Spring is a’ Bloomin’

Ah spring, the time when everything seems new and possibilities are endless. Spring has always been my favorite time of year, with the summer stretching out in front of me, and all the plans…all the stuff I’m going to do and get done!

As I sit here now, looking at several feet of snow on the ground here at my mountain home, the antsy feeling of wanting to begin things is getting overwhelming!

It’s no wonder then, that the first song I have written has to do with spring and the spring Goddess. Dance of Spring is just that, a lilting, dancing celebration of all things spring: new leaves and buds, animals and warmer weather, all the things that make us think of beginnings and renewal.

here’s a little snippet from “Dance of Spring”, which will be on our next album

The Spring Equinox is a good time to remember the vows and commitments we made at Imbolc, to check in and see if those things are starting to take root in our lives. It’s time to begin nurturing these things and see them start to grow. We enthusiastically voice our intentions and make our plans at the beginning of the year (or at Imbolc), but it’s all too easy as the days slip by to lose our steam and motivation and just let life happen. The Equinox is about balance, learning to balance the things we have to do with the things we wish to do to make our lives better.

As we watch the trees budding with new life (or in some cases, watch the snow melt!), remember to honor your intentions with renewed passion. Get outside if possible, take a walk or just sit quietly and listen to the birds. Take some time to appreciate what the Goddess of Spring is awakening both in nature and inside yourself.

Laura’s piece Dance of Spring is part of the Crow Women’s new album, to be released in May. You can reserve your copy of the CD if you donate to our fundraiser! And Dance of Spring is still available for sponsorship.

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