It is spring in California and though we are still getting colder nights and days of rain, the days are getting longer and the chickens are responding by laying eggs again. Unlike in factory farms where lights keep the hens laying year round, my chickens take a break around winter solstice and don’t really start laying again until mid February. By late morning in mid March I can count on between 2-4 blue or brown eggs in the nest box.

The natural cycle of laying hens is probably why eggs play such a prominent role in spring festivities, symbolizing rebirth in so many traditions, and why I am planning to make a quiche for the Spring Equinox Ostara ritual and feast this year.
Quiches are wonderful to make from scratch because they are easy, super tasty and satisfying, and you can get creative with the ingredients you use in the filling. Its a great way to use fresh in-season produce from my garden. I am lucky to be near the coast and so I can grow year round and I currently have broccoli, chard and kale that have overwintered. Chives, parsley, oregano and rosemary can all be found in the herb garden.
But even if you don’t have a garden you can often find fresh spring greens like dandelion leaves that are wonderful in quiches with bacon. And picking wild greens is a wonderful way to honor the goddess of spring. Or you can buy whatever greens, broccoli, or asparagus look freshest at your local grocery or farmers market.

I really like to savor the signs of spring, the scent of flowers on the wind, the birds singing and hopping about. There is life everywhere I look whether it be the bees coming to pollinate the plum blossoms, or the salamander and worms I found under a garden pot I was relocating. All of these are the Goddess’ creations and I like to appreciate her generosity.
As I walk through the garden with my basket and pruners harvesting for the coming feast, I like to sing a little song I learned long ago in a Crow woman ritual, and then subsequently recorded on our album Crow Goddess, called I Am Plenty.It goes…
I am plenty,
I am abundance,
Filled up and overflowing,
Yes I am abundance
In the kitchen I sing the song once more as I put together the quiche, infusing it with all the magic I can bring with my intention and voice, to pass on to those who will eat it later at the ritual feast, so they may experience abundance as well.
I hope you will enjoy making this quiche with me as we contribute to the creative energy of Spring!
Spring Equinox Quiche
1 1/4 Whole wheat pastry flour
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
8 Tablespoons (1 stick) of butter
1/4 cup Ice water (strain out the ice)
1. In your food processor combine the whole wheat flour and salt and pulse to combine. Or mix in bowl.
2. Cube the butter and add it to the food processor or bowl. Pulse 3-5 times or cut the butter into the flour with 2 knives or a pastry cutter until mixture resembles coarse crumbs.
3. Pour in the ice water and pulse or mix gently until there are tiny clumps of dough and dough sticks together when pinched.
4. Pour it out into a bowl and use your hands to shape the dough into a ball, packing it together firmly. Place in a covered container and refrigerate the dough for at least one hour.
5. After the dough has chilled, roll it out until it reaches 10 inches in diameter. Let dough rest five minutes (this helps the gluten to relax).
6. Carefully drape the rolled pie crust over your pie pan and press into the pan. Crimp the edges with your fingers or a fork.
7. Place in a preheated oven at 375 degrees for 10 minutes.8. Remove from oven and fill with appropriate filling
4 eggs
1 cup milk
1/2 cup or grated or crumbled cheese (I like goat cheese, cheddar, manchego, it depends on what vegetables I’m using, get creative!)
1 Tablespoon of butter or olive oil
1 medium onion chopped
2 handfuls of vegetables or greens chopped into bite size pieces
Herbs and spices of your choice (garlic, chives, nutmeg, or thyme all come to mind)
Salt and pepper to taste
- Preheat oven to 375 if it’s not already hot from pre-baking the pie crust
- Sauté’ the onions in your choice of oil and then add the veggies. Cook until the veggies are wilted. Add the spices at the end to infuse them into the vegetables.
- Beat 4 eggs in a large bowl and then add milk and cheese and salt and pepper.
- Add vegetables and stir.
- Pour into lightly baked homemade quiche crust or packaged crust of your choice
- Bake for 35-40 minutes until quiche is set (the eggs are cooked)
- Let cool for 15 minutes before serving. Can be served warm or at room temperature

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