Summer Solstice / Litha

Summer Solstice is also known as Litha. It’s on June 20th in 2020 and 2021. Our song Celebrate Summer depicts pagans greeting the solstice dawn, then enjoying dancing and drumming throughout the longest day. We live in the Southwest United States, where summer is dry and hot until the monsoons bring the blessed thunderstorms. Our song Bring the Rain is a prayer to the Goddess of the Rain to bring the much-needed storms.

Check out our Summer Solstice playlist on Spotify

Posts about Summer Solstice / Litha:

Summer Solstice recollections

“It’s Summertime, Summertime, Sum-Sum-Summertime”  We have traveled halfway around the Wheel from Yule , and the Sun stands still once again. We experience the longest day, the shortest night, the brightness and the fullness of the start of our season of summer. We celebrate the life-giving, life-affirming, life-abundant time of...

Summer Solstice salad

The days are growing longer and hotter as we arrive at the longest day of the year. The natural world is busy and bright with bees collecting the succulent nectar of flowers. The Crow Women have a number of songs to honor the Summer Solstice including Suncycle on Crow Magic...