Honoring Spider Deity

“EEEK! It’s a spider! Kill it! Keep it away! ” Reactions of fear, repulsion, escape, hatred…I wonder why so many of us are fearful of the beautiful Spider, a truly helpful, beneficial creature of the Goddess. In fact, she is a Goddess herself! Spider Deity is a gift to the Pagan practitioner. In this blog I extoll the wonders of Spider Magic and hope to share with you a new view of this tiny but highly Majikal individual. I hope honoring Spider Deity will be as enriching for you as it has been for me.

Frightening, awe-inspiring, beautiful!

Losing fear of spiders was magical

Many years ago, when I was afraid of spiders as so many are, I had a Transformation Dream. I was standing next to an extra large cage, being told that it was necessary for me to go inside to feed the inhabitants. Yes, the cage was full of giant spiders! Many of them! I felt terror and a sense of doom. I was given a bucket of spider food (does Amazon sell this by the sackful?) and told that I would be in no danger unless they could sense my fear, in which case I would be devoured. Shoved in the cage door! Locked behind me! “EEEK!”

The spiders began to approach, a menacing hissing sound emitting from their collective voices. A wave of fear washed over me! After all, these spiders were the size of German Shepherds! I told myself that I could not let them sense my fear or all would be lost. Therefore, I began to generate Love and Affection, thinking I could disguise my fear from them. As I worked hard to broadcast gentle feelings, an amazing change occurred…the spiders halted their ominous advance, and began pattering eagerly toward me, behaving adorably like puppies!

Aww, who could fear this cutie?

Transformation of fear to love

They gathered around, crawled up onto my arms and shoulders, and began eating from the bucket. Their sweet little faces reflected satisfaction at meal time. I thought (in my dream); “Why, they are darling! So sweet and playful, so gentle!” I began to feel genuine affection for them. I woke up, and found my attitude and affect completely changed; spiders are wonderful! Beautiful! And certainly, not to be feared.

Spider deity, a permanent part of my sacred body

Spiders in song

There are songs about spiders, from the children’s chant of “Itsy Bitsy Spider” to a great pop song by They May Be Giants called, simply, Spider, the lyrics of which portray the alternating fear and admiration many of us have for this versatile arachnid:

Spider, he is our hero
Spider, get rid of
Spider, step on spider
Spider, we love you spider

Spider, by They Might be Giants (c) 1992

I have written a song for honoring Spider Deity: My Familiar is a Spider. The Crow Women have not yet released it on an album, but here is an informal recording and the lyrics. (If you don’t see the track , go to our website, where it will definitely appear.)

My familiar is a spider, in her web she weaves me.
To my altar I invite her, and her presence never leaves me.
With eight legs she dances in my life, weave the web, spin the future with each thread
What will be.

By her power I am protected, may she guard and guide me.
In her web I am connected, may she ever walk beside me.
There are many pathways in my life, make a choice, listen to the Spider’s voice
Guiding me.

Spider magic brings me blessings, Maiden, Crone and Mother.
See Arachne, Maiden essence, spin the strands, create my future.
Mother spider, bless and comfort me. In your web I find peace that will not ebb
Holding me.

Weave the Universe becoming, oh Grandmother Spider.
Energy and power humming, wisdom flows from deep inside her.
Dancing on the traces of her web, I am healed, as the future is revealed
My familiar is a spider
Blessed Be.

My Familiar is a Spider (c) 2017 by Marilyn Leftwich

Honoring Spider Goddess in many ways

Since the transformation dream described above, I have been a true Arachnophile. In 1993 I got my first tattoo, a beautiful spider. In 2013, when I had my Croning ceremony, I dedicated to honoring Spider Deity for the remainder of this life. Additionally, my regular devotions to the Goddess always include recognition and honor for the Triple Spider Goddess. Arachne is Maiden Spider; she dances on her eight legs, seeing the world in many dimensions with her compound eyes, and flinging the strands of her web out into the worlds to find magic. Then there is Spider Woman, sacred to many Southwestern Native tribal people, a Mother Goddess, creator and benefactor, healer and bringer of light. Also, Grandmother Spider, Crone Goddess, overseer of Universal patterns, Immense in size, and microscopically personal, weaver and designer of the tapestry of our lives.

Three faces of the Spider Goddess

It is true that Spider Deity is a gift to the Pagan practitioner, and I have created and collected much Spider art, and received many Spider gifts from friends who know my devotion. The art of weaving and creating, the revelry of dance, the patience of waiting, the responsibility of culling that which is unwelcome…these are the lessons of Spider.

Each a talisman of Blessings of the Spider Goddess

Inviting Spider Magic into your practice

How do you react when you find a spider in your home? Please consider keeping a plastic cup and old postcard near each sink (where spiders love to hang out) to catch and release, each time with a blessing for their industry and artistry. Encounter a spider outdoors? Speak to it gently, wish it well and leave it alone, unless you stay a while to admire its web. Wear spider jewelry, a spider T-shirt, place a jeweled spider in your hair, draw, sculpt or otherwise create your own spider art to welcome spider energy to your home and altar, and to honor her gifts.

Spider Goddess weaving the patterns of our lives

Accept Spider Goddess’ blessings

May each of you develop a new appreciation for Spider, and notice your fear and revulsion diminishing. If you invite Spider energy into your life, you may find many rewards and blessings will come your way. Hail, Arachne, Spider Woman, Grandmother Spider!

“We are the flow, we are the ebb, we are the weaver, we are the web”

2 thoughts on “Honoring Spider Deity”

  1. So glad you enjoyed reading about the majesty of the spider kingdom. Spider magic has been so good to me and I feel that we can all benefit from appreciating the Web of connection Encouraged by spider.

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