Alexander James Adams: Faerietale Minstrel, Warlock Bard
A professional musician of over forty years, Alec has always used magic in his performances to transform and inspire his listeners into states of being that leave them changed for the better. Using the stories and songs of Antiquity, he creates places where the audience can find their unspoken secrets and address them with new inspiration.
With twenty albums, a few spoken word stories and many collaborations with other musicians, Alexander applies transformational magic to his work in hopes of changing things that need to be changed.
A student of Celtic histories and mythologies, he assumes the mantle of Warlock as an agent of Free Will and defender of Personal Truths. Not an Oath Breaker in the traitorous way, but in the transformational way. He works in and with the Dark in order to see the Light and reveal its the path.
Transformation is a specialty of his due to a 20-year career as the Singer-Songwriter Heather Alexander and now he celebrates 15+ years on the path of Consort to the Goddess as a male performer.
He works with the caliber of musician such as SJ Tucker and Betsy Tinney in the band Tricky Pixie and has recorded in Abbey Roads Studio, London with Fox Amoore.
It is his deepest desire to inspire his audience to find their inner truth and bring it into life, realize their dreams and empower their own personal magic.
With workshops on the history and personal interpretation of the Warlock path, he hopes to find more practitioners who will be willing to defend and empower Personal Truth with Personal Responsibility.
When not performing music, visiting friends, or holding workshops, he spends his time in the great Northwest with two pitbulls, three black cats and a most wonderful witch for his Lady Love. They all snuggle up in a 30 foot RV, ready to go wherever the wind takes them.
“You say you’re acting from some Law Divine- But Perfect Judgement is not yours to hold dominion over mine!”
One of several conscientious artists on The Red Album: Pagan Voices for Reproductive Rights, Alexander James Adams’ song is entitled Hypocratic Oath. When asked about his song, he answered, “I have friends in the medical field that have shared their pain and stress with me about not being able to fulfil the vows of healing that they took to save lives. The hypocrisy of people who claim to be ‘saving lives’ by threatening others defies reason, and is in blatant disregard of basic human ethics. The Greater Powers have never and will never support this behavior.”
Well, here we are, dear readers. Spring has arrived and many of us are still a bit frozen from this harsh winter in both the natural world and the human realm. There are a lot of things that have failed to thrive over this winter, and we need to clear the...
Numbers Equal Strength. This quarter’s blog has turned out very different than I intended. This part of the winter holiday season calls for Gratitude for what we each have in our lives, wherever, however, and whatever the conditions are that we are living. I don’t know how many of you...
“Home is where the Heart is”, this is the common saying. But without knowing the truth of your heart, how do you know where you live? My own heart took a while to find. From my first day of life to my 24th year, I lived with my parents. When...
In the height of the summer season, we can find ourselves overwhelmed with all the goals and demands that we expect ourselves to achieve: master plans of career moves, family improvement, inner psyche repair from a harsh winter. When I have not been able to find the music that will...
How many of us as magic practitioners are asked to do a love spell? How many of us have cast one for our own desires or the needs of a friend? I suspect there are more of us who know better than that. I’d like to hope so. I had...
From the bright colours of the Autumnal Equinox to the tiny budding green of Imbolc, this is my favourite turning of Life’s Wheel. It is the time when most of our spiritual celebrations are set into days that are filled with change and chaos by Nature. The Winter Solstice in...
“The Mills of the Gods grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine” – Sextus Empiricus, 3rd Century AD Seasons move in a constant wheel of life. Birth of new energy, growth, production, harvest, decay, regeneration. All that happens creates all that will happen in an ongoing circle of magic. As...
Forgive me, Dear Readers. I always try to write positive, uplifting blogs of Magic & Music for you, but sometimes, a positive perspective is seated in depressing and dangerous subjects. Such is this entry. This last weekend, after a long day performing at the Oklahoma Renaissance Faire, I was surprised...
As Pagans we connect to the flora and fauna of the land. We draw energy from it all and in turn, give it back in our magical workings. Here in the Northern Hemisphere in March, we experience the turning of the season from the harsh lacking of life in the...
Winter is here. Time for a mug of something warm and fireside stories in the dark of night. The art of stories and storytelling has become a successful way to help folk process their own stories. Especially when they are faerie tales. To hear of strange lands, great heroes and...
Music is a form of magick. It can be constructed in various ways to be a symbolic, sonic image of the practitioner’s intent. That intent, once heard by the listener can manifest, and they will start acting upon the intent that they now feel is their own. Hearts can be...
“Great Dragon, I beseech you-Sear my wounds!Let my screams be your breath!Lift me on the wind of my will!Let me burn my shadows to ash!Let me rise triumphant on my fury!” “Magna Draco” – Dream Tunes & Dragon Tales, Alexander James Adams These are the words I used to heal...
By any other name. The word as defined from Oxford Languages is “a man who practices witchcraft: a sorcerer”. Given my own specialized past, I will state here that any form of the Goddess who finds themselves resounding with this name is completely entitled to it. While I will refer...