I’m glad to be here on Pagan Song with my beloved friends the Crow Women, and pleased to offer you my thoughts about astrology for Samhain. Final harvest, cooling temps, a last feast, a definite feeling of joy and comradeship but also a knowing that big things are coming. Ritual is always serious at Samhain and this year there is a sense of VERY serious energy coming our way. Perhaps a matter of feeling in your own flow or not. From a New Moon that shakes us awake before the holiday to the coming together of Saturn and Pluto that will shake us all over for a long while, this is a season to remember.
The Crow Women have quite a few songs suitable for Samhain. The influences this Samhain remind me of one of the chants in Dark Goddess Medley. “Down we go to the realms below. We bring with us our light to show. Up we rise with the dark in our eyes. We bring to light our piece of the night.” This Samhain season is a good time for delving deep within ourselves and bringing the insights of our own shadow into the light. You might consider adding a meditation to your Samhain ritual that explores the creative side of darkness. You can use the chant to prepare yourself for diving deep.
Astrology for Samhain 2019: readings
These readings are intended for the time of Samhain and into the future about a month with some hints of into 2020. The Chart shown is for Samhain, the moment the Sun drops below the horizon and Uranus is over the horizon.

You have begun a time of healing and connecting. You are coming more to terms with who you are, where you are coming from, and where you are going, in terms of family and community and your own ambition. Your family, in whatever form that may take, is with you with love and encouragement. “You’ve got this!”
For about a year now your electricity level has been way up! I mean the energy level of how you do “you.” That’s a great thing! Fun to be with and maybe just a little erratic? That’s good for feeding the sense of power you are feeling in your ambitions. Don’t let ambition rule everything though. Leave room for the sweet gentle side. She is worth it.
Serious developments are happening for you in terms of travel and learning. Foreign scholarship (?) that will make you think hard, work hard, but receive an amazing reward for it. Going back to what might be your “roots” will be worth it! Not just for the learning and prestige of it all, but the personal growth as well!
Your path seems to be straight on yet there are complications going on in relationships. A lot! Drama building up and coming to a head sometime soon. Struggle for control with someone or something that somehow echoes your past. You will get through this and in better form that you may think. You are strong inside!
The Lion is king of the workplace! That may not sound terribly sexy, but work is where we spend a lot of time, so perhaps not so bad. Power struggles for sure but you have this under control. Aiding in this is some pure genius guiding you from within. And do not miss the lovely push of creativity in what you do. Let it flow, it’s worth it.
Wow! Some serious growth pushing your creativity. Working on a major novel? It’s about your past, certainly drawing on old knowledge. And at the same time searching and reaching for the stars. Unexpected travel to far off lands? Meanwhile, home is still a pretty nice place to be. It’s your den and place of departure.

Looking energetic, living your life out loud, your home base is being shaken AND stirred! Changes coming through resources around you, perhaps not what you expected. But what may be the biggest thing is something very sweet and tender in your relationships. It is truly healing and touching you deeply.
Happy Birthday! This is your season so enjoy. There is a fair amount of energy in your sign and some lovely things happening with your resources. A couple of things though; major rumblings near to you, possibly siblings. This may erupt in the coming months. And some changes in your relationships are underway or at least coming soon. Keep your head.
Hail, Wanderer! You are traveling and that’s the way you like it, despite what you may say. It feels right. It pushes the big changes coming on. They may be a bit scary but when has that scared you off? You know the home, wherever that will be, is full of love and good feelings and healing. Let your creativity flow like a lightning bolt!
Of anyone here, you seem to represent change through climbing that mountain now. Not just a big mountain but an old one. You may be looking at a dream from childhood you seek to realize. With that in mind, keep your words gentle and healing; let your home base be a bit eccentric and fun. Your hidden strengths are growth and perseverance.
Such a wonderous creation is stirring inside. Old dreams that keep you awake at night. Can you? Dare you? If not you, who? There is much energy backing you, guidance to show you the path. You are already seeing the light from the top. If not, already there is energy coming from outside. Let it in; it’s for you.
Dreamy and gentle; you have been in your season for several years now. But there is a quickening to go farther. A push to address your future. Those around you are an influence in this. That’s what you get from sitting on a volcano! But there is growth in your future; a strong sense of adventure in your aspirations; and the Goddess is smiling on you to stretch!
Today we welcome Jon Deer to the pagansong.com blogging team.
Jon has been a friend of the Crow Women since before we released our first album, always ready with astrological advice for us. He’ll be contributing a reading for each Sabbat of the Wheel of the Year.
Welcome Jon!