About Crow Women

Deb, Laura, Carole, Alane, Tara and Marilyn of the Crow Women

The Crow Women are a pagan choir that has been bringing Goddess-oriented sacred music to the pagan community for three decades. They are the coordinators and sponsors of the Pagan Song blog and website.

The Crow Women began as a women’s spirituality group in 1992. They are a Wiccan coven that is dedicated to the Goddess in all her forms, including her manifestation within each of us. Early on, they discovered that they are all highly musical. They incorporated chants into their rituals and delighted in elaborating them with harmony and other embellishments. As the beauty and complexity of their arrangements grew, they began to share their music with the pagan community. They have performed concerts at fesivals in the Southwest where they make their homes. They have performed at Dragonfest and Beltania in Colorado, and at Magical Moutain Mabon, Beltane Southwest and Albuqueruqe Pagan Pride in New Mexico.

Crow Women have released 4 albums. Their songs include chants for moon rituals, songs to the elements, for rites of passage and for all the Sabbats of the Wheel of the Year. The first album, Crow Goddess was a mix of covers and original music. The subsequent albums, Crow Magic, Seasons and Pantheon are all original compositions by members of the band. All of the Crow Women are priestess-songwriters. Most of the music began as music for their own rituals, and they are honored to offer that music to you to incorporate in your own rituals.

The Crow Women have led many chant workshops at pagan festivals and are available to lead live or online workshops for your event. They can tailor their workshops to the theme of your event. They have 25 years of experience in creating music workshops for any subject.

“How dare you try to limit the Goddess?
I am choice far beyond what governments control!”

The Crow Women are among 19 bands who have contributed a song to the pro-choice compilation The Red Album: Pagan Voices for Reproductive Rights. When asked about their song, How Dare You! they said; “We are both a pagan band and a feminist Wiccan coven. We wanted to express our grief and outrage at the loss of reproductive choice, and give voice to the Goddess as she pours out comfort and strength to support us in working to regain our rights.”   

Blog posts by the Crow Women on Pagan Song: Music for Your Magic

Imbolc – Time (and Dessert) of Great Potential

Happy Imbolc season! Greetings from the Crow Women’s own kitchen witch, here with another recipe from our cookbook for your Sabbat enjoyment. As we approach...

Songs to Brighid for Imbolc

Whether you call it Candlemas or Imbolc (or Imbolg or Imbolic or Brignassa), the Sabbat between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox is a wonderful day...

Away Ye Merry Lasses

I first experienced the Crow Women in concert at a Dragonfest in Colorado around 2005 or thereabouts. I must have been coming from a workshop...

Befriending the Dark Goddess

She Calls is a song about making peace with mortality. The “she” in this song is the Dark Goddess. The song is about listening to...

Holy Darkness

The Magic of the Goddess is manifest in the turning of the Wheel of The Year. Our rituals celebrate Day/Night, Heat/Cold, Dark/Light, and many other...
pagan music book on laptop

My Pagan Music Book

I’m deep into the process of writing a book on pagan music. I want to tell you, dear Pagan Song readers, about the wisdom I’ve...
wondrous water

Wondrous Water

As Indigenous people in the United States have recently had to remind us, water is life. As pagan Wiccans, we refer to water as the...
Hestia statue

Thanksgiving with Hestia

Hestia is one of those goddesses that doesn’t get a lot of attention. But as a goddess of hearth and home, we’re coming into her...
birds in flight

Flightiness: Group Development, part 5

A new pagan group has been together for several months and things just seem to be getting more disorganized. Instead of diligently getting started on...

Abundance: An Interview with Ayla Heartsong

How often do we pray to our Goddess to give us Magic to bring all the resources, spiritual and material, that we want or need?...
labyrinth in desert mountains

Samhain Labyrinth Ritual

“We are come to the labyrinth tonight, walking one by one, in the dark of Samhain” These lyrics, from the song “Come to the Labyrinth”...

Power Struggles: Group Development, Part 4

Groups are born and grow just as people do. In our previous discussion of group evolution over time, we’ve looked at newly formed groups, in...
Four Crow Women at a concert.

Crow Quiz: Which Crow Are You?

Here’s a Crow Quiz just for you! You’ve listened to the Crow Women albums. You read the Crow Women blogs. Perhaps you’ve imagined yourself as...
pagan goat with raspberry

The Magic of “Shrubs”

As we approach the last harvest I am furiously preserving food in order to have yummy and healthy treats over the winter – pestos, salsas...
the face of the wicker man for pagan ritual

God Chants for Fall Equinox

Celebrations for Fall Equinox honor the sacrifice of the Male Deity. Whether he is in an animal form such as the Stag, or in a...
kitchen witch making salsa

Summer’s End Salsa

Lammas has passed and Fall Equinox is right around the corner. We pagan folk are deep into the season of the harvest Sabbats. I am...

The Green Man

Cherishing the Wild Seed There is always a place for wilderness in your life, even if the forest that you visit is only in your...

Witches at the County Fair

Witches at the county faireat hotdogs and cotton candy.They ride the merry-go-round.They admire the sheep, goats, pigs,the rabbits and chickens,and especially the black cats –long...

The Magic of “Crows”

The Goddess is Alive, and Magic is Afoot!  This is more than a bumper sticker; this is the foundation of our spiritual practice. This concept...
warrior women in the desert

We Are Warrior Women

Warrior women for today The world may not be much different now from 6 months ago, but we in the US are experiencing it much...
Lammas corn dollie

A Lammas Corn Husk Dolly

Wow! It’s already more than a month past the Summer Solstice and it’s apparent the days are getting shorter. We are at Lammas, celebrating the...

Sacred Dance in Pagan Practice

“All she wants to do is dance, dance, dance”. Yes, that pertains to witches and Pagans, too! Within a Pagan circle or community, sacred dance...
Smoke rolls over the mountains during the 416 fire in Durango

Wildfire Ritual

Why a wildfire ritual? Because it’s summer again, and here in the western US, that often means wildfire season. Living in a wildfire zone gives...

Harvesting Honey for Mead and Magic

For the last several years I have been attempting to become a beekeeper, which to me means encouraging bees to stick around and live healthy...

Celebrate Summer!

Summer Solstice (also known as Litha), the longest day of the year, is such a bittersweet day. The sun is at the peak of its...

High Summer in the Garden of Dreams

Summertime is a busy time in any garden. Bees are buzzing, the sun is shining, and weeds sometimes seem to be growing twice as fast...

Honoring Spider Deity

“EEEK! It’s a spider! Kill it! Keep it away! ” Reactions of fear, repulsion, escape, hatredI wonder why so many of us are fearful of...

Anxiety in New Groups: Group Development, Part 3

In this series on the evolution of groups over time, we’ve been examining the features common at the beginning of a group. This first stage...

Keepers of the Earth Ritual

In our gratitude to Mother Earth, we are called to be Keepers of the the Earth. We honor her. In this earth ritual we celebrate...
Donna in facepaint

Inner Beauty Ritual

In a mundane world that glorifies youth and beauty, it can be a challenge for pagan women to hold sacred the inner beauty of the...

I Was the May Queen

I was the May Queen. It was a Beltane more than two decades ago, now. I remember standing in the circle while the reigning May...
COVID healing altar

A Healing Ritual amid the Coronavirus Crisis

In this time of plague, our spirits have taken a beating, but will not stay down for long! Communication among people–family, sacred circles, organizations–has developed...

Handparting: A Pagan Separation Ritual

Partings. In the course of our lives, we sometimes find it necessary to deal with the dissolution of a relationship; whether formal or informal, family...
A stone rabbit surrounded by dandelions.

New Beginnings Ritual

Welcome to the new earth. Rabbits have introduced a new super virus to the human race, and we will now take over as the new...
goddess figures on nature background

The Muse in the Garden of Dreams

I seek to explore the realms where magick and art intertwine.  This ritual is designed to help your creativity flourish and bloom. The Spring Equinox...

Awakening to Spring!

In what ways does spring bring about awakening in you?  Do you clean your house? Can you see into some dark corners you have been...

Spring Equinox with Goats

This spring holds a little extra magic for me as several of my goats had the cutest, tiniest, sweetest kids you ever did see. The...

Connecting with Horse Goddess Energy

Horse energy appeals to nearly everyone on some level, and working with the Horse Goddess can help you tap into these facets of your life...

One Year of Pagan Song

Happy birthday to our blog! In February of 2019, the Crow Women started this online enterprise: our website Pagan Song. It seemed like the next...
Jumping for Joy

Joy Ritual

Pagan rituals tend to focus on Sabbats and Esbats with the occasional Rite of Passage thrown in for good measure. Yet sometimes, even Pagans want...
Crow by the water by Carole McWilliams

Calling the Element of Water: A Ritual

Life blood, pour from clouds to Earth belowFlash flood, won’t be denied, cleanse me, relentless flowShape me, make me, carry me, deep within myself,The shadow...
Snowdrop flowers in snow

Imbolc: Day of Beginnings

Imbolc is traditionally a Gaelic festival marking the beginning of spring. It is also Goddess Brighid’s special day when she is specifically honored and invited...

Music and Our Mighty Dead

Music and Grief Music is evocative. Music is magical. Music is emotional. It helps us express what we cannot express through words alone. It can...

Brighid’s Bean Soup

Imbolc marks the beginning of spring and is the time we honor the multi-talented Brighid, Celtic Goddess of midwifery, smithery, poetry and healing arts. Lambs...

Celebrating the Wheel of the Year

Writing a wheel song: Samhain On our newest album, Seasons, we recorded a song I wrote called “We Turn the Wheel.” The song was to...

Mask Making for Pagan Rituals

Have you ever wished you could be someone else, just for a short while? To experience life the way they would, to savor the excitement...
A circle of healing stones

Healing Our Aging Bodies

A Companion Ritual for Croning Witches are healers. That got us into a heap trouble during the middle ages, but otherwise it has mostly been...

Chants for Winter Solstice rituals

Winter solstice certainly gives us something to sing about! In this post, I’ll share several of my favorite chants for Winter Solstice rituals. Some of...

Yule Apple Gallette

Yuletime is when I get really excited about apples. Though they are harvested in the fall they can keep much longer since they store well...

Calling the Element of Fire: A Ritual

Fire flare, rising in the sky your fearsome glow, Deep down, from Pele’s womb, pushing from below, Toast me, burn me, consume me, the catalyst...

“The Roots of my Heart”, an Interview with Cynthia Crossen

Cynthia Crossen is a successful writer of heartfelt songs that are popular within the Pagan community. I interviewed her about her song, The Roots of...

Create a Handfasting Wedding

Handfasting Wedding Ceremonies Handfasting wedding ceremonies are sacred rites of passage, and if you have a chance to be a part of one, it may...

Dependency in a New Pagan Circle: Group Development, part 2

This article will focus on issues of dependency in a new pagan circle. In a previous post, I wrote about the qualities of new groups...

Samhain Ritual for Samhain Night

Samhain Night, the song, begets your Samhain Ritual The Crow Women song Samhain Night from our album Seasons (available from us) was written to parallel...

Samhain Ancestors Chili

In autumn I begin harvesting my dried scarlet runner bean pods to have dry beans throughout the winter. Scarlet runner beans are an heirloom and...

Babalon’s Blood (black cherry) Mead for Samhain

Babalon’s Blood is a rich black cherry mead. Read on to follow along with the process as Sylvia and I make a splendid batch. This...

Fall Ritual Rabbit-Style

A Ritual offering from Roki, the Kreaurabbit Another season changes, and my Crow friends are all a-flurry with fall rituals and activities. As usual, they...

A Ritual for Banishing Creative Demons

I’m a writer. My inspiration grows in the fertile soil of my Garden of Dreams. You, dear reader, are a creator, too. Whether you create...
Pagan artist Carole McWilliams' of the Crow Women painting of the element of air, clouds over mountains

Calling the Element of Air: A Ritual

Bright sky, eagles take to fly, east wind blowsSun rise, far seeing eyes, blessed sight to knowthe path, the song, forever new, like the dawn...

Bring Balance at Fall Equinox

I composed my song Balance in All Things for use in group rituals for either fall equinox or spring equinox. That vision came to life...