I like to throw a party every quarter of the year for my pagan and like-minded friends. I usually include some kind of party game. It sounds goofy, but games at a party are fun and bring everyone together. I like activities that get everyone involved.
My spring party is for Aries, Taurus and Gemini birthdays, the summer one is for Cancer, Leo and Virgo birthdays, the fall party honors my Libra, Sagittarius and Scorpio friends, and the winter one is for those born during Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. There’s always a birthday cake with the names of all the people present who were born during that quarter of the year. I recommend this system; four parties a year creates a good rhythm without being too overwhelming to keep up.
One of my favorite party games is to fill out a Mad Lib (r). One time I decided that since my parties were organized by astrology, I would create a Mad Lib that would let people make up an imaginary Zodiac sign. I invite you to engage in this silliness at your next party or gathering.
Although we have done this at a LOT of parties, we playtested this game today after a Crow Women rehearsal, at a local bar. Just to make sure it would work for you, dear reader.

Here’s what you do. Copy the template below into a document and print it out. Don’t tell your guests what the theme of the template is. Ask each player in turn for a word that fits the category needed (noun, verb, body part…) as indicated in the template. Write the words into the template without letting anyone else see it. Once it’s all filled in, read the completed horoscope aloud. It’s usually funny in a bizarre way.
Those born under this sign of ________ (noun) possess ________ (adjective) personalities and are forever searching for new ________ (plural noun) to conquer. The symbol of this sign is a ________ (mythical or non-mythical animal) wearing ________ (item of jewelry or clothing) and carrying a ________ (object in this room) with an air of ________ (emotion).
You are best suited to a ________ (personality trait) mate with ________ (adjective) ________ (plural noun) who likes to ________ (verb), which means, of course, that you can look forward to a really ________ (adjective) life.
This is a more or less ________ (adjective) month for you, because ________ (astronomical object) is directly over your ________ (noun) and is influencing your __________ (plural noun). This means you should avoid going to ________ (place). Stay away from anybody with ________ (adjective) ________ (plural noun). Be sure to think before you ________ (verb).
During the coming year you will find conditions getting ________ (adjective) due to your ________ (adjective) outlook on life and your ________ (adjective) attitude toward ________ (plural noun). ________ (noun) will come into your life in unexpected ways. You must act ________ (adverb) to take advantage of this opportunity. Try to ________ (verb) as much as possible.
Here’s another “phrasal template word game” option for you, based on the song We Are the Witches by Carole McWilliams. (She wrote a blog post about this song recently.) Now, you and your friends get to make the song even sillier than it already is. Follow the same instructions as explained above, using this template:

We are the witches, see our ________(plural noun). We keep pet ________ (animal, plural) in our rooms. They are ________ (type of person) that done us wrong. But now they sing a(n) ________ (adjective) song.
We are the witches, we like ________ (animal, plural). They like to ________ (verb), unlike bats. But then they see our pointy ________ (item of clothing), And suddenly our ________ (repeat same item of clothing) are ________ (adjective).
We are the witches, stirring our ________ (receptacle), Newts and ________(plant), bubbling potions; Smells like chicken, tastes like ________(noun), So keep on ________ (“ing” verb), give it time.
We are the witches, we like ________(beverage). It’s mostly legal, unlike ________(noun).________(noun) and ________(noun), bubbling brew, We joyfully hoist a glass or ________(number).
We are the witches, we like ________(animal, plural). They always wear their best ________(type of clothing) We know they love their ________ (adjective) things, And glitter on their ________ (adjective) ________(body part).
We are the witches, we ride ________(plural noun). Over the rooftops we ________(verb) We buzz the ________(noun) in the ________ (adjective) moon, And ________(adverb) sing a witchy tune.

Once the template is all filled in, I suggest you play the original song We Are the Witches for your guests. Then, read aloud the version they created. I’m sure they will find their song hilarious. You could even try singing it if you’re confident of the tune. I did.

Party games are fun for parties, of course, but can also be used to lighten up a circle business meeting, add silliness to a retreat, or for something to do during the feast after a ritual. Or, you could just do it on the outdoor patio of a local bar. Laughter is very grounding. Enjoy!
For more information about the Crow Women pagan choir, and access to all the blog posts by Alane and the other 9 crowsingers who have written for Pagan Song, you can visit the Crow Women author page here on Pagan Song.
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