Welcome to Spring! After a long, crazy winter, with wild weather all over the world, may we finally come to a calmer period. Well, at least in the weather forecast!
The season begins at March 19, 2024, 9:06:22 PM MDT. The Sun has just moved into the 6th house, having just aligned with Neptune in Pisces, and beginning a string of points in Aries, starring in the center of most of the solar system right now; just under a trine! Some of the interesting happenings is a wide conjunction with Chiron, Mercury and the North Node. For people born now or those who have planets in mid Cardinal signs, this will be significant! Issues around your direction in life tied to pain around communication will be very noticeable. Possible speech problems or just dealing with being misunderstood that can grow into a strong and direct ability.

Two other planets are up to something incredibly special this season. See Chart 2 below. On April 20, Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in Taurus at 21 degrees. This is something I have been watching closely for a while.

This happens only about every 14 years. That alone makes this special. However, these are the 2 most “magical” planets in the solar system, making this conjunction extra special. When I look back at my own life and what was going on during these times, it is special. Change of work, new, exciting changes of direction in my life, endings and beginnings of relationships, unexpected “bonuses” coming my way. All that and when they were directly aspecting a point in my chart it was VERY pronounced! I suggest that you look at your own charts, see where this is hitting; especially anything in the middle degrees in the fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius; hard aspects show the most impact. It may kick your butt, but there will probably be a lovely alteration in your life. If you have any questions, I would love to talk with you about it!

Of course, spring is a time of big changes in the metaphysical world, too. Persephone returns from the underworld and has a new start of her own. You can find many songs about Persephone in our Pagan Spring Equinox Sabbat playlist on Spotify. Our soundtrack song for this astrology post comes from Heather Jinmaku.
Saw Persephone just the other day
from “Persephone Smiles” by Heather Jinmaku, from the compilation album “Voice of the Goddess”
I said, “It’s been a long, long time.”
She told me, “You know I’ve been down in the underground
It’s good to feel the sunshine…”
Other than that, Pluto is back in Aquarius for most of the year, back to Capricorn Sept. 1 to Nov. 18, then back into Aquarius through 2044! That, in itself, will be a revolution! Major altering of how we connect to each other as humans and as fellow travelers on this planet with all the other creatures. As is the fashion with astrology, this will tie into everything else going on. Like I said, Spring MAY start calmly……but not for long! Buckle up.
Astrology for Ostara, 2024: readings
Happy Birthday, Aries! Got a lot on your plate now, eh? With the North Node (your future) right in the middle, Mercury and Chiron running close, in your usual Aries fashion, I would guess there are a few irons in the fire, and they are hot! At least Pluto is in a sextile to you, giving help with finding that inner direction. Good move. You will do well.
The Jupiter/Uranus conjunction is the news of the time. This is an important happening from everything I see. As it is happening in the middle of Taurus, the effect will be over the sign in general, as well as the center, especially of the fixed signs Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. Could be the beginning of something important in your life.
I would think the coming Jupiter/Uranus conjunction would “ring a bell” with you, simply because it would feel right. I (and others) see Uranus as a higher octave of Mercury, your ruler, and across from you is Sagittarius, home of Jupiter. Both are very compatible with the ideal Gemini; mental, quick, inspired.
Whatever you see happening with the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in April, it may feel like “someone else’s Karma.” Well, that too. You will very much have a stake in this. This will be something that will have wide ripple effects. It is not just your sun sign. Anything you have that is aspected by this conjunction is fair game.

Being in a square position to the coming Jupiter/Uranus conjunction plus of course anything you have in Leo being aspected by the above, you will be especially affected. They say that Leo is about pride; it is more about just wanting to play and having friends to play with. That’s the joy. Jupiter and Uranus both are about playing!
I keep seeing where Virgo is referred to as a magical sign. I’m sure that’s true. Relating to plants growing on the earth, the magic creating life, the magic of healing! I have known Virgos who have an amazing talent for all these things. And people with strong Virgo energy. Combine your Mercury with Jupiter and Uranus.
Spring always starts out with you in the 1st house. Is this creation saying Spring is all about relationships? Interesting thought. At least this season starts with Libra facing most everything. With the South Node in Libra this season, you are representing the past from which all else develops. You may be in the center right now.
As I mentioned in the opening, Fixed signs will be hit the hardest with the coming Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in April. You may be feeling it already, at least on your Sun. This could easily manifest as unexpected insights, someone from out of the blue contacting you with something that could change your life! Stay alert!

The coming Jupiter/Uranus conjunction will affect you simply because you have the affinity with your sign ruler. This would show itself as a positive, albeit unexpected, development. All this should be right up your alley. You ARE the adventurer, after all! A little surprise would be no surprise to you.
The heart of the Ostara chart is squaring you, which will be a push to get used to right now. The usual Sun square, of course, but right now with Mercury, Chiron, AND the Nodes, it might have the feeling of old karma and new Karma backing you up and wanting a serious talk about what you are doing now with your life.
Pluto is now really in your sign for most of this year and that’s an intense pressure. The Jupiter/Uranus conjunction (Uranus is YOUR ruler) is also a huge pressure, though more positive. With whatever else you may have in your own chart; this is going to be a memorable time. I suggest you make sure to work at what you have always wanted to do.
You may have a sweet spot to be in now. There will be benefit from the Jupiter/Uranus meetup, and Pluto may not be too hard to deal with. You still have your guide, Neptune, in Pisces so there is that. Venus and Saturn are running close so that may be a sincere relationship or a problem in relationships. Time to iron it out.

all photos by Jon Deer
For more information about astrologer Jon Deer, including his bio and his collected articles here on Pagan Song, check out Jon’s page on Pagan Song.
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Hello Jon, my names is Kate Carter and I’m quite overwhelmed by my chart. I was born on November 27, 1960 @ 10:35 pm EST in Mississauga, Ontario. I’m a Sagittarius Sun, Aries Moon, Leo Asc with Uranus in Leo in the first house and Pluto and Moon Node in Virgo in the first house. I have Lillith and Mars in conjunction in Cancer in the eleventh house. Chiron is in Aquarius in the seventh house. I’m pretty sure you’ll be able to see all this yourself along with the rest of the chaos. Please help.
Forgot to include my emails Jon: katcarter@live.ca or kitkatcarter60@gmail.com Thank You for any help you can share with me about my chart.
Greetings, Kate!
Thank you so much for responding to my Column.
I will gladly tell you more. Just right now, I do have a thing or two to attend to.
My direct email address is: RobGreen657@outlook.com. PLease feel free to write to me there.
Also, please tell me just what areas of your chart/life are in issue. Is this something that has always been a source of distress for you or more something recent? Just to give a a bit of direction, I would appreciate that!
Rob Green (aka Jon Deer)
Till a little laater