About Crow Women

Deb, Laura, Carole, Alane, Tara and Marilyn of the Crow Women

The Crow Women are a pagan choir that has been bringing Goddess-oriented sacred music to the pagan community for three decades. They are the coordinators and sponsors of the Pagan Song blog and website.

The Crow Women began as a women’s spirituality group in 1992. They are a Wiccan coven that is dedicated to the Goddess in all her forms, including her manifestation within each of us. Early on, they discovered that they are all highly musical. They incorporated chants into their rituals and delighted in elaborating them with harmony and other embellishments. As the beauty and complexity of their arrangements grew, they began to share their music with the pagan community. They have performed concerts at fesivals in the Southwest where they make their homes. They have performed at Dragonfest and Beltania in Colorado, and at Magical Moutain Mabon, Beltane Southwest and Albuqueruqe Pagan Pride in New Mexico.

Crow Women have released 4 albums. Their songs include chants for moon rituals, songs to the elements, for rites of passage and for all the Sabbats of the Wheel of the Year. The first album, Crow Goddess was a mix of covers and original music. The subsequent albums, Crow Magic, Seasons and Pantheon are all original compositions by members of the band. All of the Crow Women are priestess-songwriters. Most of the music began as music for their own rituals, and they are honored to offer that music to you to incorporate in your own rituals.

The Crow Women have led many chant workshops at pagan festivals and are available to lead live or online workshops for your event. They can tailor their workshops to the theme of your event. They have 25 years of experience in creating music workshops for any subject.

“How dare you try to limit the Goddess?
I am choice far beyond what governments control!”

The Crow Women are among 19 bands who have contributed a song to the pro-choice compilation The Red Album: Pagan Voices for Reproductive Rights. When asked about their song, How Dare You! they said; “We are both a pagan band and a feminist Wiccan coven. We wanted to express our grief and outrage at the loss of reproductive choice, and give voice to the Goddess as she pours out comfort and strength to support us in working to regain our rights.”   

Blog posts by the Crow Women on Pagan Song: Music for Your Magic

Hail to the Old Gods

“Bring to woods and fields your own true love, lay you down upon the fertile ground. As you languish in each tender move, pray the...

Love and Compassion and Allyship

We’ve had an emotional couple of weeks in the American pagan community (and our country). Many are horrified, others despondent, and most of us are...
Bast with pyramis

A Song to Honor the Goddess Bast

In this post, I’ll share the story of my song Dua Bast. The Crow Women recently released it on our new album Pantheon: Honoring the...
basket of garden produce for witchy ritual

Garden Harvest Magic

Thanks to Gaia and the Green ManThanks to the blessed land.Tend the garden with rakes and hoes,The harvest basket overflows. That’s they opening of Garden...
cover art Crow Women album Pantheon: Honoring the Pagan Divine

Coming Soon…New Crow Women Album!

Hello Pagan Song readers. Did you know this website is sponsored by the pagan band Crow Women? It started out as our band site but...

Spiritual New Zealand Journey

Aotearoa When I was able to spend a month in the Land of the Long White Cloud, I was meant to come back with some...
green man mask

Making Art with The Green Man

Earth Day is coming soonbut the Earth is our home, every day. How can we honor Her, and pay homage to The Green Man, in...

Rehearsing with Kazoos

If the delicate fluting of the kazoo is part of your vision for a song you are arranging, you may find yourself faced with the...

Five Years of Pagan Song

Well, what do you know, the Pagan Song blog is now 5 years old! Pagan Song: Music for your Magic started out as a band...

Creating Your Altar

Approaching your magical altar, you breathe deeply, you visualize the Goddess and your personal Deities, you light a candle to focus your spiritual workings, and...
pebble in sand

Cast a Spell on Doubt

The heart of spellwork is creating a clear intention. Out of the muddle of our contradictory desires, we pluck this dream, clothe it in specifics...

Be a Sex Positive Pagan

Listening to Gaia Consort singing joyfully about sex as a positive act in The Rede, “An it harm none do what you will”, it occurs...

The Red Album: Crow Women’s Story

We’re the Crow Women, a Goddess-focused women’s circle that has had a long, rich life as a pagan coven as well as a parallel identity...

The Witch’s Path

Are you wondering whether you are a witch? Have you felt or experienced something that led you to look at this path? Even if you...

The Great Tarot Giveaway

Sometimes, Magic happens when least expected. Sometimes, the Goddess has a giggle and something unpredicted turns up. In the world of Pagan Practice, many activities...
A decoupage scene with snow and a cabin and a woman looking out at the moon.

Decoupage Your Sacred Home

Many pagan practitioners have sacred places where they connect with the divine. It might be an ancient sacred site, a special spot in nature, or...
Crow Singers

Those Who Sang Before

First Connection Last summer I was preparing to lead a Litha ritual, and I found a poem called “Wild Woman” in my files. I didn’t...

Gazing into the Mystery

Have you looked back in time? Seen the awesome origins of all of Creation? This divinity can be revealed in many ways- in the rituals...
Black rabbit rubs his chin on a radio

Two Rabbits Walk into a Rehearsal…

Long-time readers of this blog likely recall a previous blogger Roki the rabbit. Roki supported the recording of Seasons, the Crow Women’s third album, because...
Lugh Celtic God of Nobility

Honoring Lugh

Lughnassadh (Lammas) is, among other things, a celebration of the Celtic god Lugh (also Lleu or Lugus), the god of nobility. Lugh was both a...

Earth Council of Beings

“Every Day is Earth Day.” This is a comment that we hear every time April 22 rolls around. While mostly lip service for most, it...

Reproductive Freedom

The problem with letting people have rights is that they get used to them and react badly when you come back to take those rights...

Bring the Rain

As a child I loved playing in the monsoon rains of my childhood home of Colorado, splashing in the puddles and helping the earth worms...
Stone spiral at Ardantane.org

Spiral Crone Journey

It’s finally spring! Not the time of year you’d expect to be thinking about the Crone, right? Well, I have some perspective on the Crone...
pagan priestess with maypole ribbons

Sing “Ho!” for Beltane mead

Today I am toasting the arrival of the Beltane season with some mead I made two years ago. Remember those strange times? It was April...

Singing for Social Justice

The roots of connection between social justice and music run deep. Music has a unique power not only to tap into a deep emotional state...

Mystery, Magic and the Cosmos

Microseconds following the Big Bang (approximately 14 Billion years ago)  the Cosmic Fireball expands, inflates, creating waves and ripples  they persist over eons of time...

Gardening Spirit of Spring

As the light starts to noticeably return I start to think of spring and what I want to grow in this year’s garden. To get...
Happy 3rd birthday to Pagan Song, sparklers

Three Years of Pagan Song

Wow, this blog has now been alive and growing for 3 years! It’s time to celebrate our birthday with our annual year-in-review post. (My reflection...
Imbolc altar

Imbolc menu and memories

The days are getting longer. Depending on where you live, the first little green shoots might be poking up. It’s time to celebrate Imbolc! I’m...

Aphrodite Rising: Go Love Yourself

This is the fourth and final episode of my self-care series for pagans. We’ve been around the Wheel of the Year now, with Aphrodite at...

Trickster Sings This World

Recently I had the honor of teaching a class on trickster deities for Ardantane School of Paganism. Of course, as a Kreauwomun (Crow Woman), I...

Ending: Group Development, part 8

All things have a lifecycle. Groups and organizations are no exception. A coven, a pagan organization, or a pagan band is like a person. It...

Singing at Winter Solstice

Now is the time when the darkness is deepest. The nights are long, and the further north you live, the more intense the difference is...
pagan witch tools dedication

A Ritual for Blessing Magical Tools

Gather your tools and symbols of magic, and journey with me into a spell of cleansing, consecrating and charging. As Witches and Pagans, we circle...
detail of painting of Hecate by Carole McWilliams

Faces of Hekate

I love the lead-up to Samhain. I can dress as witchy as I want and fit right in with the Muggles celebrating Halloween. As Jon...
crone with purple rose

Coming of Age as The Crone

I heard recently that we experience not one but many comings of age. I can’t find the author interview where I heard this, but I...
people and sunrise

Ah, Stability: Group Development, part 7

This is installment seven of my eight-part series on pagan group psychology. Whether the group is a band of pagan musicians, a circle, or a...
cat goddess scribble

Aphrodite Rising: Falling for Yourself

Self love has never been more important. The past few months have been a roller-coaster of dizzying highs and desolate lows. Desperate to find a...

My Web of Wonder

When it’s time to release a loved one to the Summerland, or heaven, or Valhalla, or wherever you believe we go upon death (if anywhere)...
gentle woman with blooming flower bouquet outdoors

Breaths of the Ancestors

Honoring our ancestors brings us into deeper connection with ourselves. The song Breaths is an illustration of this connection. As I move into the Crone...
magic goddess collage

Collage Ritual

You are responsible for a fast approaching ritual. (And blog post!) It’s not close to one of the big seasonal observances. It’s not close to...
pagan love heart in sand

Sexual Styles for Magical Connections

I recently wrote a blog post on sexual communication and thought I would follow it with something else near and dear to my heart: sexual...

Weaving Patterns: Group Development, part 6

All groups go through a predictable arc of development. Pagan bands, covens and study groups are no exception. In this series, we give advice for...

Spin the Majik of Fire!

The Drama of Fire! The heart of the Goddess! The excitement, danger, magic, mesmerizing enchantment- what’s your relationship with Fire? Your experiences with this most...
Summer solstice

Welcome to the Summer Solstice!

Summer Solstice. Midsummer. Litha. Alban Heflin. Feast of the Sun. Sonnenwende. Thing-Tide. By whatever name you know it, ’tis the season to celebrate the sun!...
destruction goddess women

Aphrodite Rising: Summer of Love

All of the sacred self-care advice I see has started to sound the same. Take a yoga class. Be more mindful. Count your blessings. Meditate...
A fairy door leads into a tree in the forest

Springtime with the Fairies

Spring is the time of fairies. Okay, every time is the time of fairies, they’d have me remind you. But spring is a time when those of...

Honoring Earth Mother

Although there have already been two Earth-awakening sabbats, right now is when you can really feel Her moving and springing up here in our neck...


Beltane is joyful. Beltane is colorful.  Beltane is sexy. Sometimes Beltane is challenging. Sometimes, Beltane is…Snowtane. For the second year in a row, the Beltane...
sparkler heart as metaphor for pagan sex

Pagan Sexual Communication in Song!

I recently watched the film The Wicker Man from 1973, the extended version which includes the scene with the song Gently Johnny. I was struck...
Cernunnos with animals

Honoring the Horned God

Who is the Horned God? He stands waiting at the edge of the forest; fierce Hunter, tender guardian, lover of mirth and revelry.  He is...

Pagan Music Retreat 2021

Do you like reading about pagan music here on this website? Think how much more fun it would be to learn about music and magic...
persephone puppet

A Theatrical Ostara Ritual

Looking for ideas for your Spring Equinox ritual? Look no further, for today I’ll share the Crow Women’s rather theatrical Ostara ritual, complete with the...

Aphrodite Rising: Spring Fever

As we enter a new season, I welcome the bold green of the grass underfoot at the park; the sense of possibility and change inherent...

Meet the Crowimmyn

This website and blog features the music of our pagan choir, the Crow Women. The band performs in concerts, presents workshops at pagan events, and...
2 candle on cake

Two Years of Pagan Song

Our blog has been going strong for 2 years now. Happy birthday to us! Our first post went live in February of 2019. Over the...

Living for Love, Pagan Style

Let’s fall in love with love, pleasure, and sexuality! As a Pagan community, we look forward to a celebration of Valentine’s Day. We know that...
handmade pagan mandala

Mandala Magic for Focused Rituals

The word “mandala” loosely translates to “circle”, from the Sanskrit.  The circle represents wholeness, unity and completion, and is a very potent symbol for pagans...
Imbolc ribbons and Brede's cross

Imbolc and her Cousins

February holidays like Imbolc celebrate moving towards the light...