Long-time readers of this blog likely recall a previous blogger Roki the rabbit. Roki supported the recording of Seasons, the Crow Women’s third album, because like most bands, we gravitated toward holding band practice at the drummer’s house. Sadly, Roki crossed the rainbow bridge in September 2020, leaving a huge bunny-filled hole in her household that could only be filled by TWO new rabbits.
Due to the pandemic, the new Crow bunnies had not witnessed the glory of Crow choir rehearsals for the fourth album. But recently, Holland lop-eared rabbits Geo (aka Geo-licious) and Nelys (aka Nelly Belly) got to experience their first taste of Crow music magic.
Tara Kreauweaumonn caught up with Geo and Nelys for an exclusive interview on their reaction to the event.

Tara: A couple of weeks ago, a murder of Crows came over to the house and sang and chatted and laughed and ate. That’s what we call “Crow rehearsal.” Do you remember that?
Nelys: Crows? In the house? No crows in the house!
Tara: Ah, I see your confusion. These Crows look a lot like human women unless you look closely.
Nelys: Oh, the noisy feet. I remember feet.
Tara: Yes, feet are indeed at your eye level. Do remember what it was like hosting the rehearsal?
Geo: Broom came out. I like Broom. We play Broom now?
Tara: No, we’re not sweeping right now, we’re doing an interview.
Nelys: Are there bananas with interview?
Tara: No, no bananas with interview.
Nelys: I’m bored.
Nelys hops down the hall to the office. Since Geo is locked in his cage*, he remains a captive audience for the interview.
Tara: Your predecessor Roki was a fixture at our rehearsals and even wrote for our blog.
Geo: What’s a “pretty scissor”?
Tara: It’s the bunny who came before you.
Geo: Thou shalt have no bunnies before Geo!
Tara: Geo’s a good bunny.** What can you tell us about the day of the rehearsal, Sir Geo, Lord of the Earth, apple of our eye, cutest of bunnies in room right now***?
Geo: Broom?
Tara: Yes, we’ve established the broom swept up beforehand, with lots of “help” from you.
Geo: The room got weird.
Tara: True, some of the furniture got moved around to make room for the singers and the glockenspiel.
Nelys (after surprise reappearance worthy of a ninja): Glog and spill!
Geo: Don’t like metal stands. No fun to chew.
Tara: You don’t seem to mind how the glockenspiel sounds. It’s not too loud?
Nelys: Not loud like “Stranger Things.” Or the vacuum.
Geo: Vacuum!
Tara: We’re not playing Vacuum. We’re not playing Broom. We’re playing Interview.
Nelys: With bananas?
Geo (pacing in his cage): Did Nelly get bananas? I don’t have bananas. Where’s the banana? It’s not fair he got bananas. I want bananas.
Tara: No one got bananas. I was talking about the rehearsal.
Nelys: With the Crows that aren’t crows?
Tara (sighs with relief): Yes, that’s the one.
Nelys: Crows that came and went a lot.
Tara: That’s true. It seems with each subsequent album we get more and more complicated with our “staffing.” So different people are working on different songs for each recording session. It does make it more manageable with everyone’s busy schedules, but people come in and out of rehearsal depending on what we’re working on.
Geo: Crows didn’t bring bananas.
Nelys: Just papers.
Tara: Most of those papers are lyrics or song sheets for us to sing the right things.
Geo: It’s not working. ****

Tara: Well, that’s what rehearsal is for. We are learning the songs and singing them together to get ready to record them or perform at a concert. Once we have them learned, we don’t need the papers as much. Although sometimes we keep using them as a crutch.
Nelys (fills his mouth with hay): I like papers. They make a nice crunching sound in my teeth.
Geo: I don’t remember much singing.
Tara: We practiced for a little while before we worked on planning a new song that we are writing for the upcoming Red Album. Then we ate together and enjoyed each other’s company, something you two could learn to do, you know!
Nelys: It was pizza. I don’t like pizza.
Geo: I like banana.
Nelys: Or peach.
Geo: Or apple.
Nelys: Or blueberries.
Geo: Or greens.
Nelys: Or carrots…
The interview devolves into a list of all the things bunnies want to eat, and Tara goes to fix herself a stiff drink.
We still miss Roki.

* Though brothers, Geo and Nelys can’t be in the same place without a murderous brawl. Thus, they take turns having free roam of the house.
** For those readers who spend little time with house rabbits, it is important to note that they have very large egos and very low tolerance for other rabbits.
*** We also don’t like to remind Geo that he is actually named after a card from the Brian Froud “Fairies Oracle” deck. His full name is Geeeeeooo the Slooow. He is supposed to be teaching us to slow down and smell the roses. More like, smell the bananas. Nelys is named from the same deck, and Nelys “the alchemist” is here to support our inner transformation. Mostly they chew on our furniture and track hay all over the house.
**** Rabbits don’t pull punches.
The interview above is not a faithful nor accurate portrayal of a Crow Women rehearsal session. No crows or rabbits were harmed in the completion of this blog post, but an innocent banana was decimated.
That was so much fun to read!! Give my love to the bunny bois. And bananas – lots of 🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🖤 good to get a rabbits’eye view of crow silliness!
I am going to bring bananas next time, for better PR.