Molly Cawwoman is a writer, artist and photographer. She was a singer on the Crow Women’s second album Crow Magic. Molly is passionate about inspiring creativity and about fighting for worker’s rights. She makes her home in Denver, Colorado.
Molly’s blog posts:
Making Art with The Green Man
Earth Day is coming soonbut the Earth is our home, every day. How can we honor Her, and pay homage to The Green Man, in our search for a magickal life? One way is to reduce, re-use, and recyclewe’ve all heard that. How does it translate to your daily life...
Aphrodite Rising: Go Love Yourself
This is the fourth and final episode of my self-care series for pagans. We’ve been around the Wheel of the Year now, with Aphrodite at our side, and a specially crafted playlist of music to move to each season. We began in spring, with Aphrodite Rising: Spring Fever. The wheel...
Aphrodite Rising: Falling for Yourself
Self love has never been more important. The past few months have been a roller-coaster of dizzying highs and desolate lows. Desperate to find a port in the storm of my emotions, I hacked away at my job, burying myself in work. But- though I love my job and find...
Aphrodite Rising: Summer of Love
All of the sacred self-care advice I see has started to sound the same. Take a yoga class. Be more mindful. Count your blessings. Meditate. Tune out the world. Turn off social media. Calm down. Chill. Relax. Blah, blah, blah. I’m over it. In the same way that I despise...
Aphrodite Rising: Spring Fever
As we enter a new season, I welcome the bold green of the grass underfoot at the park; the sense of possibility and change inherent in a fresh start. I want to embody the Divine, and treat my body as a temple of Aphrodite; to integrate the sacred arts of...
The Green Man
Cherishing the Wild Seed There is always a place for wilderness in your life, even if the forest that you visit is only in your imagination. It is important–now, more than ever–to cherish wild places and the creatures that call them home. In the midst of a myriad of catastrophes...
High Summer in the Garden of Dreams
Summertime is a busy time in any garden. Bees are buzzing, the sun is shining, and weeds sometimes seem to be growing twice as fast as what you’ve planted. It’s time to take stock. Some crops are thriving; others might be attacked by bugs, or choked out by weeds. In...
The Muse in the Garden of Dreams
I seek to explore the realms where magick and art intertwine. This ritual is designed to help your creativity flourish and bloom. The Spring Equinox, season of rebirth, is the perfect time to focus on your magickal workings and creative dreams for the growing year. This is the moment to...
A Ritual for Banishing Creative Demons
I’m a writer. My inspiration grows in the fertile soil of my Garden of Dreams. You, dear reader, are a creator, too. Whether you create delicious food, stories or songs, happy children or empowering rituals, you need to nurture your own creative garden. When I was a girl, one of...