pagan bonfire

We Won’t Sleep Tonight


We Won’t Sleep Tonight is a “filk” song by Carole Crowwomyn. The lyrics are her pagan adaptation of The Lion Sleeps Tonight by Solomon Linda. The track on Crow Goddess was recorded live at Covenant of the Goddess‘ Merrymeet gathering in 2005, in Santa Fe, New Mexico. We tried recording this in the studio, but the studio version didn’t hold a candle to the energy of the live version. So, despite the rough start this live track has, we decided to go ahead and use it on the album. It’s just too fun to hear all those witches singing along with us. We Won’t Sleep Tonight is track 18 on Crow Goddess. You can purchase it here.


In the circle, the sacred circle the witches dance tonight
A-Wicca-Way, A-Wicca Way…

In the moonlight, the sparkling moonlight, the power flows tonight (chorus)

Light the fire, the Council (Beltane, Dragon…) fire and we will jump tonight (chorus)

In the cauldron, the bubbling cauldron, the potion brews tonight (chorus)

Catch the toads, the horny toads and we’ll have soup tonight (chorus)

On their broomsticks, their magic broomsticks, the girls will fly tonight (chorus)

Drum and dance, around the fire, and we won’t sleep tonight (chorus)

In the circle the sacred circle,the witches dance tonight…
     lyrics © Carole Louise McWilliams, 2004. Based on a song by Solomon Linda

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