I seek to explore the realms where magick and art intertwine. This ritual is designed to help your creativity flourish and bloom. The Spring Equinox, season of rebirth, is the perfect time to focus on your magickal workings and creative dreams for the growing year. This is the moment to open your heart to your Muse and dance your dreams into life.
My heart is open,
Dance of Dreams, music & lyrics © Alane Susan Brown (ASCAP) 2008, recorded by the Crown Women on Crow Magic
My voice is open.
I am the dance of dreams.
I am the dance of life.
For this ritual, you will need to assemble the following materials in your studio or ritual space:
- Your Book of Shadows, journal or sketchbook, or a loose sheet of thick unlined paper
- Scissors
- Glue or glue sticks
- Colored pencils, markers, or crayons
- Assorted collage materials: magazines and postcards to cut up, glitter, fabric, seed catalogs, fake flowers, recycled seed packets, etc.
- Your favorite paint-brush, pen, or creative tool to use as an athame.
- Sage, sweet-grass, or incense to purify your tools

Using your creative tool as an athame, cast a circle. Call upon the Deities and Muses that inspire you most, and welcome them to your sacred space. Ask for their aid and inspiration in this undertaking. Listen to or sing Dance of Dreams, and remember you are sacred.
When you’re ready, choose pictures and words that represent the elements, as well as symbols of the creative and magickal work you want to focus on this year. Cut each one into the shape of a seed. Then, plant them all on the blank page.

Cover them with a garden collage of pictures, words, and symbols of spring.

Then, add the names, images, or symbols of your Muses, and other creative souls that inspire you with their words, artwork, and music.

You have sown the seeds of your heart’s garden. Tend them carefully, and your magickal and creative dreams will blossom and bear fruit. Consecrate the completed project, and display it on your altar, or anywhere you need a little inspiration! Give thanks to all who have inspired and aided you in this magickal working. Release the circle.
May you dance your dreams with your Muse. Blessed be.

About Molly: I am a witchy writer and artist living in Denver, Colorado. I seek to explore the places where spirit intersects with creative art. With the return of the spring, I dedicate myself to new creative projects. I will sow dream-seeds and harvest the crops from previous seasons. My hope is to delight and inspire our readers, and bring a dose of magick and art into their daily lives.
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