Well, Spring is here. It is more evident if you live in the South, but even here on the shores of Lake Erie there are signs.
The buds are just beginning to show on the Maple tree in my backyard and the flowers are just beginning to show green leaves searching for the Sun.
We’ve even enjoyed some warm sunny days in March…mixed in with plenty of cold, cloudy, rainy or snowy days too….
Most of us that have gardens have been gathering compost, salivating over the time when the soil can be turned over and the first seeds and plants put into the ground.
For all my friends to the South, who have started this weeks ago…don’t gloat… We for our part, will try not to gloat in August while we enjoy the cool breezes off the lake to the North…
Last year was really, really busy for me, traveling, writing, recording and now it’s time to share much of that work with all of you in the form of a new album.
I am now adding the finishing touches on my next CD “There Beneath the Stars”.
Here is the title track…a love song and the 1st song on the album.
I’ve been sharing bits and pieces of the album as I’ve been finishing the mixes and can hardly wait to hold the finished CD in my hands!
Thanks to my friend Craig Mitchell (who does the art and graphics for the Starwood Festival) I now have the cover art and will very soon be writing the text to be added…

I finished At the Crossroads in my head as I drove from Ohio to Kansas….
For me, for the release of this new music to the World…it is Spring…A Spring that took several year’s worth of seasons to make…

Mama Gina Lamonte added the vocal harmony for Roses Tangled in Ivy.

And for all of the single Moms:
Just like the compost and fertilizers we use in our gardens, the experiences my songs and myself have lived will be a part of the narrative of this new CD.
The songs do seem deeper to me, more real and even more magical in their reality. At least to me they feel this way… Please let me know what you all think when you finally have a chance to listen to the entire 12 new songs on this album.

Here is a song I was so excited about I added the 1st mix to my last post here.
Here is the final mix of I Believe in You that will be on the CD:
It is finally Spring and the Universe feels fresh and new, all the while rising up from the Winter passing.
I most certainly look forward to seeing old friends, making new ones as I travel this year and sharing new songs while playing the old favorites too.
My car has an entire new set of tires, the maintenance is done or scheduled and I’m ready for the road, starting with a plane fight to Seattle 3/27 and then a trip to Tennessee for Pagan Unity Festival in April 4/7…
By the end of 2024, I will have traveled from the far Northwest corner (Spring Mysteries in Seattle next week) to the far Southeast corner (Florida Pagan Gathering in Silver Springs Florida in October) of the US.
I can hardly wait!
For more information about Brian Henke, including his collected articles here on Pagan Song, his bio, and links to Brian’s sites on the web, check out Brian Henke’s page on Pagan Song.
You can find our spring Spotify playlist, and many more Pagan Song blog posts for spring, gathered on our Ostara page.
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Great blog! Love the stories behind the songs and the graphics. The songs are beautiful and have a nice, intimate vibe. Thanks for sharing your art!