Marilyn Krowommn is a singer in the Crow Women and one of its most long-time members. She is the author of Stone Circle on our album Crow Magic, a song inspired by an experience at Ardantane Pagan Learning Center. For our album Seasons, she wrote the songs Candle Flame and Darkness, Holy Be.
Marilyn contributed 5 songs to the album Pantheon, which the Crow Women released in 2024. They are Fire Spinning Song, Goddess Blessing, Gods and Lovers, Crows and My Familiar is a Spider.
Marilyn sings tenor, filling in the low harmonies on many of our songs. She lives in Durango, Colorado.
Marilyn’s blog posts:
Hail to the Old Gods
“Bring to woods and fields your own true love, lay you down upon the fertile ground. As you languish in each tender move, pray the Gods to bless the joy you’ve found”. These words from my song, Gods and Lovers, set a mood of romance, sexuality and love! As the...
Creating Your Altar
Approaching your magical altar, you breathe deeply, you visualize the Goddess and your personal Deities, you light a candle to focus your spiritual workings, and you begin your devotions. You might bless this space with Water and Earth, you might sanctify with Fire and Air as you smudge. You might...
The Great Tarot Giveaway
Sometimes, Magic happens when least expected. Sometimes, the Goddess has a giggle and something unpredicted turns up. In the world of Pagan Practice, many activities can become ritual and ceremony. Giving away Tarot cards was one such experience for me. I approach a stranger, and hand them a card. Or...
Gazing into the Mystery
Have you looked back in time? Seen the awesome origins of all of Creation? This divinity can be revealed in many ways- in the rituals that Pagans use to celebrate the Goddess, in the small and large magical events that fill our days, and in the connections that arise from...
Mystery, Magic and the Cosmos
Microseconds following the Big Bang (approximately 14 Billion years ago) the Cosmic Fireball expands, inflates, creating waves and ripples they persist over eons of time, becoming Fields and Particles and galaxies, and stars, and planets, and Us? and Magic? Can what we know from Ritual and Ceremony be compatible with...
A Ritual for Blessing Magical Tools
Gather your tools and symbols of magic, and journey with me into a spell of cleansing, consecrating and charging. As Witches and Pagans, we circle with our covens and with the Goddess, while our Magical Tools focus and strengthen these rituals. What tools do you use? Wand, athame, pentacle, chalice...
Spin the Majik of Fire!
The Drama of Fire! The heart of the Goddess! The excitement, danger, magic, mesmerizing enchantment- what’s your relationship with Fire? Your experiences with this most elemental force can shape your willingness to engage in Fire Magic and Flame Ritual- and perhaps, this relationship can evolve and elevate. Mine sure did!...
Living for Love, Pagan Style
Let’s fall in love with love, pleasure, and sexuality! As a Pagan community, we look forward to a celebration of Valentine’s Day. We know that our Goddess desires as much joy and love for us as possible. Our rituals and ceremonies reflect the sacred nature of Love in many manifestations...
Holy Darkness
The Magic of the Goddess is manifest in the turning of the Wheel of The Year. Our rituals celebrate Day/Night, Heat/Cold, Dark/Light, and many other dichotomies. Bringing spirituality to our observances of these distinctions gives Pagan folk a new perspective. In this way, we begin to nourish appreciation of darkness...
Abundance: An Interview with Ayla Heartsong
How often do we pray to our Goddess to give us Magic to bring all the resources, spiritual and material, that we want or need? Many a Pagan ritual has focused on a heartfelt request for more in our lives; more money, a loving family, many friends, romance and passion–name...
The Magic of “Crows”
The Goddess is Alive, and Magic is Afoot! This is more than a bumper sticker; this is the foundation of our spiritual practice. This concept was never more clear to me than a few years ago, when the Crow Goddess gave me a song, and made darn sure that I...
Sacred Dance in Pagan Practice
“All she wants to do is dance, dance, dance”. Yes, that pertains to witches and Pagans, too! Within a Pagan circle or community, sacred dance is often incorporated in ritual and ceremony. Therefore, energy is raised and we connect with Majick and The Goddess in a special way. Movement is...
Honoring Spider Deity
“EEEK! It’s a spider! Kill it! Keep it away! ” Reactions of fear, repulsion, escape, hatredI wonder why so many of us are fearful of the beautiful Spider, a truly helpful, beneficial creature of the Goddess. In fact, she is a Goddess herself! Spider Deity is a gift to the...
A Healing Ritual amid the Coronavirus Crisis
In this time of plague, our spirits have taken a beating, but will not stay down for long! Communication among people–family, sacred circles, organizations–has developed a new tone, in which we reach out with love and concern. Whisper blessed be, or shout it out! This is a time for a...
Handparting: A Pagan Separation Ritual
Partings. In the course of our lives, we sometimes find it necessary to deal with the dissolution of a relationship; whether formal or informal, family or lover, long lasting or brief. In the Pagan world we create ceremony and ritual for these major life changes, and we recognize the need...
Mask Making for Pagan Rituals
Have you ever wished you could be someone else, just for a short while? To experience life the way they would, to savor the excitement of a new identity, especially during ritual? Many Pagan practitioners identify with a special Magical Being, Goddess or God or other entity. Wearing a mask...
“The Roots of my Heart”, an Interview with Cynthia Crossen
Cynthia Crossen is a successful writer of heartfelt songs that are popular within the Pagan community. I interviewed her about her song, The Roots of My Heart, and she described to me her philosophy of song and her dedication to her craft. She joyfully works to nurture singing and song...
Glorious Muffins for Mabon
Mabon, the holiday of harvest feasting! When the “cakes and ale” moment comes in your celebration, pull out these glorious muffins for Mabon. It’s a perfect time to sing A Pagan Grace, too. I loved recording this delightful little song for our Seasons album, with Shannon and Alane. “Dear Goddess...
Crow Women Initiation Rituals
Initiation rituals are one of our most important rites of passage. We Crow Women are a close, close sisterhood! We have been circling for over 25 years, which has to be some kind of a record. There have been sisters who have moved away, and new crow women have been...
Sacred Art Surrounding my Home
In a previous blog, I’ve shared stories of the four main Elemental Altars that I created on the boundaries of the property where I live. Now, I’ll describe some other sacred art, generally rock sculptures, that I have installed around my home. Over the years, the making and re-shaping of...
Elemental Altars Blessing My Home
Creating sacred spaces that reflect the environment where you live is a part of ecomancy: the magic of connection to place. I am fortunate to live on several acres of land in the hills outside my hometown, and enjoy a buffer zone of privacy in all directions from my house...
Summer Solstice recollections
“It’s Summertime, Summertime, Sum-Sum-Summertime” We have traveled halfway around the Wheel from Yule , and the Sun stands still once again. We experience the longest day, the shortest night, the brightness and the fullness of the start of our season of summer. We celebrate the life-giving, life-affirming, life-abundant time of...
Tips for Improved Singing, Part 2
So glad that you, dear reader, are back again for more information on improving your singing skills! I am so sure that working on these techniques will empower your voice and song! Ready for three more tips? These are perhaps a bit more advanced, and really effective! 1. Correct breathing...
Tips for Improved Singing, part 1
As you know by now, the Crow Women are a women’s circle that is centered in Goddess spirituality and we are a pagan band that produces albums and concerts. Crow Choir is an important part of our magical practice whether the music is for ourselves or is shared with our...
Stone Circle becomes a song!
There is Majik in the earth! In the growing things as well as the inert aspects of landscape. Some believe that even rocks and stones have spirit! From very early times, people all over the world have placed stones in designs that have meaning and magic. Circles of stone are...
Candle Flame, part 2
In hopes that you, dear reader, may be inspired to incorporate this song into some of your ritual work, I am sharing some thoughts about how that may be accomplished. It would honor the Crow Women greatly to know that others in the Pagan and Wiccan community find our music...
Candle Flame, part 1
This post, part 1 of the Candle Flame series, describes Marilyn’s experience in writing the song Candle Flame. Part 2 will explore ways you can use the song in your own ceremonies. The song lyrics appear at the end of this blog entry. “Let us light a candle flame” How...