Embracing the Autumn Equinox: Harmony, Harvest, and Transformation
Autumn Equinox waterfall
Greetings, astrology fans and music lovers. The wheel turns, as it always does, now to the 2nd Equinox at Mabon on September 22, (6:43:37 AM MDT, Albuquerque, NM). A fascinating chart, certainly for a holiday. Sun conjuncts Mercury and the South Node (there will be an annular eclipse on Oct. 2); trine Moon which is …
I wrote Autumn’s Twilight originally on October 29, 1995. It was published on KIVA’s album Out of the Corner of the Eye in 2006. The inspiration for the song was a beautiful maple tree in my back yard when I lived in Kensington, Maryland in the 1990s. I used to sit under the maple tree …
Welcome to Mabon! Also known as Second Harvest, this time is grounded in the Fall Equinox occurring now. This is the time of the harvest; grains and fruits–so much from the Earth–and we give thanks! This is the time of Libra, of balance and seeking “relation” with our relations. Mabon begins as the Sun goes …
“The Mills of the Gods grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine” – Sextus Empiricus, 3rd Century AD Seasons move in a constant wheel of life. Birth of new energy, growth, production, harvest, decay, regeneration. All that happens creates all that will happen in an ongoing circle of magic. As Pagans, we get to enjoy …
As we turn toward the darkening year, and the long Summer days give way to the generous ripeness of Autumn’s reach, I feel myself begin to focus my gaze inward, like the trees drawing back their chlorophyl, allowing the rich, hidden colours of the Inner Self to emerge. In witnessing and honouring the festival of …
Celebrations for Fall Equinox honor the sacrifice of the Male Deity. Whether he is in an animal form such as the Stag, or in a plant form, such as the Grain King, the theme of his death in service to life is central to this Sabbat. Here are some pagan god chants you can sing …
Lammas has passed and Fall Equinox is right around the corner. We pagan folk are deep into the season of the harvest Sabbats. I am embracing the hot sweaty days and the refreshing foods that go with it. The pepper plants in my garden are producing various varieties of spiciness, from the jalepenos to the …
Witches at the county faireat hotdogs and cotton candy.They ride the merry-go-round.They admire the sheep, goats, pigs,the rabbits and chickens,and especially the black cats –long hairs, short hairs,gold eyes and green eyes,and a couple with one of each. They ride the ferris wheel, laughing,holding tight to their pointy hats.They sample the pumpkin breadwith newt’s eye …
A Ritual offering from Roki, the Kreaurabbit Another season changes, and my Crow friends are all a-flurry with fall rituals and activities. As usual, they make me giggle (i.e. twitch my nose happily) at their human naiveté. Yes, you should celebrate with a fall ritual, but all this singing and making muffins and dolls and …