The big meal is over, we survived not talking politics and then everyone went home.
The food was great and as soon as I’m done writing this and getting it sent off, I will be making my famous turkey soup.
It does take several hours, but is so worth it and lasts for weeks….

The Winds of November
This first song “The Winds of November” is from my “Tree of Life” CD and is one of my very favorites.
The weather here in Northeast Ohio is finally turning cold and the sky will be gray sometimes a week or more at a time…NOVEMBER!
November reflections
For me personally this has been a very auspicious month.
It began with The Pittsburgh Witches Ball in Pittsburgh PA with a 15 hour drive non stop from Florida Pagan Gathering in Silver Springs Florida. It was a brutal drive…then…came the election.
I woke up in the middle of the night late election night, feeling sick to my stomach. I just couldn’t shake the worry and feeling of impending disaster. Then that morning it was confirmed.
Like many I felt like the world was just upside down and like I’d been hit by a train…For about 10 minutes I felt myself slipping into depression, then…I realized how much really important work I had to do and that people were counting on me to get it done, so I rolled up my sleeves, had a cup of tea…then another, and got to work.
Anger and the determination to make the world a better place… starting with myself…beats depression every time. Playing and writing music helps a lot too….
A few days later we held the 23rd annual Woodchopper’s Ball benefit for the Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless at the Kent Stage. The Woodchopper’s Ball features 8 of the very best, most amazing, most award-winning guitarists on Earth all joining me onstage for a night of virtuoso guitar, friendship and absolute joy.
It was an amazing success.

International Pagan Music Association News!
Then…the very next Saturday was the International Pagan Music Awards ceremony and concert in Hudson Ohio where I met and saw play live some really awesome musicians I hadn’t met before like Blackwillow Starling and Nordic Daughter.
I got to see Rowena of the Glen win her award for Best Female Performer, Frankie from The Reversals played a short solo set and accepted the award for Best band for The Reversals and I won my third and final award for Best Male Performer…

Why did I say “final”? It’s because I then let everyone know that I would no longer be eligible for an award because I was joining the board for IPMA to help usher in a new era for the organization and to honor the groups Visionary and President, Mellissa Anderson.

The time for winter music is upon us
Red are the berries, green are the leaves of the Holly tree
Orange is the sky of the setting Sun
My lady and I step from the grove as one
The Oak tree is bowing to Summer storms passing beyond the veil
Black is the sky of a starry night
My lady and I sleep in the grass as one in the night
Red are the berries, green are the leaves of the Holly tree
Orange is the sky of the rising Sun“The Holly and the Oak” by Brian Henke (c) 2020
More projects and performances on the horizon
I have also taken on production work behind the scenes by becoming “Entertainment Director” for Free Spirit Gathering in Darlington MD, for Autumn Fires at Wisteria in Pomeroy, OH and am in discussions about the Mini Music Fest in September with Winfield Arts and Humanities in Winfield KS.
I am also continuing my work on the programming Committee for the Starwood Festival in Pomeroy OH as Artist Liaison.
And…I have also started planning on production for four more separate concerts in Northeast OH for 2025 and….booking festivals and concerts for myself with others for 2025 and beyond.

Oh yeah…I’m also working on new music for my next album which I am hoping to start recording as soon as “There Beneath the Stars” is finally released.
The year is not over yet either….
I’ll be at my favorite book store in the Universe, Loganberry Books in Shaker Heights OH, to help them celebrate their 30th anniversary on December 7th.

Then….honoring the late John Lennon by joining a bunch of really great local artists at the Beachland Ballroom in Cleveland OH for “John Lennon Remembered” on December 8th.
I will be playing all Beatles songs….

Benefit Concert for Hurricane Helene survivors
Sometime between now and then I’ll be pre recording a concert video for an online benefit for Northeastern TN and Northwestern NC. A concert video to benefit the flood and disaster stricken area of Northwestern NC and Eastern TN that will be hosted by author and priestess of the Mother Grove Temple in Asheville NC…Byron Ballard.
This is the brainchild of Krista Chapman Green and will feature acts like Tuatha Dea, Wendy Rule, SJ Tucker, Ginger Doss and Lynda Millard, Krista and many others. It will be online on December 14th. Please sign up in the Facebook event and join us!

Falling Snow and Yule Music

December 20h I’ll be traveling to Belle MO to play a special Winter Solstice/Yule concert and celebration with SJ Tucker, Ginger Doss, Mama Gina Lamonte and Beltana Spellsinger and Bela at the Osage Arts Community Arts Center and gallery.
December 21st I’ll be playing an “invitation only” fest for Yule in Hannibal MO….

The light of the Sun on the shortest day
On my breath like a cloud as it hangs in the air
With words that I say
Words that I say are all blown away
By the wind on the shortest day of the year
The light of the Sun and the wind on the snow
Revealing the green there below
Counting the hours is like counting Stars
Or counting heartbeats while dreaming a dream
A dream of tomorrow
Tomorrow the day will be longer
Like a ghost of the past, a promise of Spring
The light of the Sun and the wind on the snow
Revealing the life there below
Seasons will pass and years will go by
As we grow old a new child is born
Born out of love
Love is the promise the promise is love
The light of the Sun on the shortest of days
The light of the Sun and the wind on the snow
Revealing the life there
The light of the Sun on this shortest of days
A dream that the wind blows away“Light of the Sun (On the Shortest Day)” by Brian Henke (c) 2016
THEN…. Look out 2025!!!
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