Ostara / Spring Equinox

We celebrate the waking of the land at spring equinox. It’s on March 20th in 2022. This is the time when Persephone returns from the underworld after spending the winter half of the year with Hades. Our song Persephone offers insight into how Persephone feels about that! For a lovely song about dancing with the Maiden Goddess of spring and reveling in the joys of the season of rebirth, listen to Dance of Spring.

Check out our Ostara playlist on Spotify

Posts about Spring Equinox / Ostara:

Spring Forward!

Well, here we are, dear readers. Spring has arrived and many of us are still a bit frozen from this harsh winter in both the natural world and the human realm. There are a lot of things that have failed to thrive over this winter, and we need to clear the...
drawing of a spring goddess

Spring – Starting Anew, Drawing from the Past

Well, Spring is here. It is more evident if you live in the South, but even here on the shores of Lake Erie there are signs.The buds are just beginning to show on the Maple tree in my backyard and the flowers are just beginning to show green leaves searching...

Bloom into Spring! Celebrating Ostara with Spring Equinox Music

As the season changes from winter to spring, the energies of the earth start to rise with new life. Ostara, the Spring Equinox, is the perfect time to embrace this energy and renew our own spirits. For pagans and Wiccans, it’s a time of balance where light and darkness are...
bee balm flowering in a pagan gardener's garden

Astrology for Spring, 2024

Welcome to Spring! After a long, crazy winter, with wild weather all over the world, may we finally come to a calmer period. Well, at least in the weather forecast! The season begins at March 19, 2024, 9:06:22 PM MDT. The Sun has just moved into the 6th house, having...
snowdrops in spring

Spring is Returning!

Out here in Maryland where I live, Spring has definitely returned, with the red buds bursting forth from the twigs and branches of the tree in my front yard that I can see from my home office window.  As I drove from Maryland to Virginia, where I currently do palm...

Astrology for Spring, 2023

Greetings to Spring! After the wild ride many have had in the last few weeks, a new beginning would be welcome! Of course, the year is always a continuous loop, one season feeding into the next, the ups and downs of the planets are often on a different track from...

Spring in a Land Down Under

The traditional date in Australia for Imbolc is the 1st of August and Spring Equinox/Ostara is the 23rd of September. We are coming to the time of the year for new beginnings and a time of balance and I find myself meditating on what I will bring into my life...
persephone puppet

A Theatrical Ostara Ritual

Looking for ideas for your Spring Equinox ritual? Look no further, for today I’ll share the Crow Women’s rather theatrical Ostara ritual, complete with the script for a fun little play to perform in the midst of the ritual. And, of course, there are lots of pagan chants in the...

Aphrodite Rising: Spring Fever

As we enter a new season, I welcome the bold green of the grass underfoot at the park; the sense of possibility and change inherent in a fresh start. I want to embody the Divine, and treat my body as a temple of Aphrodite; to integrate the sacred arts of...
A stone rabbit surrounded by dandelions.

New Beginnings Ritual

Welcome to the new earth. Rabbits have introduced a new super virus to the human race, and we will now take over as the new highest life form of the planet. Prepare ye, Homo Sapiens, for a world of banana dreams and carrot juice wishes! Mwa ha ha ha! April...
goddess figures on nature background

The Muse in the Garden of Dreams

I seek to explore the realms where magick and art intertwine.  This ritual is designed to help your creativity flourish and bloom. The Spring Equinox, season of rebirth, is the perfect time to focus on your magickal workings and creative dreams for the growing year. This is the moment to...

Awakening to Spring!

In what ways does spring bring about awakening in you?  Do you clean your house? Can you see into some dark corners you have been avoiding?  Do you sift through dead leaves to find new shoots of plant beings in your yard? In this blog, I’ll explore my recent musings...

Spring Equinox with Goats

This spring holds a little extra magic for me as several of my goats had the cutest, tiniest, sweetest kids you ever did see. The wonders of nature were on display as the moms quickly went into labor and had 2 little babes on the ground within 10 minutes and...
Close up of Dandelions

Spring Treats for Rabbits and Humans

And the wheel turns to springand the wheel turns to spring I got to hear that Crow song (Dance of Spring) frequently over the past year.  It took a lot of rehearsal.  Of course my human Mom would prance around the house singing “And the bunny turns to spring!” because she is...

Spring is a’ Bloomin’

Ah spring, the time when everything seems new and possibilities are endless. Spring has always been my favorite time of year, with the summer stretching out in front of me, and all the plansall the stuff I’m going to do and get done! As I sit here now, looking at...
The Croestara Rabbit demands your attention.

A Message from the Crostara Rabbit

It’s finally my favorite time of year and the only time you humans really pay attention to rabbits.  And you will pay attention.  I recognize your favorite bra, and I will find it in the laundry and chew it to smithereens if you don’t. Ostara, or Spring Equinox is the holiest of...

Spring Equinox Quiche

It is spring in California and though we are still getting colder nights and days of rain, the days are getting longer and the chickens are responding by laying eggs again. Unlike in factory farms where lights keep the hens laying year round, my chickens take a break around winter...


I was just my mother’s daughter. You may think that being the daughter of a goddess is all frolicking and flower picking and ambrosia and harps.  Okay, it is all that. And it’s living life in the shadows—someone else’s shadow at that.  A big, fat, Olympian, grain-filled, fertile shadow. I couldn’t exactly say...