Laura Krowimn is the newest member of the Crow Women choir. Her beautifully arranged Dance of Spring was her debut as a songwriter, and is on our third album: Seasons.
Laura contributed two of the songs on our fourth album, Pantheon. The evocative Dua Bast is a chant to the Egytian goddess Bast. Her sweet song Eostre honors the Spring Maiden.
Laura loves horses and has a cute Kentucky accent. She makes her home in Durango, Colorado.
Laura’s blog posts:
A Song to Honor the Goddess Bast
In this post, I’ll share the story of my song Dua Bast. The Crow Women recently released it on our new album Pantheon: Honoring the Pagan Divine. I hope you’ll sing this chant when you want to honor the Egyptian cat Goddess Bast. Finding the song It was 2016, and...
Earth Council of Beings
“Every Day is Earth Day.” This is a comment that we hear every time April 22 rolls around. While mostly lip service for most, it is a statement that we especially, as Pagans, should take to heart. The Earth really is our Mother after all, and she supports us in...
Honoring the Horned God
Who is the Horned God? He stands waiting at the edge of the forest; fierce Hunter, tender guardian, lover of mirth and revelry. He is Cernunnos, Herne, Pan, the Horned God, the Green Man. He brings life to nature each spring and hunts the woods in autumn. He sacrifices himself...
Mandala Magic for Focused Rituals
The word “mandala” loosely translates to “circle”, from the Sanskrit. The circle represents wholeness, unity and completion, and is a very potent symbol for pagans and witches. The wheel of the year, the cycle of the moon–we live within the spells cast by so many kinds of circles! Mandalas have...
Samhain Labyrinth Ritual
“We are come to the labyrinth tonight, walking one by one, in the dark of Samhain” These lyrics, from the song “Come to the Labyrinth” by S.J. Tucker inspired me to create a magickal Samhain ritual using a labyrinth as a symbol of walking through the liminal spaces of Samhain...
Connecting with Horse Goddess Energy
Horse energy appeals to nearly everyone on some level, and working with the Horse Goddess can help you tap into these facets of your life. For millennia the horse has been an important symbol and spirit animal for pagans all over the globe. Horse Goddesses abound: Epona, Rhiannon, Macha, Aine;...
Imbolc: Day of Beginnings
Imbolc is traditionally a Gaelic festival marking the beginning of spring. It is also Goddess Brighid’s special day when she is specifically honored and invited in to bless home and hearth. For many pagans and Wiccans, the Imbolc ritual is a time to make and renew vows, bless magickal tools...
Spring is a’ Bloomin’
Ah spring, the time when everything seems new and possibilities are endless. Spring has always been my favorite time of year, with the summer stretching out in front of me, and all the plansall the stuff I’m going to do and get done! As I sit here now, looking at...