t recommend fire swallowing- bad breath is only one sorry aftereffect. Some people spin the long staff, flaming on both ends (remember those baton twirlers from our youth? Always a kick when they lit their baton on fire!) Some spin a large hoop with 4-5 points of flame around the circumference. You can also find your purpose in fire building, creating a huge bonfire or a small backyard fire- doing it with artistry and safety, developing your skill in using various fuels and additives to create colors or sounds. You will be the one, the Fire Builder, the go-to person at the fire circle.
During my year of fire, I also made and gifted candles to my sister Cruwmyn and other friends. The year of fire also encouraged me to purge or burn away those things that I did not need anymore- both physical and spiritual. This inventory and discarding of the unnecessary is a continuing process.
Now, it’s your turn~
So, have you decided to learn to spin fire? Great! Here’s an internet site that instructs in spinning poi:
And here’s another. First steps are very important.
You can purchase poi online from both Amazon and from Etsy. And may you find mentors and teachers to inspire and guide you as you create fire ceremonies for yourself and your circle.
If you are the Fire Spinner in your coven, your contribution to Solstice celebrations honors the light as the wheel of the year turns once again. Consider and learning and teaching your circle this song I wrote for the sound track of a fire spinning event. It’s on our album Pantheon: Honoring the Pagan Divine.
Fire spin, fire burn, take us out of time
Fire Spinning Song, by Marilyn Leftwich, from the Crow Women album “Pantheon”
Fire spin, fire burn, see the firelight shine.
Flames are dancing
Fill the night with the light, ancient and free.
Flames are dancing
As above so below break so mote it be.
May the blessings of the South, of Pele and Brigid, Ra, Prometheus and countless other Fiery Dieties inspire you to action, passion, drive and glamour in the world of spinning fire!
For more information about the Crow Women pagan choir, and access to all the blog posts by Marilyn and the other 9 crowsingers who have written for Pagan Song, you can visit the Crow Women author page here on Pagan Song.
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Love this article Marilyn.
Thanks, and I love spinning fire. It is both spiritual and social, as it’s important to have other people around to share the experience. And also to troubleshoot if anything catches on fire that should not!
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