The Tarot are keys. Keys that allow us passage through the doorway of the mind, and entry into the territory of the spirit – the province of the divine.
~ Umbrae
Alone. I clear the table, light the candles and gently take my tarot cards out of their box. They are thick and stiff and I have to shuffle them carefully to avoid catching on their handcrafted edges. One of the cards falls out of the deck and I have to smile as I glimpse its image. This is no ordinary deck.

Each one of these cards I have made by hand. Their images express concepts close to my heart. Some of these ideas are archetypal and usual for Tarot cards like “The Moon” or “The Lovers”. Most are much more personal; three robust and bejeweled women grace the “Belly Dance” card and a map and weathervane decorate the “Direction” card. Many of my favorites illustrate popular expressions; I have a “Face Value” card, a “Leap of Faith” card and a “Reach for the Stars” card.
I draw from a deep well of intuition when I create these oracles. I am truly a “deep well woman”, and the process supports my wellness and wholeness. For inspiration, try singing our song Deep Well Woman. (We encourage you to make it reflect who you are: deep well man, deep well person…) All that you need to create your own divination tool already resides within you. You have only to draw from that well.
I pull my cards out when I need direction, clarification or even just a creative outlet. Making them is as fulfilling as “using” them. They are mini vision boards, altar cards or glimpses into my unconscious. They are touchstones when I need to come home to my Self.

One of our members had prompted us to make a group tarot deck as part of the Crowwymmin annual retreat…and I am oh, so grateful! You can’t imagine how much fun we have all had, sitting on the floor, piles of magazines spread out all over, scissors flashing, glue sticks pasting and of course, women laughing. Each sister has their own card within the deck. Our individual “Court Cards” came out of a ritual of going deep and mirroring for each other what we perceived the archetypal essence that our sisters embodied, and their role within the Crow Women. The “Crow Deck” is a sacred, magickal tool and holds the energies of the group within it. In times of need, to mark the Sabbats or just for fun we’ll lay out a spread or two and share in the interpretation. We have continued adding to this deck over the years and it is now quite large. Most of us also have our own personal decks that we use at home.

I encourage anyone looking for a personally meaningful form of divination to consider creating your own Tarot/Guidance/Oracle deck.
What concept or idea is close to your heart? What images fit that idea? (The opposite way works as well, gathering images until the ideas announce themselves). Consider taking time this week to make some cards. Gather images, then cut out, collage, draw or alter the images to fit on a playing card or a suitable piece of paper. (Glue sticks work well for this). If this project excites you, you may want to use a real card deck and collage over the faces! Sit with each card and consider its meaning. Does it represent a facet of your magickal self? Are the images archetypal to your world view? Does it express emotions or ways of being? Will it become part of a group of cards? Will it find its way to your altar?
If you, dear reader, have made your own divination tool, please leave a comment and tell us about your experience.
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