About Crow Women

Deb, Laura, Carole, Alane, Tara and Marilyn of the Crow Women

The Crow Women are a pagan choir that has been bringing Goddess-oriented sacred music to the pagan community for three decades. They are the coordinators and sponsors of the Pagan Song blog and website.

The Crow Women began as a women’s spirituality group in 1992. They are a Wiccan coven that is dedicated to the Goddess in all her forms, including her manifestation within each of us. Early on, they discovered that they are all highly musical. They incorporated chants into their rituals and delighted in elaborating them with harmony and other embellishments. As the beauty and complexity of their arrangements grew, they began to share their music with the pagan community. They have performed concerts at fesivals in the Southwest where they make their homes. They have performed at Dragonfest and Beltania in Colorado, and at Magical Moutain Mabon, Beltane Southwest and Albuqueruqe Pagan Pride in New Mexico.

Crow Women have released 4 albums. Their songs include chants for moon rituals, songs to the elements, for rites of passage and for all the Sabbats of the Wheel of the Year. The first album, Crow Goddess was a mix of covers and original music. The subsequent albums, Crow Magic, Seasons and Pantheon are all original compositions by members of the band. All of the Crow Women are priestess-songwriters. Most of the music began as music for their own rituals, and they are honored to offer that music to you to incorporate in your own rituals.

The Crow Women have led many chant workshops at pagan festivals and are available to lead live or online workshops for your event. They can tailor their workshops to the theme of your event. They have 25 years of experience in creating music workshops for any subject.

“How dare you try to limit the Goddess?
I am choice far beyond what governments control!”

The Crow Women are among 19 bands who have contributed a song to the pro-choice compilation The Red Album: Pagan Voices for Reproductive Rights. When asked about their song, How Dare You! they said; “We are both a pagan band and a feminist Wiccan coven. We wanted to express our grief and outrage at the loss of reproductive choice, and give voice to the Goddess as she pours out comfort and strength to support us in working to regain our rights.”   

Blog posts by the Crow Women on Pagan Song: Music for Your Magic

Glorious Muffins for Mabon

Mabon, the holiday of harvest feasting! When the “cakes and ale” moment comes in your celebration, pull out these glorious muffins for Mabon. It’s a...

Crow Women Initiation Rituals

Initiation rituals are one of our most important rites of passage. We Crow Women are a close, close sisterhood! We have been circling for over...

Hail to the Maidens!

While unpacking, I found this battered photograph of the Crow Women, and memories flooded back. In the picture we stand in front of the lake...
completed handkerchief doll

Handkerchief Doll Craft for Ritual

Come Autumn, the earth undresses, settles down and prepares to stretch out under a blanket of winter and rest. In this blog, we’ll make an easy...

Forming a New Pagan Circle: Group Development, Part 1

In this series of posts, we’ll take a journey through the stages of group development that all groups go through. A pagan circle is like...
Emmeline Pankhurst was already a crone when she led the women's suffrage movement in England.

Ancient Goddesses, Grandmothers and Crones

Another Ritual to Celebrate the Crone In my last post about Croning, I explained the importance of demarking this important life transition with ritual. (Go...

Art Therapy for Pagans: Self-Soothing Image Book

Healing is an art, and art is healing. You can harness the power of many art forms to support your well-being. Today I’ll share one...
filking Silent Night for pagans

Filking: Build a Pagan Yule Carol

The Crow Women songs that we put out for the world are original words and music, except for some of my songs. There are a...
A Beautiful Crone

Ritual to Celebrate the Crone: Ending Menopause

Crone. Hag. Witch. To modern pagans and wiccans, these are honorifics, not insults. A pagan woman spends her whole lifetime becoming a crone, and by...

Moon Goddess Magic: A Singing Ritual

Moon magic is one of my favorite types of magic! In this article, I’ll lay out a ritual I led for the Crow Women that...
American Tribal Style belly dancer playing her pills.

Thrills with Zills at the Fire Circle (Part 2)

In a previous post, I wrote about the why zills are an excellent choice for pagan fire circles. Let’s dig in a little deeper. The...
A view of the bunny's eye

Crow Women Rehearsals: A Bunny’s Eye View

Recently my human Mom left her computer within bunny reach so I started skimming the Crow Women website, mostly to find pictures of bunnies. As...

Sacred Art Surrounding my Home

In a previous blog, I’ve shared stories of the four main Elemental Altars that I created on the boundaries of the property where I live. ...

Thrills with Zills at the Fire Circle (Part 1)

It’s the ultimate dilemma. There you are at the fire circle, the fire beckoning. Your hips are shaking, toes tapping, you want to dance!!! But...

Planning a Lughnasadh Celebration

Any way you spell it, the first harvest sabbat of Lunasa is a time to celebrate what is coming to fruition in your life!  As...
Kitchen Goddess makes mead honey water being pured into carboy

Lughnassad plum mead

As Lughnassad approaches, I am excited to harvest my favorite fruit for mead making: wild plums. The fruit heavily loads down the branches of a...
wiccans blessing a feast

Chants for the Lammas Feast

The Wiccan holiday of Lammas is upon us, so let’s decide what to sing! Lammas is the first of the three harvest festivals celebrated by...
A woman blows bubbles, reflecting the nearby hummingbirds.

Devotion to the Element of Air: Air, Lift Me Up

As I believe we’ve already established, Crows have a close relationship with the elements. To become an elder Crow, one must have spent at least...

Pagan Music Tips: Planning a Rehearsal Period

Right now, the Crow Women are practicing for our concert at Covenant of the Goddess‘ annual meeting. The weekend gathering is called Merry Meet, and...
In the Womb of Our Mother by Carole McWilliams, pagan artist

Calling the Element of Earth: A Ritual

Deep down, deep into the earth my roots goDraw up Earth Mother power, she will help me growRise up, fill me, give me life, strengthen...
Murphy the canine familiar

Farewell, My Familiar-A Song for Ritual

Crow Magic was my first foray into recording with the Crow Women. Imagine my elation when our most prolific and arguably most talented songwriter Alane...

Party Games for Pagans: Fill in the Blank

I like to throw a party every quarter of the year for my pagan and like-minded friends. I usually include some kind of party game...
Roki's Words of Wisdom Regarding the Elements

Honoring the Rabbit Elements

By Roki the Crow Rabbit I like the Crow Women. They come over to my house and sing to me and tell me how cute...

Tarot: A Turn of the Cards

The Tarot are keys. Keys that allow us passage through the doorway of the mind, and entry into the territory of the spirit – the...

Elemental Altars Blessing My Home

Creating sacred spaces that reflect the environment where you live is a part of ecomancy: the magic of connection to place. I am fortunate to...

Ecomancy: Our Goddess of Water

The Crow Women began working with dedications to the elements many years ago, as explained in a previous post about this aspect of our priestess...

Summer Solstice recollections

“It’s Summertime, Summertime, Sum-Sum-Summertime”  We have traveled halfway around the Wheel from Yule , and the Sun stands still once again. We experience the longest...

Summer Solstice salad

The days are growing longer and hotter as we arrive at the longest day of the year. The natural world is busy and bright with...
moon over the desert

Goddess Moon

I was born under the Cancer sun sign, and have always felt a strong connection with the moon. I wrote the song “Goddess Moon” for...

The Five Elements in Magic and Song

The elements of air, fire, earth, water and spirit are central symbols in Wicca. Here on Pagan Song, we are excited to be launching a...

A Music Witch’s Most Useful Magickal Tool

As witches, many of us use magickal tools of some sort. From the practical everyday tools of a kitchen witch, to the arcane and complicated...

Pomona’s Promise Pear Mead

Today I had the pleasure of inventing a new recipe for mead with Sylvia, mead mistress extraordinaire. She had a lot of gallon bags of...

A Sex Goddess Ritual Using Recorded Music

Have you or someone you know ever uttered the words, “I’d like to have more music in my ritual, but I can’t sing”?  If so, you...

Tips for Improved Singing, Part 2

So glad that you, dear reader, are back again for more information on improving your singing skills! I am so sure that working on these...

Spirit Animal Chants: A Workshop

This past weekend at Ardantane, we went on a weekend-long musical journey. We explored many ways music expresses and enhances earth-based spirituality. Today’s post will...

Poking Fun at Witch Stereotypes

I’ve always been leery about religious or spiritual types who are unwilling to occasionally poke fun at their own beliefs and practices.  As Witches/Wiccans, we...

Tips for Improved Singing, part 1

As you know by now, the Crow Women are a women’s circle that is centered in Goddess spirituality and we are a pagan band that...

I Am the Kitchen of the Goddess

Happy Mother’s Day! Earth spirituality often depicts the earth as a mother: the source of nourishment, healing and comfort. From “give thanks to the Mother...
Close up of Dandelions

Spring Treats for Rabbits and Humans

And the wheel turns to springand the wheel turns to spring I got to hear that Crow song (Dance of Spring) frequently over the past...

In the Fire – Giving “It” up to Kali!

In the Fire is a movement song. It generates physical movement with its rhythm and spiritual movement with its message. Hindu Goddess Kali dances in...

Seasons: A Pagan Journey Around the Wheel

Happy Beltane! Today we release our third album! You can purchase it from us right here on this website! Here’s what band members have to...

A Healing Circle at Beltane

This post is dedicated to my crowsister Donna Pauline. Remembering you, the magic and the love. -“The Other Dona” Sister Dearest, I was thinking of...

Beltane Spirits Come!

I wrote the first couple of verses of Beltane Spirits Come to Us several years ago. Actually, they were what are now the last two...

Sexy Beltane Potion

Beltane is one of my favorite holidays. By May 1st springtime has really arrived, the flowers are bursting forth and joyful sexy energy is upon...

Pomegranate Port Mead

Welcome to the first installment of our series on brewing for pagan ceremonies. Our featured brewer this time is Sylvia, who showed me how to...

Home Improvement Magick

For many pagans (and nonpagans!) our homes are our sanctuaries. They are where we spend of much our mundane life, as well as where we...

3 Tips for Catching a Song

So, you’d like to write a song. Here are just a few tips to get you going. 1. Sing to your pet, plant or baby...

Stone Circle becomes a song!

There is Majik in the earth! In the growing things as well as the inert aspects of landscape. Some believe that even rocks and stones...

I Am Warrior Woman

I wrote Warrior Woman in January 2017 to go with a women’s empowerment ritual that I would priestess, part of my emotional response to the...
pagan drums

A Weekend of Pagan Song

Want to spend a weekend immersing yourself in pagan music? A chance to soak in a creative cauldron of song is coming up May 17...

Spring is a’ Bloomin’

Ah spring, the time when everything seems new and possibilities are endless. Spring has always been my favorite time of year, with the summer stretching...
The Croestara Rabbit demands your attention.

A Message from the Crostara Rabbit

It’s finally my favorite time of year and the only time you humans really pay attention to rabbits.  And you will pay attention.  I recognize your favorite...

Spring Equinox Quiche

It is spring in California and though we are still getting colder nights and days of rain, the days are getting longer and the chickens...

Album 3 Title Revealed!

The Crow Women have been in the recording studio on and off for the past 10 months, working on our upcoming new album. Our previous...

Cover Art for our Next Album

I have a small drawer where I keep Crow Women-related papers and other items. In early 2018, it was getting way too full and needed...


I was just my mother’s daughter. You may think that being the daughter of a goddess is all frolicking and flower picking and ambrosia and...

Candle Flame, part 2

In hopes that you, dear reader, may be inspired to incorporate this song into some of your ritual work, I am sharing some thoughts about...

The Law of Three

I wrote the song that is the opening track on the Crow Women’s second album, Crow Magic. It’s titled The Law of Three. It’s a...

Donate on GoFundMe and help album 3 come to life!

First and foremost, the Crow Women are a Wiccan coven. We are a sisterhood that celebrates the Goddess and our earth-based spirituality with music (and...

Candle Flame, part 1

This post, part 1 of the Candle Flame series, describes Marilyn’s experience in writing the song Candle Flame. Part 2 will explore ways you can...