summer solstice sunlight

Celebrate Summer


Our album Seasons: A Pagan Journey Around the Wheel is devoted to the 8 pagan Sabbats. Alane Crowomyn wrote Celebrate Summer to be the anchor for the Summer Solstice section of the album. The lead singers are Alane and Marilyn. Charlie is the percussionist. You can buy this song here. It’s track 12 on our Seasons album. Production of Celebrate Summer was sponsored by Lois.


Before the dawn on the longest day
We stand upon the hill and wait
We bid farewell to the shortest night
And drum and sing in the growing light
Sunrise, sun arise…

The grey horizon slowly blooms
With rose and gold ‘til the sun’s disc shows
Amaterasu, Inti, Ra, Wala
We greet you on your day of power
Sunrise, sun arise…

Gather together to celebrate summer
Connect to the source of the most ancient ways
of ancestor dancers and chanters and drummers
within us, beside us on this longest day
     music & lyrics © Alane Susan Brown (ASCAP) 2019

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