This spring holds a little extra magic for me as several of my goats had the cutest, tiniest, sweetest kids you ever did see. The wonders of nature were on display as the moms quickly went into labor and had 2 little babes on the ground within 10 minutes and within 10 more the kids were standing, though a bit wobbly, and rooting around to find their mother’s teat. Sasha and Cassandra had their kids a few days apart and now all the kids are the best of friends. Hermes and Rhea are named after Greek Gods and Goddesses, just as their Mom Cassandra and Grandma Pandora and their sisters and brothers from a previous litter were. Ginger and Oreo were named by some children who came to visit the little goats when they were first born and it stuck.
Baby goats are probably one the of best ways to experience the joy of new life, as they exuberantly boing around without a care in the world within a day of being born.

Once the kids have grown a little and are eating solid food, around a few weeks to a month, I will separate them from their moms at night so I can milk in the morning before letting moms and kids spend the day together. This allows the kids to keep growing healthy and strong and I don’t have to bottle feed!
Once I start milking every morning I quickly have a lot of milk! My favorite thing to do with the fresh goat milk is to make soft goat cheese or yogurt and both can be accomplished by making yogurt first and then making yogurt cheese when I have too much yogurt. To make yogurt cheese just put the yogurt in a muslin bag and hang it above a bowl to capture the liquid whey. After 8 hours or so open the bag, add salt to taste and then drain a little more before putting in a container and refrigerating it. I love adding fresh herbs such as spring chives, rosemary or lovage to my cheese and serving with crackers or a good bread or crostini. Its a lovely contribution to a Spring Equinox feast.

And of course anytime there is new life it is wonderful to sing them a magical blessing such as Crow Lullaby. The way the Crows use the song with their children, grandchildren and other beloved young ones is to insert the little one’s name into the song. I am so in love with these lovely new spirits bouncing around my barnyard. This baby blessing song fits just right. Here are a few of the lyrics with our new baby goats’ names included.
Bless you, Hermes
music & lyrics © Alane Susan Brown (ASCAP) 2011
Welcome to life, full of delight
Bless you, Rhea
This blessing charm keeps you from harm
Oh, Ginger, how I love you
Oh, Oreo, how we love you
We hope you’ll use Crow Lullaby to bless whoever or whatever you cherish. You can hear the song and read the full lyrics on it’s song page. Enjoy the abundance and magic of Spring!

For more information about the Crow Women pagan choir, and access to all the blog posts by Melanie and the other 9 crowsingers who have written for Pagan Song, you can visit the Crow Women author page here on Pagan Song.
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