This is the final installment of Ginger Ackley’s series on the Elements. She has guided us through pagan music and magic for air, fire, water and earth, and now completes the cycle with this post about spirit.
“Now that all the Elements have been gathered and are dancing in our Magickal Musickal Circle, it’s time to welcome the Leader of the Band: Spirit!”
I often use this phrase during EnCHANTica (my weekly live stream chant circle) because Spirit is the true completion and expression of all the Elements and their Elementals. The word itself brings up a feeling of celebration, even when the circumstances might seem sad or dark.
When I began my Pagan journey, Spirit was there waiting for me. It felt like a screen had been removed and I was finally standing in the light I had been seeking since birth. It was All of Everything and intimately small at the same time. There was a sense that all the elements had been marshalled into the revelation of my true self, and that self now encompassed the Universe as Spirit!
Spirit dancing in me
Spirit dancing in you
Spirit dancing through us
Spirit dancing true!“Spirit Dancing” by Ginger Ackley (c) 2022, from her album EnCHANTica
Throughout the ages, humanity has had many names and descriptions for Spirit. The All… Center… The One… God/dess… Infinity… the Universe… Creator… The Force!
At the same time, it has always eluded us in defining or quantifying it. And it will remain elusive until we, collectively or singularly, let go and stop trying to hang our labels on it!

If labels are necessary…
The Oxford Dictionary defines Animism as:
- 1. the attribution of a soul to plants, inanimate objects, and natural phenomena.
- 2. the belief in a supernatural power that organizes and animates the material universe.
It was actually a thrill to be introduced to the word, ”Animist,” because it embodied the way I have felt about Spirit for as long as I can remember.
As a child, I was constantly talking (and listening) to the things I encountered in nature. The wind had a certain sound when it was time for a season to change or a storm to come. I always thought of our pets and other animal folks as people. More than that, I was the kid that counted a 30-foot southern magnolia tree as one of my best friends!
Honestly, I would talk to her and she would listen to all my secrets. She answered, but only when it was absolutely necessary! Sitting high in her branches, she taught me beautiful lessons in recognizing the life-force in the creatures of the natural world. She loved to challenge me, too. Sometimes, there would be almost a whisper, she would present ideas like: “Yes, but what about the rock?”
Side Quest: Have you ever experienced the book or movie, “The Neverending Story?” (If not, go find it now!) One of my favorite characters in that story was a magnificent Rock creature that just moved slower than the soft living things. My answer is: “Yes, the rock!”
We are all Stardust, whether animal, vegetable or mineral – and the spark of Creation is in everything! I’m pretty sure my Tree-friend would be whispering, “What about the plastic bottle? What about the carving knife?” There is Spirit in every thing in the universe, regardless of how it appears!

But wait… there’s more!
Spirit is at least a two way street! (Although, knowing Spirit, there are probably many more than two ways…) This universal life force knows us, recognizes its creations – and it wants us to know and to interact with It.
However, this modern world of ours certainly can be a handicap when one wants to make this great connection. A 15th century priest anonymously gifted the world with a beautiful treatise: “The Cloud of Unknowing.” In short, he tells us that the secret is allowing ourselves to systematically “unknow” all we have been taught about Spirit. Then allow It to become known…
From the Without… From the Within
Cloud of Unknowing… a galaxy’s spin
Changeless unchanging… Spirit, The One
Starlight and all Life… the binding undone
As you seek me, so I seek you
As You seek me, I come.“From The Without” (c) 2025 by Ginger Ackley
One of my favorite ways of describing this desire calls to mind an infinitely faceted living crystal. Within the facets appear faces. As our minds and souls search for Spirit, it turns towards us with the face that allows us to connect and communicate in the best way. For some folks, the religions of the world may offer that connection. However, as our inner understanding progresses, we do seek deeper paths. We constantly encounter the many faces of Spirituality, welcoming us to the Great Circle!

The Universal Duet – Music and Spirit
My music has brought me a very intimate connection with Spirit. I often tell folks that if they have a prayer or spell they want to really work, sing it! Music and Chant seem to be a shortcut to Spirit’s heart. Lately, though, there has been another beat to that experience for me.
Before I sing… before I perform… I sit with Spirit for a bit. I ask for the grace to set my ego aside so that Spirit may enter. I make this request because I know that it is Spirit’s Voice that people need to hear more than mine. It is Spirit’s eyes that they need to see, and it is Spirit’s wisdom and comfort that is needed. I recognize, happily, that I can become Spirit’s vessel.
Mother, I prepare the vessel,
Ready for the work you’ve given me to do.
I ask you, please, to bless this vessel.
And fill it with the love that comes from you!“Vessel Blessing” by Ginger Ackley (c) 2025
Although it started with music and performance, I find myself opening to Spirit for other endeavors. Being aware of Spirit’s presence can change the way we do things in very positive ways. It heightens even the most mundane jobs. The more we work with Spirit, the greater depth we gain in understanding ourselves and the Universe, because…
We ARE Stardust!
I truly love inviting all the Elements and their Elementals into my magickal and musickal Circles! I get this crazy visual of them all marching and dancing around until… too doo to doooo! Spirit enters and everything comes together, flowing in cosmic perfection!
I feel a strong inner connection with all the Elements. I sing about that all the time.
I am Air.
I am Fire.
I am Water.
I am Earth,
And I stand between the Stars
In the Universe!“Between the Stars” by Ginger Ackley (c) 2025
I invite you to participate in EnCHANTica. Each Wednesday evening at 6:00 pm Central Time, I offer this online ritual of pagan song, where I feature many of the songs I’ve shared in this post, and in this whole series. The lyrics are always provided so you can sing along. It’s a lovely way to share sacred space, online. You can find us here:
I’ve had a lot of fun on this blogging journey through the Elements. They are such a central part of our pagan rituals and worldview. I hope you’ll check out the whole series. There are posts about air, fire, water and earth and now this post about spirit. Spirit is the center and the completion of all the Elements – Therefore we ARE Spirit! Writing and singing about Spirit is the most joyous thing, and I hope you feel that power and light, too! ~Ginger

Many more articles about the Elements are available in Pagan Song’s online Book of Shadows.
For more information about Ginger Ackley, including her collected articles here on Pagan Song, her bio, and links to Ginger’s sites on the web, check out Ginger’s page on Pagan Song.
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