Jon DeerCrow is a long-time friend of the Crow Women, and has circled with the Crows from time to time since the late 90s. He once cast an astrological chart for the Crow Women as a group, showing the interaction of all the members’ natal charts. That was a complex one!
He enjoys collecting art, working in his garden, and pondering the influences of the stars. Jon loves helping others through astrology.
Jon makes his home in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Jon’s blog posts
Astrology for Imbolc 2025
Greetings, Patreon followers and music lovers everywhere! This year (at least!) I will be doing readings based on the cross quarters; Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasa, and Samhain. This promises to be a momentous year for all. First Pluto already, Jupiter and out, the rest of the outer planets will be moving...
Astrology for Winter, 2024
Greetings fellow Pagans, musicians, and anyone else who enjoys these pages! Merry Yule to all! Believe it or not, there is some very fine astrology coming up this year. Beginning a bit before now, a rather amazing, not seen often at all, is a planet structure (see chart) that will...
Astrology for Autumn, 2024
Greetings, astrology fans and music lovers. The wheel turns, as it always does, now to the 2nd Equinox at Mabon on September 22, (6:43:37 AM MDT, Albuquerque, NM). A fascinating chart, certainly for a holiday. Sun conjuncts Mercury and the South Node (there will be an annular eclipse on Oct...
Astrology for Summer 2024
Welcome to Litha! Summer officially arrives on June 20, 2024, 2:50:58 PM MDT here where I live, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It’s just 2 months after the grand Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in April which will reverberate for quite a while. The chart is focused on the Western side suggesting the energy...
Astrology for Spring, 2024
Welcome to Spring! After a long, crazy winter, with wild weather all over the world, may we finally come to a calmer period. Well, at least in the weather forecast! The season begins at March 19, 2024, 9:06:22 PM MDT. The Sun has just moved into the 6th house, having...
Astrology for Winter, 2023
Greetings to all this merry Yule! So good to have you with us. This looks like a fascinating season for astrology this winter! Let’s dive in. The Sun slips into Capricorn December 21, 8:27:20 PM, MST this year. All the planets are within ½ the circle! Mostly bunched up in...
Astrology for Autumn, 2023
Welcome to Mabon! Also known as Second Harvest, this time is grounded in the Fall Equinox occurring now. This is the time of the harvest; grains and fruits–so much from the Earth–and we give thanks! This is the time of Libra, of balance and seeking “relation” with our relations. Mabon...
Astrology for Summer 2023
Greetings All! We have arrived at the beginning of Summer in the North. Warmth and Sun, all things are growing and blooming, fruits and vegetables are on the way, all that wonderful Mead you have brewed is good to go now and festival time is here! It’s time for me...
Astrology for Spring, 2023
Greetings to Spring! After the wild ride many have had in the last few weeks, a new beginning would be welcome! Of course, the year is always a continuous loop, one season feeding into the next, the ups and downs of the planets are often on a different track from...
Astrology for Yule, 2022
Yule this year commences on December 21 at 2:48:12 PM, Mountain time. As you can see in the chart below, everything except the South Node is within an opposition and everything except Mars and the South Node is in the Top half of the chart, indicating that the energy of...
Astrology for Autumn, 2022
Greetings, friends! Mabon, the season of the Equinox is upon us. On September 22, 7:03:31 PM, MDT the Sun slips into Libra. Day and night are equal. The Sun has dropped below the horizon already, marking the change quickly. Also, all but the Sun, Moon, Venus, and Mars are retrograde...
Astrology for Summer Solstice 2022
Welcome to Summer! Though it does mark the beginning of the shortening of days, Summer is still a glorious time. Warm, sweet evenings, hot days, festivals, and good times. The sky shows us some possibilities and a sober reminder of our times. The pattern is called a bowl; all points...
Astrology for Beltane 2022
I’m here with your Beltane horoscopes, good pagan folk. It’s the merriest time of the year! Life is springing forth in leaf and blossom, birds are gloriously singing, knowing what is coming. The days get longer and warmer. It feels as if the world is born anew! Astrologically, the planets...
Astrology for Spring Equinox 2022
Just recently, we saw a lovely full Moon in Virgo, with the Sun in Pisces. Yes, I know, pre-Eostara. However, that ties into other things going on which are pretty big this period. As you can see in the chart, Neptune and Jupiter are running very close together. In fact...
Astrology for Imbolc 2022
Imbolc (also know as Candlemas) this year astrologically is on February 3, 2022, 1:50:36 PM, MST. As usual, the observance does not directly connect to the placement of anything in the sky. But then, our ancestors, I suppose, did not bother with such things. Midpoints between solstices and equinoxes may...
Astrology for Yule, 2021
The themes of dying and being reborn are universal around the world. Indeed, the very fact of the Solar cycle as it is, with shorter days changing to longer; moving from less to more light; the analogy of death and rebirth echoed through our existence, lead us to the marking...
Astrology for Samhain, 2021
Samhain, the day of the cross quarter between Fall Equinox and Winter Solstice, falls this year on November 6th, 10:58:50 p.m. MDT. That’s the astrological cross quarter, although of course secular Halloween is celebrated on October 31st, and most pagans celebrate Samhain that day as well. Read on for my...
Astrology for Mabon 2021
The Wheel turns to the beginning point of Autumn. The astrology for Mabon heralds an interesting season ahead, dear pagan folk. This year, the fall equinox is on September 22, 2021; at 1:21:56 PM MDT. The fruitfulness of Summer is waning. Many crops have been harvested. Some remain to be...
Astrology for Lughnassadh 2021
The sky turns, and the time has come to celebrate the summer cross-quarter Sabbat that some call Lughnassadh (spelled various ways) and other pagans call Lammas. You can find its description and all our articles about it on our Lammas page: recipes, rituals, playlists and more. This is the time...
Astrology for Summer Solstice 2021
Greetings from Summer! Midsummer this year is on June 20, at 9:32 p.m. (Mountain Time). Summer solstice is a time for pagans to gather and celebrate the gifts of Sol during the Sabbat of Litha. Our featured song for summer this year on Pagan Song is the lovely Anthem to...
Astrology for Beltane 2021
Beltane (at the midpoint between the beginnings of Spring and Summer) comes at 0:47:10 a.m. Mountain Time this year. We find the Sun in the 4th house, nestled between Uranus and Venus; suggesting a rather interesting relationship with those we live with (or would want to). The Sun is pulling...
Astrology for Spring Equinox 2021
Happy Spring! I’m back with more pagan astrology. These horoscopes are for the eighth of the year centered around the Sabbat of Spring Equinox. Sol slips into Aries right on time, March 20, 3:37:29 AM MDT this year. The days are lengthening and warming, buds are popping up in flower...
Astrology for Imbolc 2021
Imbolc this year begins on Feb 3, just before 8 AM, MST. In many traditions the mid winter is observed as a waiting time, a time of promised spring which has not fully arrived yet but we trust it will. Days are getting longer now, those warmer winter days are...
Astrology for Yule, 2020
Greetings and a very Merry Yule to every Gentleperson! The wheel turns and we come to Winter Solstice. End of a year and an era. In more than a few ways. We have had a “grand conjunction” of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn culminating this year and all squaring...
Astrology for Samhain, 2020
Blessings to all and may all have a blessed Samhain. This most auspicious of Cross Quarter Days falls this year in at a most auspicious time, to put it mildly. In the United States we are having an election, as I am sure you know. From our viewpoint before the...
Astrology for Mabon, 2020
Welcome to Autumn! It is September 22 at the time of the Sun hitting Libra. There is the feeling of needing to make amends, smooth over rough places in relationships. There appear to be issues there with hard feelings and it’s important to take care of the ones you love...
Astrology for Lughnassadh, 2020
Lughnassadh: A festival marking the beginning of harvest time. Usually observed on August 1st but the actual astrological timing of the Sun being at midpoint in Leo this year is August 6. Lughnassadh is a time of people gathering for games and feasting! Oh, yes, and harvesting! This year shall...
Astrology for Litha, 2020
Hello again, good pagan folk. Summer begins nice and hot with fires in the streets and in many hearts! The Sun progresses into Cancer only hours before an eclipse! These are always eventful and the time all around is full of large events that shape our lives. The nodes are...
Astrology for Beltane, 2020
We are in an historic moment. This is a time of what has become shocking sadness for so many and what could be “the great alteration of our generation.” There are clues in astrology that have connections. Pluto cruising through Capricorn has set a very somber tone to life in...
Astrology for Spring Equinox, 2020
Ostara! Spring arrives in the Northern Hemisphere with the days and nights hitting the tipping point and now daylight will be longer. Temperatures are up, the ground is putting forth life. Always a joyous favorite! Fresh beginnings and new growth! Flowers everywhere! Check out our Spring Equinox page for all...
Astrology for Imbolc, 2020
Imbolc is a celtic word meaning “in the belly”. The Sabbat of Imbolc also known as Brigit’s Day or Candlemas. It’s a transition time in the year. The themes in the stars this Imbolc include healing and attention to home life. Many signs are experiencing forces of creativity and new...
Astrology for Yule, 2019
“Darkness, Holy Be”. That time of the year is upon us; a special, spiritual time for going within. This post offers my predictions and advice for each zodiac sign: your pagan astrology for Yule. This Winter Solstice, the energies are particularly auspicious for gathering together with others to greet the...
Astrology for Samhain 2019
I’m glad to be here on Pagan Song with my beloved friends the Crow Women, and pleased to offer you my thoughts about astrology for Samhain. Final harvest, cooling temps, a last feast, a definite feeling of joy and comradeship but also a knowing that big things are coming. Ritual...