
The Handparting Song


Donna and Tara share the lead on this song, with the rest of the singers joining in on the chorus. Alane Crowomyn wrote this piece in 2009 as a sort of therapy to heal after a divorce. We’ve used it for releasing women when they choose to leave our circle, too. People usually mark the beginnings of things, but it’s also healthy to have rites of passage for endings. The Handparting Song is track 16 on Crow Magic, available here.


Magic brought us to each other
Magic bound us in our hearts
From that magic I release you
Goddess bless, merry part

Merry part, go in beauty
Merry part, go in peace
Merry part, with compassion
From our vows we release

The threads of our life stories
We braided at the start
We now unbind that magic
Goddess bless, merry part

I honor all our memories
The lessons they impart
I wish you well, good journeys
Goddess bless, merry part
Blessed Be
     music & lyrics © Alane Susan Brown (ASCAP) 2009

YouTube video:

Ending: Group Development, part 8

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