Photo by micheile henderson on Unsplash

Instructions for Your Patreon Introduction

I re-post all of our blog posts onto Pagan Song’s Patreon. They show up a few days later, for patrons who might not have read your post when it first was published. I’d like a little blurb from you to introduce the Patreon re-post of your article. This is a short paragraph where you say something directly to our patrons. That way, they get something exclusive from you that the general non-patron blog readers don’t get to see. 

I am asking all the writers to provide me with a Patreon introduction when they submit blog posts. I appreciate your help with this. Just email it to me or send it through Messenger on FaceBook.

Some options

  • something you wish for the readers or something you’d like to urge them to do
  • why you chose this topic / how you got inspired to write about this
  • a little glimpse into what you’re up to in your personal or musical life right now, that’s related to the article topic.
  • one more tidbit that didn’t get into the article, that’s offered just to our supporters. Maybe something funny or poignant or personal.

Pagan Song fundraising through Patreon

You’ll notice that I have a “call to action” at the bottom of your posts (and all posts these days) that invites readers to become patrons. That has been working. The Patreon income stream is gradually increasing and now covers about 70% of the cost of paying bloggers for their articles. Part of what makes being a patron attractive is these little love notes from you, the writers, to the patrons. I hope to get to where the Patreon income stream completely covers the writer payments, and eventually to where I can increase the writer payment to more than the current $25.

Your help with giving me a patron message for every post you write will help me reach that goal.

Our Patreon Love Notes

Here are all the Patreon notes since I began doing this in spring, 2023. I hope these examples give you ideas for what you might say in your own introduction note. All I need is 1-3 sentences, about 50 words. Some people have chosen to write something longer, but all that’s expected is a short paragraph.

Jenna Greene, March 30, 2023, Beyond Your Comfort Zone, part 3

“I wrote this series on the Dark Goddess because shadow work has brought me deep healing.  I hope readers will enjoy delving into the lore and wisdom of these dark archetypes and find healing and inspiration as well.”

Mama Gina, April 6, 2023, The Bardic Path – Elevating the Mundane

“I wish to inspire others to explore their own creativity as an expression of their Soul. Honoring the magic underlying even the most “mundane” tool or action for our art, I believe, makes us better vessels to express our Divinity. I hope you are inspired to try on this perspective.”

Kira Lang of Spiral Rhythm, April 13, 2023, Music in Ritual

“I decided to write about using music in ritual because I have always felt a deep spiritual connection through music & dance and wanted to share the inspirational way that Kerri & Jon approach ritual – Kira Lang, writing for Spiral Rhythm”

Brian Henke, April 20, 2023, Spellcasting with Music

“As I’m out on the road going from one magical gig to the next, writing or recording, I think it’s important to share with everyone what it is I do and am doing and…why I do it….”

Alexian, April 27, 2023, Celebrating Beltane with Pagan Music

“During the time when I was writing the article, not only was I preparing for my own coven’s celebration, complete with Maypole, but it also gave me the chance to think back over the past 35 years and remember all the good times shared with fellow Coveners, friends, and family.  I have many stories to tell.  The next time you see me in person, ask me to tell you one, and if you offer a mug of mead, you may get 2 or 3!  Happy Beltane!”

Louis Garou, May 4, 2023, Ain’t Dead Yet

“Krista and I played Saturday and Sunday at ‘Enchanted!’  Both times I sang it, I fought back tears.  I love this song. It was gifted to me at exactly the right time in my life. To me it captured the loss I felt.  But it showed me my life was far from over, that “I Ain’t Dead Yet.”

Ginger Ackley, May 11, 2023, The Promise

“It really makes my heart smile to be able to share “The Promise” with you and finally tell the story of how it came to be written!  There is a deep beauty in knowing that Love flows throughout one’s whole life.  Like a river, it flows around the hard times and brings joy when it is least expected!  May you experience all the Loves of your life!”

Marilyn Leftwich of Crow Women, May 18, 2023, The Great Tarot Giveaway

“In giving away Tarot cards, I found a lot of enjoyment, and even spiritual purpose!  It made me wonder about giving away other things in my life~  for instance, I have so many magical objects that have been gifted to me, or that I have obtained, or even made.  My Magic Cabinet and Altar are pretty full, but I have not wanted to throw anything away. So, maybe my next move can be to carry these things with me- crystals, poems, beaded objects, Coven craft items…  and leave them in conspicuous places. And, maybe I’ll leave a little note with my best wishes and blessings for whoever finds them! “

Arthur Hinds, May 25, 2023, Chanting the Night Fantastic

“I chose to share my thoughts with you because I believe in the power of words to free and empower. I hope you find the inherent rhythm of their dancing syllables a key to creating a fuller spiritual life.”

Alexander James Adams, June 1, 2023, Magic, Music and the Movements They Make

“Since the writing of this blog entry and release of referenced songs on YouTube, I have received several notes from folk who really needed to read and hear this. All I can say is that I know this world looks scary right now, but with the Will and Word of Magic and Music, we can change things for the better. I believe in all of you. Believe in yourselves with me, and it will be done. Blessings!”

Jon Deer, resident astrologer, June 8, 2023, Astrology for Summer 2023

“I have been studying astrology for over 45 years now, fascinated by the constant correlation between the dance of the planets and life. The column I write here is a pale comparison. Individual lives are unique and need a separate reading but a general column can be hopefully an inspiration to look into it further. It is an amazing journey!”

Chris Bingham of B.P.O & Gaia Consort, June 15, 2023, Squinting at the Sun

“Through the 90s and oughts, Gaia Consort worked at connecting people with the natural world, through music, hoping to change our culture.  “Solstice Call” was one of the tunes that people really liked, it seemed at the time. Did we manage to bring joy and earthiness, or was it a tiny splash  of paint on a big mural?  What defines success? Maybe we helped a little. Maybe that’s enough?”

Deb Nielsen of Crow Women, June 22, 2023, The Witch’s Path

“When I started to write this post, I was wondering about all the many ways folks might come to a pagan spiritual path. I was able to talk to women from 3 generations about their pathfinding. I used a set of questions to start the process and the stories took off from there! Here are the questions I used. Feel free to reflect on them, answer or share them with others! 1) When did you become aware of witchcraft, or pagan spirituality? 2) What experiences helped you see/ feel/ understand your connection to this spiritual way? 3) Was there any art, poetry, music that was part of your awakening or early journey as a witch? 4) What did you read? Who were your teachers? 5) What are some experiences that you recall strongly from your early days on the Wiccan path? 6) What guidance or resources would you want to share with others who may be seeking a path to spirituality through Wicca or pagan ways? 7) Add any recollections or inspiration you would share, anonymously if you like.”

Adrienne Piggot of Spiral Dance, June 29, 2023, “The English Ale” in an Australian Landscape

“The English Ale is a seasonal celebration in the hills near where I live in Australia. We incorporate beloved spring customs from the UK into our winter festival, and I wanted to share why we do, and to bring you along on the experience in words and photos and video. It’s one of the highlights of my year.”

Alane Brown of the Crow Women, July 6, 2023, The Red Album: Crow Women’s Story

“Our song for The Red Album was actually one of the most complicated songs we’ve ever recorded. I didn’t actually include it in the article, but I’ll tell you confidentially that the throng of women you hear is actually the six Crow Women, then those same singers recording the choral parts singing harmony, and then the same six singers singing those parts more emphatically. Suddenly, there are 18 of us. Mixing that was complex. Our sound engineer sighed pointedly many times and kept losing overdub tracks in that sprawling ProTools (recording software) session. And that’s why this was also the most expensive single track we’ve ever recorded. Usually, we’d make that money back on sales, but in this case all sales income is going to nonprofits who work for reproductive choice. So, it was also the biggest financial gift the Crowz have made. And it’s all worth it. I think it’s the most significant thing we’ve ever done.”

Melanie Rose of Crow Women, July 13, 2023, Be a Sex Positive Pagan

“Sex positivity is near and dear to my heart and I am so excited to be sharing my thoughts with all of you. This particular blog post comes out of material I am putting together for a tabletop role playing game I’m creating, Mythic Creatures for a Sexual Revolution! I wanted to create a fun way to practice working through hang ups and strategizing how to be a better ally and lover without all the baggage and triggers that come with our real lives and I didn’t see anything out there that incorporated sex into a RPG in the way that I wanted to do it. Stay tuned for more on that in the future! The suggestions about how to be sex positive come out of my experience with non-violent communication, sex positive/open relationship community in the San Francisco Bay Area and my training as a sex therapist. Enjoy!”

Mama Gina, July 20, 2023, Pagan Music for Protest and Activism

“To dare,” is one of the four cornerstones of my magical, spiritual practice. “To know, to will” and “to be silent” are the other three, and I have long incorporated these three aspects into my daily walk. It has taken nearly six decades for me to begin to Dare, to speak out publicly, to risk raising my voice, and to discover the absolute freedom that arises when I do so. I encourage you to take this risk as you are able. Speak for those without a voice. Sing your passion.”

Alexian, July 27, 2023, Harvesting Harmony: Lammas Inspired Pagan Music

“It was a pleasure researching the newer music for this blog post, which I’ve filled with songs that we’ve used in my coven for years, but also new recordings that moved me to tears, especially the version of John Barleycorn by Sam Lee and  August by Anuna.  They are so powerful that we have decided to incorporate them into our own coven’s Lughnasadh ritual this year by playing them in the background.  Before every coven Sabbat, we have someone explain the season and the symbolism of the ritual before we cast the circle.  We’ve decided to play John Barleycorn by Sam Lee after the explanation but before the circle is cast, thus setting the mood.  August will be played right after the drawing down of the Goddess into the High Priestess.  We look forward to many more years ahead listening to these songs and making them part of our yearly Lughnasadh celebration, along with long time favorites like “Horned One, Lover, Son” by Deborah and Rick Hamouris.  May your harvest be plentiful and bright!  Blessed Be!  Alexian  :)”

Brian Henke, August 3, 2023, Time, Space and Love

“As I am getting ready to head out for yet another amazing magical festival I want to take a break to talk a little bit about my own relationship with time. I know for certain I have been here on Earth for many lifetimes and that this was not always my home… Being here with all of you on this beautiful planet Gaia is one of the Universe’s very best schoolhouses and I too am here to learn how better to love. My music is my own way of expressing the divine. The true meaning of forever and how I feel about it all. There is magic in everything…The mundane is only mundane if we perceive it to be… There are so many more stars than there are heartbeats for every person who has ever lived on Earth or will ever be. Please listen. Listen to the sounds of your hearts as they beat and listen and dance to the songs of the Earth and Stars… There is so much more magic and love in the Universe than what any of us can possibly ever imagine…. Please listen…”

Krista Chapman Green, August 10, 2023, The First Harvest

“My hope is that my song “Cages” encourages others to sit down with old ghosts and memories and finally let them go. We are all worthy of a full and loving life, even if our pasts don’t look that way. This song will always be a personal anthem for me. A message to myself and to others, of my own growth and forgiveness. Forgiveness of myself and letting all that’s in the past go. Once the cage door opens, you are free to fly, and only you can determine the heights of which you are capable. Blessing and love to you all, Krista”

Kira Lang of Spiral Rhythm, August 17, 2023, The Red Album: Chant, Song & Rap

“Sometimes I get so overwhelmed with the mundane that I forget life is a gift.  The best way for me to nourish that gift is by connecting with others and making a positive impact in the lives of others. Sometimes it’s little things, a smile or a helping hand.  Sometimes it’s something bigger, like helping at a soup kitchen or buying The Red Album…..wink wink.  It has been a privilege to donate a song, work as a volunteer, and perform with other artists for a fabulous cause.”

Alane of Crow Women, August 24, 2023, Cast a Spell on Doubt

“I wrote an earlier version of this post in 2010, right when I did that first spell on my own doubt about being a writer. I wanted to update it to 2023 to show how effective that little spell was in keeping me moving toward my dreams. I hope you use these ideas. My hope for Pagan Song is that it be a practical resource for readers, so it pleases me when we can offer ideas for magic that matters. If you cast a spell on your doubt, be sure to let me know how it turns out!”

Phil Kessler of “The Mess”, August 31, 2023, If You Can’t Laugh, You’re Doing It Wrong

“They say laughter is good for the spirit. I believe that. And I believe if you can’t laugh at things you aren’t living your life to the fullest. In this piece, I share some of the Pagan music that can turn that frown into a smile and help you not to take everything so seriously… even the most serious of things can be laughed at. Eventually.”

Alexander James Adams, September 7, 2023, Harvesting Magic and Music

“It’s time to go out into the fields and take stock of what we all planted this year. I hope, Dear Patrons, that your harvest is full, healthy and strong. This season’s blog is written with the intention of bringing validation and comfort to you in what seems to have been a harsh blue moon during a retrograde with stern Saturn overlooking it all. Not perhaps the easiest of harvests, but still of good value. Making the best of a hard situation is what we Pagans can do best and I send you all my love and well wishes for the coming turns of Nature’s great wheel. May Magic and Music be Yours!”  -Alec

Jon Deer, resident astrologer, Sept 14, 2023, Astrology for Autumn, 2023

“Autumn Blessings to all our Patrons! May the energy of the season lift you up. May this harvest fill you with nourishment for your souls as well as your bodies. May the energy of the coming eclipse enlighten you and show you a path worth taking. Remember, that which is given freely returns to us three-fold, and rarely more so than this coming season. I do truly thank you for being here. Your generosity gives life and I thank you for that.” Blessed Be, Jon Deer, Pagan Song’s resident astrologer

Ariana Lightingstorm of KIVA, Sept 21, 2023, Autumn’s Twilight

“Dear supporters of pagan music! Autumn is my favorite season and was the time of year that I was born. I grew up around lots of beautiful trees which dropped a LOT of leaves. The picture in this post of the 2 young girls jumping in the pile of leaves was taken by my father (an amateur photographer) and those girls were myself at about 12 and my sister at approximately 6 years old. When I put the picture in my Autumn’s Twilight picture video I noticed that there seems to be an aura around me. It’s likely just an artifact of the way the focus worked but it’s kind of cool. That yard and the house we were in front of was where I sat in my room with its huge window and watched the storms with their beautiful lightning shows traveling through our area and the back yard was where I pretended to make potions, made friends with the trees, and talked about my youthful troubles to the moon. That neighborhood was where I stayed up late enough one night to watch a full eclipse of the moon and saw how it looked like a bonfire in the sky when fully eclipsed. I met my first spiritual circle of friends in high school while living in that house. This song has a lot of nostalgia for me as I experience summer extending well into the Autumn season year after year. As I look out of my window while writing this, the color of the light is definitely Autumn right now but the temperatures and humidity in the air here in Maryland feel more like the tropics. I have been blessed to have talented and spiritually inclined musicians join me in this journey and in my passion to share my connection to the divine all around us with those who hear my music and who come to our concerts to experience KIVA in person. I hope you enjoyed my meandering story about my music and a bit about me and how I came to be doing this strange and wonderful thing I get to do. Blessings, Ariana Lightningstorm (of KIVA) – Autumn of 2023”

Ginger Ackley, Sept 29, 2023, Dancing With the Child Goddess

“I know that you can tell that making music for our Pagan Children is very important to me! Part of dancing with the Child Goddess was accepting the persona of Posie the Flower Pixie. She emerges at festivals to engage the Divine Child in everyone! Keep our younglings in your thoughts whenever YOU are creating, too!”

Lone Wolf, October 5, 2023, IPR: Pagan Music on Internet Radio

author did not provide a Patreon message

Chris Bingham of B.P.O & Gaia Consort, June 15, 2023, Poly and Pagan: When Worlds Dovetail

“It was a joy to write about looking back over a long life, and being happy to have been blessed with many lovers. Our lives have been rich in connection, and love. If I could bottle the stuff that makes this work, I’d give it to everyone I see. Maybe some of our experience will ring true for you – I hope so! I’m in the middle of  recording a new tune called “Hang Up Your Body” – it’s like nothing I’ve done in the past, with Miles Davis style muted horns and Bhangra drumming! I’m also  about to release another that is a remake of a song I released in the 90s called “Ritzville”. Watch the blog for details as things get out. You help keep the world view, and the music, alive by being a patron of Pagan Song! Love to all, Chrisb”

Louis Garou, October 19, 2023, A Tragic Tale: When Choice is Gone

I wrote “Nothing Holy but the Blood” out of outrage at what the “less than supreme court” had done and my desire to do something positive for women caught up in this evil and deadly situation. The money we, the Red Album artists, are raising as a group makes a difference in their lives. Thank you so much for your help and support. The battle for women’s reproductive rights continues.

Alexian, October 26, 2023, Honoring the Ancestors with Your Voice

“As I sat down to write this Samhain seasonal post for the PaganSong blog, I found myself immersed in a wave of nostalgia. With over 35 years of celebrating Samhain within a sacred circle, memories flooded my mind. The journey down memory lane was both joyous and bittersweet. Old songs, new songs, and even my own compositions danced before my eyes, making it a challenge to select just a few for this post. Reflecting on the past, I was transported back to the vibrant Boston community during my college years, where we celebrated the cycles of the seasons together. Fond recollections also resurfaced from the early years of my own Twisted Oak coven hosting sabbat rituals for the local Orlando community. Cherished memories of Twisted Oak coven’s private rituals honoring the ancestors and mourning family members who had recently passed through the veil also passed through my mind.  Using your voice to honor your ancestors is a powerful way to keep their memories alive.  Join me as I share songs to help you do just that, in my blog post “Honoring the Ancestors with Your Voice”.  Happy final harvest of the year!  Blessed Be!  -Alexian”

George Nicholas, November 2, 2023, The Third Harvest and Beyond

“Greetings and blessings to all… Just a few words as to the origin and inspiration leading up to the creation of my song “For Those Who Brought Us Here”. It was an earnest attempt to deliver reverence and honour to all those that have gone before, to all those that are responsible for the aggregates and pathways that we build upon in our lives today. I find it fascinating to witness the microscopic dance of the ancestors still there within our blood, our genes, and our DNA from the depths and mists of our earliest times. May it be that this divine dance remains pure and pristine, and is never compromised by modernity and today’s scientific ambitions.”

Lynda Millard, November 9, 2023, “Blessed Be”

“I have an inkling that fans and patrons of Pagan Song might relate to this song. The word ‘Pagan’ has so many different definitions for so many different people, as do the myriad of words associated with it. We bards are in a position to gently educate and dispel fear and disinformation, either consciously or subliminally. It is my hope that my words are always in service and healing to the soul.”

Mama Gina, November 16, 2023, 4 Reasons to Collaborate on Pagan Music

“Not kidding when I say I do what I love every single day. Even better, I get to collab with amazing musicians. Did you know that I recorded and mixed Meren King’s song Goddess Calling for The Red Album? I was so honored and stoked to use my new studio skills! You can listen to Meren’s incredible song and purchase here: – Mama Gina”

Krista Chapman Green, November 23, 2023, Thankfulness Without “Thanksgiving”

“A heartfelt thank you to everyone of you who support all of us on Pagan Song Blog by way of Patreon. It truly takes a village to make anything work and work successfully, with your help and support our village truly is a beautiful one! Till I see you down the road: “Blessings on your head, Pennies in your shoes, As above , so below, Until again, I’m there with you.” Kindness first, – Krista Chapman Green”

Brian Henke, November 30, 2023, Gratitude

author did not provide a Patreon message

Spiral Rhythm, December 7, 2023, Thinkin’ of You, making an album

“Pagan spirituality celebrates all aspects of life. Circling, spiraling in and out, celebrating birth, as well as death, and changes of the season. Spiral Rhythm has members on different paths, and in different places in our lives, yet we still come together as a family to create and share music.  Our album, Thinkin’ of You is a representation of all of the struggles we’ve been through in the past few years, as well as celebrating the continuation of the circle. We share these songs with the world in love and light.”

Jon Deer, December 14, 2023, Astrology for Winter, 2023

“Here’s my Seasonal Astrological post for the winter months. I want to say “thank you!” to all those talented and amazing artists who create the great music you have come to expect and love. An extra “thank you” to all the great Patreon subscribers who help make all this possible. And, “thank you” to all the people who put all this together! A wonderful winter to all!”

Alexander James Adams, December 21, 2023, The Magic of Solstice Music

“Blessed Solstice and Happy Holidays dear Patreons! I hope that my blog this season brings you joy and reassurance in Humanity. I know there are many who deserve coal this year, but it’s good to remember that there are more of us, than them. Keep the Sacred Fires burning and we will be reborn with the new Sun! Gods Bless Us, Everyone!”

Brian Henke, December 28, 2023, A Bridge of Darkness to a World of Light

“As the last Pagan Song blogger to publish a post in 2023, I would like to wish you a Happy, prosperous New Year full of love. I am so grateful for all of the amazing and wonderful people who I have been soooo very lucky to share time and my music with in 2023. As the days grow longer, here’s to hoping our individual spiral paths meet again in the new year!”

Sharon Knight, January 4, 2024, Invoking the Inner Sanctuary

“Hello there Pagansong Patrons! In this new year, I am wishing for you a deepening sense of interconnection; a knowledge that you are powerful and can shape your lives and your world, a community that values you, and a growing sense of hope that burns brightly in your heart. Times have been scary lately, but we have each other, we have our Gods, and we have our magic. We are resplendent in our ability to envision and enact a world that cares for one another.”

Marilyn Leftwich, January 11, 2024, Creating Your Altar

“I am grateful for the opportunity to write about the importance of altars in my spiritual life. There was a time several years ago when I was struggling with my current life situation and craved guidance. My altar became my refuge, and the majikal work that I did in the form of written spells was preserved on my altar with enormous intent and intensity. I called upon Hecate in particular as it was midwinter and I knew I was in the cave of my heart. My altar became my touchstone for guiding myself to a new beginning. These magical spells remain on my altar even now that The Goddess has blessed me with the new path I walk today.”

Chris Bingham, January 18, 2024, Co-evolution, writing, brains and magic

“In all my endeavors, I always find myself using the evolutionary lens, when I want to understand the world and my place in it. Lately, I’ve begun to really find awe in the writing – that something I can do, might affect people in the future, in a positive way, maybe even long after I’m gone. Helping Pagansong keep the writing going, is a way you can be an essential part of keeping the ideas alive. It’s as important as putting pen to paper, or voice to tape. Thank you for your generous support!”

Ginger Ackley, January 25, 2024, Breathing Out

“One of the greatest mysteries of spirituality is also one of the simplest!  Through my chant work, I have learned to connect to Spirit through creation – specifically through the Elements.  Learning to sing and dance with the Elements and their Elementals allows me to experience Deity as it is constantly manifest.  I know, too, that I can call upon the Elements when I need their special graces.  Wait – did all that sound too stuffy?  Sing and Dance…  No stuffiness required for a Spirit Rush!”

Alexian, February 1, 2024, Celebrating the Spark of Life at Imbolg

“As I sat down to write this blog post for Imbolg, my mind drifted back to the cherished memories of this season on the farm where I was raised in southern Missouri. I also recalled the experiences my husband and I shared in Ireland while visiting Brigid’s Well, not to mention the countless Imbolg celebrations I’ve had with my own coven over the past three plus decades. When I first started our coven Twisted Oak, finding music that perfectly encapsulated the essence of the Pagan celebration of Imbolg was like searching for a needle in a haystack. But oh, how times have changed! It fills my heart with warmth and joy to witness the incredible amount of wonderful music being created within the Pagan community each year. During every coven Imbolg celebration, as we gather for cakes and wine at the end of the ritual, I always pose a question to my Coveners: “In one word, what are you planting?” And now, I extend the same question to you. What seeds are you sowing in your life right now, with the hope of reaping a bountiful harvest later this year? Is it Love? Prosperity? Joy? Creativity? Take a moment to reflect upon this question as you dive into the music and words shared in this blog post. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the enchanting melodies and insightful musings that await you. May they inspire and uplift you on your own journey to find that “one word”. Happy Imbolg! Alexian”

Krista Chapman Green, February 8, 2024 February Freedom

“Many of us find comfort in the land we live on. That doesn’t always mean , a parcel of 500 hundred acres. Sometimes it’s the comfort of an apartment balcony or the stretch of expanse outside our windows. It’s a matter of mind really I suppose, not so much what that “land” is. I encourage everyone one of you to find peace and reconnection in what ever space you inhabit. Make it yours, and make it Holy. Fill it with plants or what ever things connect you to the dirt of this beautiful earth. Walk gently in that place. Find comfort in it and find yourself. I have a beautiful collection of leaves from both my land where I live and from the land I grew up on. They are reminders to me of my past and my present. From where I came and to the places I wish to go. I encourage you to grow something! Even in the smallest of spaces, a pothos can survive and thrive. As you watch this growth, remember you. too can grow. Thank you so much for sharing in my stories. For being part of my own personal growth, for traveling along these roads beside me. Our paths may not be the same and our journeys very different, but we can hold the light out to each other to help us on our way.”

Alane Crowomyn, February 15, 2024, Five Years of Pagan Song

“Hello patrons. It was a pleasure to share our story in this post. I’ve truly enjoyed managing the Pagan Song project. I love pagan music–listening to it, performing it, using it in rituals, and of course, writing about it. Working with all our bloggers is great fun. I feel like Grandmother Spider, in the center of a magical musical web. Just between you and me, there have been several times when I’ve seriously considered shutting down this project. It can be hard to do all the admin tasks every single week, no matter what else is going on. I’d love to have some help. If you or someone you know would enjoy helping to keep the fire going under this cauldron of creativity, please let me know. Most importantly, I want to sincerely thank you, our supporters, for making all this possible. I use the Patreon income to pay the writers. In other words, you pay our writers, and musicians can use all the support they can get. Thanks for being our companion on this journey. Happy 5th Birthday to Pagan Song!”

Kira Lang for Spiral Rhythm, February 22, 2024, Embody the Divine: Sacred Dance

“In my teens hip hop and break dancing became popular, the US urban traditional dance of the people.  Though not spiritual in and of itself, it was a community dance of celebration and an important steppingstone for me personally.  It taught me joy in creating movement, expression of personal style and performing in front of my peers.  When I began learning belly dance and delved into the world of cultural dances, I came from a place of curiosity and fun. Hip hop has become one of the most successful dances ‘of the people’ encircling the globe and fusing many different traditions along the way.  This is my first performance of Hip hop / belly dance fusion:

Alexander James Adams, February 29, 2024, The Magic of Love is in Your Hands

“Spring is in the air and the land is stirring with new life and Perfect Love.  Awaken your heart to it and hold that love in both hands. Love Magic is an amazing power and it’s yours for the claiming. Let the Music & Magic resound in your soul and take a Leap in this special year towards self-empowerment with Perfect Truth and Love!”

Jon Deer, March 7, 2024, Astrology for Spring, 2024

“Hi, Patreon supporters! Jon Deer Crow here. Myself and everyone else here wish you the best of Spring Season! May your lives be filled with Joy and Love, and Song!”

Alexian, March 14, 2024, Bloom into Spring! Celebrating Ostara with Spring Equinox Music

“As Spring blooms and we welcome the warming light that draws us back outside into the renewing and balancing magick of nature, consider incorporating music into your nature walks, outside rituals, egg dyeing, and when planting your spring garden. Here are some ideas to get your playlist started!”

Mama Gina, March 21, 2024, Pagan Songwriters and Songs That Write Themselves

Question: During my 2016 hospitalization, Nine Toes the Bard and I wrote 6 songs in 6 days. One song wyrmed its way through multiple key changes and a chromatic descent over the bridge. Nine Toes had the musical knowledge to write it … I did not. What song was that? Answer: Somebody Slew the Draegone

Brian Henke, March 28, 2024 Spring – Starting Anew, Drawing from the Past

Recording this album has been quite a bit different than what people would imagine… Due to Covid restrictions I was limited in where and how I could record. Some tracks were recorded at Giraffe Studios in Hendersonville NC at the same time I was recording much of the CD “To the Faire”. Some was recorded at Bay Audio in the town I live in, Bay Village Ohio and some was recorded with Paul Ferrise in Finlayson MN. Some of the older songs from before Covid were recorded with Jay Bentoff at Dark Tree Studios in Cleveland Ohio. The few added vocal harmonies were recorded by people like Mama Gina Lamonte at her studio in Florida and sent via .wav file through email. All of it has been mixed via Zoom with Jay Bentoff. Please support the work of Pagan Song by becoming a part of Patreon…It is really awesome karma. -Brian Henke

Alane Crowomyn, April 4, 2024 Rehearsing with Kazoos

“Hello patrons. This week I shared my thoughts about how silly rehearsals can get when kazoo work is in the rehearsal plan. It seemed like a good topic for posting on April Fool’s Day week. Wishing you both mirth and reverance this spring!”

Molly Cawwoman, April 11, 2024 Making Art with The Green Man

“Music saves lives. All art, all creative work, is a conversation with the divine. Throughout my life, stories and art and music and poetry and theatre have been a lifeline for me. I hope you find inspiration, solace, and healing in my words. Many blessings.”

Ariana Lightningstorm, April 18, 2024 Aphrodite’s Flowers

“I hope your Beltaine is filled with life arising, passions increasing, vitality flowing and abundance of all good things! Thank you so much for your support!!”

George Nicholas, April 25, 2024 The Blessings of Beltane

Here’s a lovely greeting from George Nicholas, the author of our most recent blog post on Pagan Song. He made this video for you, the supporters of Pagan Song. (George did a video greeting)

Ginger Ackley, May 2, 2024 In The Dark, There Is A Spark

“Connecting to Spirit through the Elements as we experience them daily is a way of living that has been so joyful! The element of Fire became especially dear to me when I learned to dance with it – literally! I hope you find your path to inspiration and transformation!”

Louis Garou, May 9, 2024 Magic All Around Us

“Hello to Y’all, In this Spring Season, I hope everyone feels the magic all around them. “

Krista Chapman Greene, May 16, 2024 Altars of the Moon

“Thanks so much to each and every one of you, for continuing to follow along through our stories and songs. It means the world to all of us writers out here. Through the sharing of our stories comes the sharing of our lives, thank you for being part of that.”

Kira Lang of Spiral Rhythm, May 23, 2024 Drum Circle Magic

“While doing research for Drum Circle Magic I learned more about the area of Congo Square in New Orleans.  New Orleans was known as “Bulbancha,” meaning “place of many tongues,” as it was a port and trading hub for 40 diverse native peoples.  It was inhabited by the large Chitimacha nation for 1300 years and religious festivals were celebrated in the area. According to local lore, Congo Square was considered a sacred space, and many local people to this day drum in the area with that spirit in honor of the native peoples.”

Alexander James Adams, May 30, 2024 Music for the Magic Within

“As the summer rises in strength, so do we. Our heads and hearts are filled with plans and dreams that demand to be made real.  As we shake off the wet and cold, upon first observation, all these dreams and plans can seem overwhelming and thence, unachievable. Music has magical motivational properties and so, to cure such an occurrence, this author recommends finding the appropriate music and allowing it to take you on a brief journey into your imagination to revitalize you and bring you back to this realm ready to take on any challenge that your dreams might give you. I might even have a few suggestions of song. (insert smile and wink here).”

Brian Henke, June 6, 2024 “There Beneath the Stars” – Album Release!

Hello Patreon people! I have to tell you how amazing it feels to release this new album and continue working on the next! Thank you all for your support!!!

Jon DeerCrow, June 13, 2024 Astrology for Summer 2024

As always, thank you to all our wonderful patrons. You make this happen! Enjoy your sacred summer.

Alexian, June 20, 2024 The Sun in Pagan Beliefs and Practices

It’s always a pleasure to delve into the profound symbolism of the sun as a deity, and how we’ve blended the rich traditions of ancient cultures with our own coven’s practices. As I explore Ra’s majestic journeys, Helios’ daily chariot rides, and Sol’s relentless pursuit across the sky for this post, I couldn’t help but reflect on the powerful songs that have accompanied our own rituals over the many years. Every time we prepare for a sabbat, someone in our coven explains the season’s significance, symbolically bridging ancient wisdom with our modern practices. This year, as we celebrate the Sun’s peak at Midsummer, we’ll be incorporating these tales into our rituals. In this post, I’ve included a bunch of simple ways that you can honor and celebrate the power of the Sun God in your own life, even as a solitaire practitioner. I hope they bring you many joyous moments. May the light of the sun illuminate your path. Blessed Be! – Alexian

Meren King, June 27, 2024 The Wonder of Midsummer

Happy Summer to all of our Patrons! As we celebrate the height of the Oak King’s rule and the slow journey to the time of the Holly King, may we enjoy the lushness of our Mother Earth – from her verdant forests to the abundance growing in the fields and groves – and may we always be grateful for the wonder that is our home planet as she orbits our sun as our solar system spins through the galaxy, traveling through time and space on a journey into the future, and taking us with it. Thank you all for your generosity and continued support!

Deb Kroehwimwin, July 4, 2024 Spiritual New Zealand Journey

This post was inspired by a magickal journey on the South Island of New Zealand. One experience I couldn’t fit in the post was our beautiful time watching the Little Blue Penguins! It felt like we were behind the cameras on a David Attenborough adventure and it was heartwarming. Find out more at

Jenna Greene, July 11, 2024 Tower Moments

Thank you so much for supporting Pagan Song! By become a patron here, you have not only supported a wonderful blog but all of us Pagan musicians around the world! What’s best about being a patron is you get the inside scoop on things going on in the Pagan world! So here is a little inside info from me. I will be back to write a Samhain-themed blog for Pagan Song in October. I hope to include new songs from me. Well, new-old songs. Songwriting, to me, is my way of meditating. I’ve written hundreds of songs and chants over the years. Many I have long since forgotten about. Recently I found a treasure trove of songs I’d written over fifteen years ago. It felt like a younger, more hopeful version of me had gifted me with her youthful perspective. The old songs took on all new meanings. So, it is my hope to share some of those with you in October, along with my thoughts on that mystical time of year.

Wendy Rule, July 18, 2024 Meadowlark: Singing the Magic of the Land

Dear Patrons of Pagan Song. I hope that you enjoy my article about my latest album, Meadowlark, which is an ode to my home in the New Mexico countryside. It was my own Patreon community that supported me as I was creating this album, so I commend you for supporting Pagan Song, which is such an asset to the Pagan community. In this article I explore our relationship with land and home. I invite you to contemplate what ‘home’ means for you, and if there are ways that you can deepen your own relationship with the land on which you live. Blessings, Wendy 

Ginger Ackley, July 25, 2024 Water… Calling Water! Water… We are Water!

Water is the Element I have always felt closest to!  It is also an Element that is under the gun, as it were, between pollution and misuse.  I hope that this piece will bring you closer to Water and that you will help protect this beautiful Element, resource and friend!

Alane Crowomyn, August 1, 2024 Coming Soon…New Crow Women Album!

Alane here, this site’s webmistress, and more importantly, a member of the band Crow Women. We have a new album almost ready for you! It’s called Pantheon, because all the songs relate to goddess or god or other sacred being. We have some wonderful new material. We started on this project in 2019. We were slowed down by the pandemic, but then we picked up steam and the album will be released soon, in the autumn of 2024. The album has 21 tracks. Most of them have been sponsored, but there are some terrific tracks remaining, in case you want to swap a little of your financial support for our undying gratitude and some extra perks.

Mama Gina, August 8, 2024 A Pagan Artist in Residency

Hey Everyone! This is Mama Gina. I am home two days from a long, HOT, summer tour, and I am already looking forward to my Artist Residency in Belle, MO. I have six weeks to get ready! Just enough time to update software, inventory and pack my whole studio. Wish me love and luck. I will keep you posted on my journey! Have a beautiful August.

Alane Brown, August 15, 2024 Look Up from your Phone!

“In my post, I describe my steps during the week I wrote “Look Up From Your Phone”. But, dear patrons, I’ll tell you one more thing that didn’t make it into the post. As I practiced the song over the following weeks, it developed more. In the original song, I used ‘second person’. The chorus says “look up from your phone, look up everyone…” But then I make the point, “all you control is what you youself do.” I decided to walk that talk. In the last section of the song, I pivot to ‘first person’ in the last bridge, and then for the final chorus I sing “I’ll look up from my phone–look at everyone”. I like giving myself that good advice. My most powerful sphere of influence is myself. Singing this song reminds me of that, and to look up from my phone!” -Alane Brown

Krista Chapman Green, August 22, 2024 Changes

author did not provide a Patreon message

Alexander James Adams, August 29, 2024, Hearth & Home Magic and the Music It Makes

Dear Pagan Song Patreons – This quarter’s blog is for all the folx who have moved or are moving and suffering the stresses of loss and gain, friends and strangers, known and unknown. I am embarking on this adventure as I write, and thought to offer advice for finding the magical power needed to keep on keeping on and literally moving forward into a new chapter of life. Blessings and Safe Adventures – Alexander James Adams

Brian Henke, September 5, 2024, Moving On, Moving Out and Moving In

To all of my beautiful friends at Patreon who not only support this page and the stories and music that go with it, but also those of you the help keep me from ever having to say “You want fries with that?” Thank, you. Thank you, Thank you….It was an honor to be asked to be invited to play something for the wedding/handfasting described in my post. Selena Fox officiated and it was held at PSG in 2016….Becca of Tuatha Dea sang harmony…..I actually gave them all a preview of the song right after I had written it in my hotel room at Caldera Fest in Georgia earlier that same year….I was concentrating on singing the right words, because I had only written it a few days before, so wasn’t watching to see anyones reaction….Kathy was in tears….

Jon DeerCrow, September 12, 2024, Astrology for Autumn, 2024

To all our Patreon subscribers. We all wish you a wonderful Autumn! May the glory of turning leaves bring extra joy to you! Thank you for your support.

Alexian, September 19, 2024, Embracing the Autumn Equinox: Harmony, Harvest, and Transformation

As the leaves turn golden and the air begins to carry a crispness, I invite you to join me in exploring the themes of harmony, harvest, and transformation in my latest blog post. Writing this piece allowed me to reflect on the balance and change that the Autumn Equinox brings. In the article I offer a smattering of music for the season as music plays a pivotal role in this magickal time, guiding us through transition and celebration. Your support is invaluable, and I hope this article offers you a moment of reflection and inspiration as we embrace this magickal season together. Blessed Be! – Alexian

Louis Garou, September 26, 2024, The Dance of the Already Dead

Hello, Sisters, Brothers, and Others, this a dark song for the dark season. We will be including it in our set at Nashville Pagan Pride Day, October 5th and at Enchanted! Metaphysical and Mystics Market in Conway, AR on November 16th and 17th. I hope you appreciate “Dance of the Already Dead…

Spiral Rhythm / Kira Lang, October 3, 2024, Sacred Instruments for Music & Magic

Isn’t it wonderful to surround yourself with the magic of the things we treasure.  My mothers favorite chair is warm a comfy so I still feel her hugs when she has moved on to her next existence.  My new purple guitar is waiting for me to stroke their strings so we can sing together. The magic of my favorite coffee mug helps me greet the day with excitement! the photographs that keep my little nephews shining eyes in my day though he lives far away. I hope you find the spirit and magic of the words written in these blog posts an inspiration for your magical life.  Thank you for being a patron of Pagan Song; Music for your Magic. -Kira Lang of Spiral Rhythm

Ariana Lightningstorm, October 10, 2024, Diana, the Hunter

Diana is, for me, one of my heart goddesses. She is wild and free and represents to me my younger days and also the independence of a goddess/woman who is not ruled by men. I feel that she is an excellent goddess to work with for our reproductive freedom and supporting feminine leadership. I have performed Diana at the NY Faerie Festival in recent years (in a lower key as my voice is not as high as it used to be) and it was very well received. I’ve been starting the song with another piece that is in my 2nd recording called Renewal. All of this acapella song’s parts were sung by me on the recording and is called Diana Fanfare. Blessings, Ariana Lightningstorm

Meren King, October 17, 2024, Transitions

“This past year I published an album called “Walking the Spiral: Songs from the Wheel of the Year”, with original music for each Sabbat of the Wheel of the Year, along with an spoken introduction for each song that reflected traditions and stories surrounding the reasons why we celebrate the seasonal changes that take us around the wheel of our year.  I wrote this song, “Transitions”, in observance of Samhain and for an online October Full Moon Circle that Circle Sanctuary out of Wisconsin holds on the Full Moon of each month.  Upon reflection of this time of year and the thinning of the veil, I thought of what my own personal journey might be when this human body finally sheds its mortal coil.  What really happens when our ethereal selves move on from this Earthly life?  Do we immediately go on to our next life? Do we “rest” and reflect before choosing our next pathway, or are we incorporated into the very starstuff from which we came?  What actually happens to our soul, our spirit, the essence of us?  I don’t know for sure, but “Transitions” presents one possibility that I wouldn’t mind so much if it were true.”

Carole Crowwomyn, October 24, 2024, Garden Harvest Magic

“I’m pushing 80 years old. It was interesting to think back on what gardens have meant to me. I’ll tell you a secret–I don’t actually garden anymore. I accept the fruits of others’ labors though, even the excessive zucchinis. I’m glad you support this blog. I was a newspaper reporter for my small-town newspaper for many years, until the Corporate Overlords decided to shut us down. We weren’t profitable, probably because folks expect information to be free these days. And so you get the junk information that’s on the internet.  The same thing is happening to music. People expect to get it without paying. As a member of a band that’s produced 4 albums, I can tell you that music isn’t free. Your support pays all the Pagan Song musician/writers to create these articles, and you know they use the money to pay for what it costs to make more pagan music. For you, the pagan community. So, thanks for chipping in. You are appreciated.”

Jenna Greene, October 31, 2024, How To Turn Within at the Dark Time of Year

Thank you for supporting Pagan Song: Music for Your Magic’s Patreon!  It means a lot to all of us musicians in the community.   I hope you’ll enjoy my blog about Samhain, honoring Ancestors, and what it really means to “turn within.”  For years I heard that saying and never stopped to reflect upon it.  When I did, it became a vital part of my spiritual practices.  Blessings of the Dark Time! – Jenna Greene 

Ginger Ackley, November 7, 2024, All Earth’s Children Gotta Sing!

“Writing about the Element of Earth and singing her songs comes so naturally.  I am in that presence all the time!  Once I opened my heart to knowing the Earth as an Entity – and not just dirt – being aware of the environment was an easy step.  I try to always care for the Earth like she does for me.  It is truly all connected!”

George Nicholas of Cernunnos Rising, November 14, 2024, Last Tree Falling

In this video for our patrons, George Nicholas of the pagan band Cernunnos Rising tells a little more about the inspiration for his song “Last Tree Falling”. You can learn much more, and see a music video of the song, on his blog post on Pagan Song. (You can see George’s video in our Patreon feed.)

Krista Chapman Green, November 21, 2024, The Raven and the Wren

“Music is part of our lives every day. From our cars to the hallways and buildings we ramble through. Our homes and our lives all have a soundtrack. I am thankful everyday that I am able to share my music and the meaning behind it with others. I truly believe music is the language of the world, and piece by piece we can heal it together. Thank you so much for your continued patronage that allows us to share our songs and our stories.” ~Krista Chapman Green

Alexander James Adams, November 28, 2024, Empowerment of Magic through Music

“Happy Holidays, Dear Readers and Patreons! I wrote this current blog to guide and inspire any of you who may be feeling distress or anxiety due to the electoral outcome of this year. You are not alone. We are here, we are magical, and we are Legion! Breathe deep, sing from your heart, and teach your song to your tribe. When we are united, we are stronger than one!”

Brian Henke, December 5, 2024, The Winds of November

“For all of our amazing Patreon folks! Thanks so VERY, VERY much for you continuing support of this space and our music. YOU really make a difference! May the turning of the wheel from autumn into winter find you happy, healthy and prosperus.” -Brian

Jon DeerCrow, December 12, 2024, Astrology for Winter, 2024

As always, a million thanks to our patrons who make all this possible! A very blessed Yuletide to all!

Alexian, December 20, 2024, Aligning Your New Year’s Goals with Your Pagan Spirit

New Year, new intentions, new magick! Have you been craving a way to bring more focus and flow into your life? My latest Pagansong blog post dives deep into a magickal goal-setting “ritual” that’s been part of my practice for decades. Using the Priority Matrix, you’ll sort through what truly matters and infuse your plans with intentional energy. Plus, I share how the simple act of scheduling—yes, even showers and tea time—can turn your calendar into a powerful sacred tool! Whether you’re setting spiritual, personal, or practical goals, I’ll guide you step-by-step to craft your most meaningful year yet. Trust me, the combination of mindful planning and some tool suggestions are a game-changer. Grab your favorite drink, set the mood with some Celtic-inspired music, and join me in this transformative yearly “ritual”. Don’t forget to share your top goals in the comments—your dreams might just spark inspiration for a fellow seeker. Blessed be! ~Alexian

Laura Krowimn, January 9, 2025, A Song to Honor the Goddess Bast

“Recording my Dua Bast song came with some challenges. It was necessary to make a separate track for each of the four pitches in the drone part, plus another four for the key change. Then we had to sing through the chant several times for each of these eight pitches to make sure we had enough of it to pick out the best ones. So we probably sang through the chant around 25 or 30 times! Another challenge was that the pitches ranged from very low to very high. We started with all our voices on the lowest pitch and as we went higher, some of us dropped out until just the highest voices were on the last pitch. Then I recorded my two parts for the wordless chant that went on top of everything else. It was a lot of studio time, but I’m really pleased with the final result.”

Alane Brown, January 16, 2025, Be a Pagan Music Insider on Patreon

“Thanks for being here on the Pagan Song blog’s Patreon feed. Did you know that many of our musician/writers have their own individual Patreon pages, too? In this week’s post post, 4 of us (Wendy Rule, Mama Gina, Celia Farran and Alane Brown) share our experience with using Patreon. We tell you about some of what we offer, and why we use Patreon to stay connected with our friends and fans. We also give helpful inside tips in case you’re thinking of setting yourself up on Patreon. We hope you’ll click through and check out the blog post. It’s fun to hear these 4 voices, talking about Patreon in their own words. Links to each of our Patreon pages are in the post. All are worth checking out, and we’d love for you to join some of our individual Patreon communities. And thank you, again, for following Pagan Song here on Patreon.”

Jon DeerCrow, January 23, 2025 Astrology for Imbolc 2025

“Greetings to all our Patreon fans! We are so glad you are here. Of course, we hope you are doing well. Here in Albuquerque, New Mexico, it’s turned a bit cold, as in “You sure this isn’t Minnesota?” I lived there once a long time ago; “Spent a year in Minneapolis one winter”, I would tell people. But now I am in a Sun State, recuperating from a knee replacement surgery. I have the long, sexy scar across my knee to prove it! I hope all you out there are doing well and staying warm. Keep those knees safe and not strained.”

Celia Farran, January 30, 2025, Brigid Songs

“The Celtic Traditions run thru my veins and inspire me.  I love writing Bridget Songs.  And I love sharing them with you.  May Bright Bridget Blessings Shine on you and yours.” ~Celia

Tara Kreauweaumonn, February 6, 2025, Love and Compassion and Allyship

“Song for Jude” was one of the first songs I wrote as a Crow Women. It was inspired when I had the honor to stand witness to the transition of a dear friend. Our society really seems to want to put us in neat little boxes, and anyone who doesn’t fit in those boxes can be shunned, mistreated, or even killed. “Song for Jude” stands in defiance of those boxes, celebrating the messy, unique, wonderful, divine being that is each one of us. When I shared the song with Jude, he was so sweet and supportive and even asked me to perform it at a “Trans Day of Remembrance” in our community. It was such an honor, and it gave me confidence to keep trying my hand at composing and performing my own works. The next step on my journey was encouraged by my friend Tim Birchard, an incredible musician and fabulous person. With his help (including his spot-on bass backing and home studio), we captured “Song for Jude” for posterity and uploaded it to Bandcamp. You can check it out here: If the song resonates for you, please download it for free. Listen, sing it, share it with others. (Just give me credit, please J). If you have a chance to also check out Tim’s extensive oeuvre, you will not be sorry: As a coda to a blog post on love and compassion, I want to point out and celebrate the loving support musicians give to each other. While there are probably exceptions, I have found the circle of musicians (especially pagan and pagan-adjacent musicians) to be generous with their time, talent, and spirit. It is a beautiful example of what can happen when we set aside ego and lift each other up: we make transformational music together. Song for Jude (full lyrics) I am who I am / And you never can change me / You can force me to hide / Make me swallow my pride / But I will always be who I am (x2) / The Goddess didn’t make me in her image / The God isn’t written on my face / Yet I am divine / Fit and worthy and fine / And coming to stand in my place / I am where I am / This is where I’m meant to be / You can call me a freak / Question my sanity / But I will always be who I am (x2) / You may not want to understand me / You may not think I’m worth respect/ Yet you don’t define / What I am deep inside / I’m all I ever wanted to be / I am what I am / There’s many parts to me / There’s the ones you can see / And the ones you cannot / But each one makes me just who I am / I will always be who I am / I may wear a mask that’s made of courage / I fake it till I make it inside out / I try to be a person I can count on / But just like you I’m often full of doubt / I am who I am / And you never can change me / You can force me to hide / Make me swallow my pride / But I will always be who I am / I will always love who I am

Meren King, February 13, 2025, A Time of Rest, Renewal, and Letting Go

“Hello Patreon folks!  Thank you so much for support the Pagan Song Blog <3. When I originally wrote the poem “Meadow Awakens” for a Full Moon Circle that was starting to be held online at the beginning of the Covid19 Pandemic, I had no idea that it would be turned into a song just a few years later or that it would be part of a much larger album having to do with the turning of the Wheel of the Year.  As time progressed over 2020 and the ensuing years I began to write more songs for the Sabbats and Solstices and I eventually got the idea to create an album encompassing the songs for each Sabbat and Solstice on the Wheel of the Year, as well as introductory information for each one.  This led to a lot of time spent with my DAW (Digital Audio Workstation), guitar, midi keyboard, drums and other instruments, writing pad and many pens/pencils as I put together introductions for each Sabbat/Solstice and each song for these observances.  It was great fun at times, but also frustrating at times, as I knew What I wanted to share and celebrate but not always How. I already had some songs when I started the project (Yulesong, originally written in 2020, as well as Elen the Deer Mother, Spirals of Change, Welcome in the Spring, Autumn Harvest and Transitions, all written prior to the album idea and either published singly on my Bandcamp or held for publication once I started working with a producer – the amazing Gina LaMonte!), and I added songs as each sabbat and solstice came and went, until I had enough songs and introductions for a full year of celebration, observance and reverence.  I will probably be sharing more songs from the album in future blogs, but if you don’t want to wait for those you can go and check out “Walking the Spiral: Songs from the Wheel of the Year” at my Bandcamp ( ) and either purchase individual tracks and introductions, or you can have the whole thing for your listening pleasure either directly through the Bandcamp site, or you can purchase a CD that will be signed and mailed out to you for your collection, your choice!  Thank you again, Patrons, for your continued support of this blog and the artists who share their songs and stories within it.  Blessings of the coming Spring to you all!”