Spring Forward!

Well, here we are, dear readers. Spring has arrived and many of us are still a bit frozen from this harsh winter in both the natural world and the human realm.

There are a lot of things that have failed to thrive over this winter, and we need to clear the land and get it ready for planting the seeds of our intentions. Change and Death are inevitable. Our Magic is to move through and beyond those changes and endangerments that have been, and will always be there.

The first step is take stock of what is dead or no longer capable of serving us. Clear it out, let it go, or turn it under into the wet, newly thawed ground.

Then look at what you have in your hands that you have kept because you love it. Hold it to your heart. Feel its vibrant energy. What does it need to continue to grow? Do you need to keep it close, or let it move forward into this new, uncertain world? If it cries to move freely, then let it. Know that if it is truly a part of your heart, it cannot ever be severed from you. It will go forward, and you will experience everything it does because it is part of you. There is nothing to be afraid of. Seasons, like emotions, always turn, each yielding to the one that follows, insuring that all shall circle out and return again.

“Your Coming Spring” from “Blue Rose Rare”, AJ Adams

Move into this new season with an open spirit. Yes, caution is always needed in the woods; you never know who or what you will meet, but you must be sure you are perceiving this new realm with non-prejudice, and empathic observation. Remember, we are all unique individuals yet bound in a great Oneness with all around us. There is nothing outside of you that is not inside as well. Even things that are dark, scary, or mean. These are the symptoms of pain and fear that could be you if you did not have the understanding or skill to move through and beyond them.

Stretch out your spirit. Loose yourself in the Oneness and feel it in every breath you take.

“Emerald Green”, from “Everafter”, Heather Alexander)

This Oneness is bigger than our world as we perceive it. It contains the cosmos above our heads, and the cosmos within our minds. As above, so below, as without, so within.  

Within lies realms beyond science or even comprehension. Realms of Magic & Wonder, Lands of Fae and Fancy; all places with their own denizens, creatures of our essence and energies.

They call to us louder during the transitional seasons, when the planet is in a push & pull, and the veil between is almost non-existent. We can go to those realms. We can escape our pains and problems for a while, perhaps to get new perspectives or advice from those we meet. There can be much gained by venturing to the realms of Magic, as long as we remember where we came from and make sure to eventually return. 

Staying lost, even in a Magic realm, will not serve to empower you to move forward with your life force, only spiral you into a halt of it.

“Stolen Child”, from “Balance of Nature”, AJ Adams)

Spring is the season of new life, new energy feeding the planet, new growth and movement.

We are awakened with a drive to go forth, connect with our like energies and create things alongside Nature as she spurs all life to thrive and develop. 

Allow yourself to be emboldened by it. Approach like-hearted companions and unite in mutual interests of artistic creation, or perhaps, if the spark is there, amorous endeavors.

“Come With Me, Sir”, from “A Familiar Promise”, AJ Adams)

Connecting to Her passion and Nature’s lust for life can give you incredible vitality and strength. It intoxicates and enchants you into pushing out past your current boundaries and limitations. A little goes a long way so it is wise to keep a mindful eye on how emboldened you are, but there is great power in the Tantric Magic of the physical body. If you allow that passion to fill you, you can channel it to do more than just roll in flowered fields with an intimate companion. 

When that intensity of Lust is applied to life in general, the experiences of it, the depth in which you take in the sensations of breathing, moving, touching, smelling and tasting of the entire world around you, your awareness and Oneness fills you with an unending supply of power to accomplish anything you wish in ways that transcend human toil. Because you now resonate with all around you, as long as you stay in that connectedness, you can do no harm that you yourself can’t feel before it happens. Just don’t indulge in your individuality. That will be when you break the connection and then desire becomes destruction. As it has been said before, “With great power, comes great responsibility”. Stay in the Oneness and know your true strength.

“Creature of the Wood”, from “Balance of Nature”, AJ Adams)

The Equinoxes are when the length of Light and Dark are perfectly balanced.  They are the first days to start the construction of stone clocks, marking where shadows fall each sunrise/sunset, creating monuments like Stonehenge and many other sun dials around the world.

Creation and Destruction walk hand in hand. One cannot exist without the other. They consume and entangle each other, thereby carrying the other inside themselves. Yin and Yang. Dark and Light. Female and Male. Ebb and Tide. 

These days are the middle point of two opposing forces. They are the transitional moments between up and down, here and there, yesterday and tomorrow. They are the NOW and the All.

In the Asian folklore, Suzaku, the Phoenix burns across the land setting all aflame. Following her is her lover, Ryuu, the Dragon bringing change to the land, usually symbolizing the emergence of a new emperor. 

These two mythical creatures are bonded in one existence of what are two opposing forces: Mortal Combat and Wedded Bliss. The Lust and Love of Life.

We all possess these powers. We need them to survive. We must hear them when they stir within us and follow where they lead.

And so, my dear Readers and Magic Practitioners, you know what to do.

Go out into Nature.
Listen to Her.
Feel Her words in your heart.
Be reborn along with the Land under your feet.
Rise, Grow, Fight and Thrive.

We are Phoenix.
We are the Dragon.
We are the Change. 
We are the Now. 
We will Spring Forward.

“Balance of Nature” from “Balance of Nature”, AJ Adams)

For more information about Alexander James Adams, including his collected articles here on Pagan Song, his bio, and links to Alec’s sites on the web, check out Alexander James Adams’ page on Pagan Song.

For many more articles music and magic for the spring season, check out our Ostara / Spring Equinox page.

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