Sponsor a Song on “Pantheon”

Welcome supporters! The Crow Women are gearing up to release our 4th album. It’s called Pantheon: Honoring the Pagan Divine. Songs explore the many faces of the Goddess, the God, and other sacred beings.

We could really use help with the finances. The biggest expense is studio time for recording all these wonderful songs, and preparing them for release (mixing and mastering). The cost of the project is about $6,000. Can you chip in?

General donations

You can donate any amount you like by going to our gofundme fundraiser. We appreciate all donations, large or small.

Song sponsorship

Or, for $75 (or more if you like), you can choose a song on our Pantheon album to sponsor. You’ll be listed here on this page as the sponsor (or remain anonymous), and you can also dedicate the song to someone or something of your choice. For example:
(song) was sponsored by Red Hawk, and is dedicated with love to his priestess Ebony.
(song) was sponsored by anonymous, in memory of Momma. May she bake many apple pies in the Summerland
(song) was sponsored by Coven of the Waning Moon and is dedicated to justice for all beings
For more ideas, you can see the dedications by the sponsors of our last album, Seasons.

Here’s what you get when you become a song sponsor:

  • a free download of the entire album, a soon as it is released (probably in October)
  • a thank you card featuring the album cover art, signed by the songwriter
  • your name and your song dedication listed on our websites
  • our sincere gratitude!

If you want to sponsor a song, please contact us for instructions. Alane will be coordinating all the sponsorships. If you know Alane, you can text, call, FB message or email her directly. If not, you can use the Contact Us page here on this website.
Be sure to say which song you’d like to sponsor. It’s first come, first served.

Choose a song to sponsor!

Songs in green boxes have been claimed.

1. Rising Sap Sweet Pea dedicates sponsorship of Rising Sap to The Green Man and to Mother Gaia. Thank you Lady and Lord…Life…for the sweetness of all the treasures we encounter along the journey.
by Alane Brown
Ah, the Green Man! This song is very much in classic Crow Women style, with many overlapping chants all leading to a single voice telling of making love with the Green Man in the spring. Yummy!

2. Dua Bast is available for sponsorship
by Laura Wright
This is a chant of honor and reverence to the Goddess Bast with an evocative Egyptian flavor.  It features a drone with titles of esteem and praise, overlaid with a haunting wordless vocalization.  Lead vocals by Laura, drone chant by Crow choir, percussion by Echo Nightfire.

3. Your Face is Mine was sponsored by Azrael Arynn K: “To my beloved Amber K, the lovely face of the goddess Who has welcomed me awake each morning and cozied me into sleep each night for the best 30 years of my life. Seems like seven. Truly, thou art goddess.”
by Alane Brown
Look into the mirror and what do you see? The face of the Goddess, of course! This light-hearted song celebrates the truth that we are all divine. Vocals by Melanie. 

4. Fire Spinning Song was sponsored by Amber K: “For Azrael Arynn K, with all my love: you are the fire that warms me at our hearth, always.”
by Marilyn Leftwich
The energy of fire, spinning in circles and weaves, thrills both the fire dancer and the observers. Play this song around your bonfire, or whenever fire is a part of your ritual. Honor to Pele, Goddess of the ever-burning fires of Mother Gaia!

5. The Elder God is Wise was sponsored by Rowan of Our Lady of the Woods in honor of her partner of many years, Falco, and the work he has done in the community in his long career as a Pagan priest.
by Alane Brown
A song sung by our departed sister Donna Pauline, which honors the gifts of human sages, and the Elder Gods they embody on earth. Written with input from Alane’s friend Falco.

6. Lady Titania is available for sponsorship
by Tara Kiene
Inspired by the faery queen made famous by the bard, this song is the safest way we know to dance with the faeries and (hopefully) make it back this century. Lady Titania is brought to life by the faery voices of Alane, Deb, Laura, and Tara, with Tara on glockenspiel and Dave Hoover on harp.

7. Goddess Blessing has been sponsored by Tom Salazar, who dedicates it to All Women for they are all Goddesses: “God is a woman smiling behind a gossamer veil” -Rumi
by Marilyn Leftwich
A greeting to the Goddess, with gratitude and supplication.  Sing this song as you begin your devotions.  Vocals by Marilyn, Laura, and Tara

8. Hail Hekate was sponsored by Kathryn Probasco in honor of Hekate Herself, with thanks for her presence at many of life’s crossroads.
by Tara Kiene
Born of the annual Torch and Key Retreat at Ardantane, “Hail Hekate” is a hymn, a processional, a chant to one of our favorite goddesses. Imagine yourself cloaked in black and silver, chatelaine of keys at your side, torch held aloft as you lead the procession to Her sacred crossroads. The whole coven sings.

9. Goddess, Bring Me a Pagan Man was sponsored by Bob Sunde because he thinks it’s the funniest thing he’s heard in years, and he’s a Pagan man, even.
by Alane Brown
An autobiographical account of what happened to Alane when she prayed to the Goddess for a pagan lover. This cute song always gets a laugh from pagan audiences. Alane sings lead.

10. Ishtar was sponsored by Dru Oakley and is dedicated to all women through time who have raised their voices in praise and celebration. 
by Deb Nielsen
This song channels a group of acolytes as they process to Ishtar’s temple to sing Her praises and call on Her guidance. It is a way to ask for grace from Goddess when facing passages to the Underworld. The layers of this song were all revealed to Deb in one weekend in October of 2021.

11. Gods and Lovers was sponsored by Desert Lover in honor of the magic of close encounters.
by Marilyn Leftwich
Celebrating those sexy Gods of passion and lust.  Suggestive without being vulgar, this song will entice you to intimate behavior! Singers: Deb, Marilyn and Laura.

12. Eostre is available for sponsorship
by Laura Wright
This is an enchanting lyrical song of praise to Eostre, Goddess of Spring, and the role of her companion, the bunny.  Vocals by Laura, Deb, and Tara.  Piano by Laura. 

13. Crows was sponsored by the Leftwich-Cooper families, in honor of the magic of family, both far and near.
by Marilyn Leftwich
Having decided to write a song about Crows (we are after all, Crowwommyn), this song was given to Marilyn by the Goddess, as she kept Marilyn awake all night learning the complicated chorus!  Marilyn wrote the verses, so it is a collaborative effort! Singers: Marilyn and Laura.

14. Somos La Luna was sponsored by Sylvia Webb Koehler, and is dedicated to women all over the world and in every culture and in every tradition, because the Lady Moon, she shines for all of us, and guides our rhythms.
by Alane Brown
Alane wrote this song while she was serving in the Peace Corps in Peru. It was used in women’s ceremony with kindred spirits she met there.

15. Trickster Rolls into Town was sponsored by Coyote Ravenwhiskers in honor of Amber K of Ardantane, who shares the spirit of Trickster
by Tara Kiene
Coyote, Loki, Anansi, Brer Rabbit, Crow…the trickster god manifests in many forms in many different cultures. But one thing is always the same: once he rolls into town, you can expect trouble! With Deb on vocals and guitar and Tara on vocals and ukulele.

16. My Familiar is a Spider is sponsored by Samantha, in honor of DonnaPauline and DonnaMarie, two Crowsisters who have taught me much about learning to bravely spin my web into being, and how to recast it in strong winds.
by Marilyn Leftwich
A cute song celebrating the spirit and attributes of Spider Deity. Why not get over any fear and gain appreciation?  Give Spiders your spiritual honor. A solo piece, sung by Marilyn

17. Garden Harvest Song was sponsored by Leigh, in honor of all the gardeners and farmers who produce bounty while caring for the soil and for planet Earth.
by Carole McWilliams
Carole wrote this song for use in rituals any time during the harvest season, for giving thanks to the deities and spirits of the land and celebrating the bounty of the harvest – veggies, fruits, grains. If you are a gardener or small farmer, this song would love to have your sponsorship.

18. Eos, Goddess of the Dawn was sponsored by Rebekah Sabia, and is dedicated to all who struggle to be optimistic in the face of change, yet greet each day with courage, sending their positive intentions out to the awakening world
by Alane Brown
A gentle chant asking the blessing of the Greek goddess Eos, meant for beginning one’s day in a sacred way. Melanie is the lead singer.

19. Laughing Little Gods is dedicated to Gawain who has been supported by Donna and many others and now steps into adulthood as Arthur. With our love – Jenny, Tristan, Billy.
by Alane Brown
Written to honor the God and Goddess in their child aspects, this song features Tara as well as our beloved Donna Pauline. Donna recorded this song not long before she passed into the Summerland.

20. The Clipper Joy/Don’t Poke Poseidon was sponsored by Sierra Crowling, & is dedicated to Peter Dybing: a god among goddesses, & so well-coiffed! 
by Alane Brown
What happens when a group of beauticians decide to move their salon onto a sailboat, changing the ship’s name without proper prayers to Poseidon? Trouble! 

21. Luna’s Changelings was sponsored by Kari (KareIsis) Tornow and is dedicated to all beings who worship and live by the Moon.  May we always be surrounded by love!
by Alane Brown
This upbeat fire circle song declares that we are Luna’s children. Lots of drums by Echo Nightfire. Definitely one to bring to the bonfire!

Thank you to all of our beloved, wonderful sponsors!